O My Soul – Psalm 42-43 We are all depressed at times “The Dark Night of the Soul” (Mystic Stages) a. The trigger b. The flame awakens c. The Enveloping Darkness d. Emotional turmoil e. Reintegration period f. Gaining Equilibrium g. Spiritual Awakening There are many responses to spiritual de …
John 19:31-37 The word “witness” in the Bible is related to the word martyr A martyr is a person who is put to death or endures great suffering on behalf of any belief, principle, or cause. Why do most people not share their faith with others? consequences Usually, the Romans would leave the bodies …
1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Love is… The word “Agape” is used 10 times from 13:1 to 14:1 True or False: Loving one another is a command. True The commands of God are based on His character. Love is a fulfillment of the law based on Romans 13:10. An Encomium is a discourse dedicated to the praise of a …
Outline: The purpose of Jesus’ life and death: to save sinners – Paul’s reflection in 1 Timothy 1:15 – Jesus came for the sick, not the righteous The crucifixion of Jesus (John 19:16-30) – Jesus handed over to be crucified – Crucified at Golgotha – Pilate’s inscription – Soldiers dividing Jesus’ clo …
The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus (Part III) John 19:16-30 The gospel of John highlights Jesus’ obedience to the plan of God. Pilate and the religious leaders agreed that Jesus was not the Messiah. There were four soldiers responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus. It was customary for the soldie …
The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus (Part II) John 19:16-30 Church Name Change: Skull Mountain Church — what do you think? Jesus died to save us from our sins. Our greatest and overarching problem is sin. When the soldiers took charge of Jesus, the first thing they did was beat him mercilessly. T …
The Importance of the Incarnation We celebrate Christmas because of the Miracle of God becoming flesh. Incarnation: The Second Person of the Trinity takes on Human flesh. John 1:14: The Word became flesh and dwelt among us When it comes to “mystery” in the Bible, we can choose to speculate or bec …
John 19:12-16 We have no King but… The closer we are to spiritual things, the danger of acting out of impure motives becomes greater. After Pilate tried three times to have Jesus released, we read that he continued trying to have him released. The Jewish leaders threatened Piilate by saying that …
The Authority to Crucify John 19:1-11 Question: Who really has the authority to put Jesus to death? Appeasing one’s own conscience and the world, too, never works. Pilate has Jesus flogged in an effort to release Jesus. This was the least brutal of floggings ordered and was to serve as a warning. …
Barabbas Pilate’s three attempts to release Jesus: a. Release a prisoner as a symbol b. Have Jesus flogged c. Sending Jesus to Herod Truth is a person. There is nothing random, and every detail teaches a lesson that we should pay attention to. More verses tell the story of Barabbas t …
For this Purpose… (John 18:37-40) Six Stages of Jesus’ Trail: 1. Annas 2. Caiaphas 3. Sanhedrin 4. Pilate 5. Herod 6. Pilate Jesus was accused of being an insurrectionist Peter and Judas illustrate that people are fickle Jesus’ kingdom was not an empire of matter but a realm of truth. Pilate, i …
My Kingdom is not of this world — John 18:33-40 A king is a sovereign ruler or supreme leader. Why did Pilate ask Jesus if He was the king of the Jews? The Jewish Messiah, or anointed one of God, was expected to free the people from Roman occupation. Jesus does not take the posture of a revolutio …
God and Creation What does it mean to be MB? Mostly Baptist (Well not really) The current MB confession is the 1999 but the longest and most robust is the 1902. “In it’s doctrine it differs from most of these in some of its principles, yet having in common with them many of the principles first se …
The Rooster — John 18:25-27 It is important to remember that Peter’s actions didn’t change Jesus’ love toward him! It is dangerous to think of ourselves as humble because that can lead to overconfidence. Matthew 26:57-68 That illegal acts occurred? Jesus Arrest: a. This all happened at ni …
The Trial before the Trial (John 18:19-24) We have a tendency to import our own understanding of things onto the biblical text. The Jewish leaders were not prepared for the trial of Jesus. The opportunity to convict Jesus came from Judas’ betrayal. Under Jewish law, one cannot be compelled to test …
Peter’s Denial – John 18:12-18 John 13:36-38 There is a sense in which Peter was willing to die for Jesus. Jesus’ prophecy pointed out that even Peter would deny Him when it came down to it. Annas was the father-in-law of Caiaphas, the High Priest Annas held the office of High Priest previously, an …
The Betrayal John 18:1-11 Jesus went with the disciples across the Brook Kidron to a garden The garden is important because in the Garden of Eden, Adam brought sin into the world, and Jesus entered the garden ready to bring life to all who put their faith in Him. Adam was our representative — in h …
Other Faiths and the End of all Things. Sheliaism is a moral philosophy that is centered around one’s self. Faith in Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation. God’s saving grace in Jesus is the only means of reconciling humanity with God. Grace in the Bible means Divine benevolence to the undes …
Stewardship and the Lord’s Day There is a connection between theology and life in the world. The foundation of our practice is good theology. The world and everything in it belongs to God. This means that God has the right over you and I. Humanity is the pinnacle of God’s creation. The gospel c …
Society, Peacemaking, and Sanctity Many Christians struggle with their role when it comes to politics and political candidates. Some merge politics and Christianity in an unhealthy way. It is not wrong for a Christian to be involved in politics or support a political candidate. Obeying the govern …
Discipleship, Marriage, Singleness, and Family The word “Discipleship” is not in the Bible To “make disciples” involves baptism and teaching all that Jesus has commanded and is a life-long process. Do you, in this life, graduate from being a disciple? NO Is being a disciple optional? No. All Christ …
Christian Baptism and the Lord’s Supper Introduction: How do you know for sure you are a Christian? If we answer that question by pointing to what we have done, then we have most likely answered it wrongly. It isn’t our great faith that counts — it is that our faith has the right object! Christi …
The Nature and Mission of the Church What is the Church? Matthew 18:15-20 “Tell it to the church….” What the church is has a bearing on how we apply this text The Nature of the Church A. Called By God The church’s makeup is those who have been “Called by God.” God calls people to Himself — jus …
The MB Confession: Salvation What are we saved from? Do we need to be saved? Theological Triage: First Tier: Gospel-related Issues that are non-negotiable Second Tier: Important issues agreed on in the life of the church community but are not necessary for salvation. Third Tier: Important issu …
Taking a look at the MB Confession of Faith: Humanity and Sin What is the first thing that comes into your mind when you think of the word “humanity”? We often think of the image of God on the one hand and willful disobedience on the other. How distorted is human nature? Are Humans still basicall …
The Revelation of God One of the most important doctrines for interpreters of the Bible to get right is Revelation. What is Revelation? Revelation is God making Himself known. Why does God make Himself known to all people in creation? In order that every person is left without excuse before God. G …
Introduction to the MB Confession Deuteronomy 6:4-6: Why should we teach these things diligently to our children? The plan of God is for faith to be passed from one generation to the next. “[Aaron] Box is poised to lead the conference into a new era of ministry, bringing a wealth of experience in …
John 17:24-26 – Love as a Mark of the Church The phrase “one another” is used about 100 times in the New Testament. Love summarizes all of the implications for the church that we have seen in this prayer in John 17. The Christian’s status in Christ (union with Christ) has a great bearing on how w …
Unity as a Mark of the Church — John 17:20-23 Division, while complicated, is at times necessary but always unfortunate. When it comes to division, there are never winners. How is unity a mark of the church when it is plagued by disunity? Unity is an implication for the church in that it is how C …
John 17:6-19 Jesus Prays for His Disciples. God is far more concerned with your holiness than your happiness. Jesus is the perfect prophet Jesus was more than God’s mouthpiece but he displayed Jesus every moment in both words and actions. The disciples chose to follow Jesus but didn’t choose him …
Jesus prays for His Glorification – John 17:1-5 Jesus prays for the benefit of others John 17 is Unique because of the One offering it and also the occasion it is offered. Within the Trinity, there is a single divine will. There is no argument or debate within the life of the Trinity Jesus submits …
What is Brotherly Love? Romans 12:10 “We purpose to watch over one another in brotherly love, to remember one another in prayer, to help one another in sickness and distress, to cultivate Christian compassion and courtesy, and admonish and entreat one another as an occasion may require. ” ~ Bethel …
Jesus has Overcome the World — John 16:23-33 There is a joy in the Christian’s life that cannot be taken away! Why is there a joy that cannot be taken from the Christian? The means by which we obtain joy in our lives (that cannot be taken away) is prayer! John 16:23: What day is Jesus speaking of? …
Joy in the Morning — John 16:16-22 Read the Zoraya ter Beek Story (but not during church:)) Here People should be able to clearly articulate what they believe! Time-Frame References: Matthew 24:34 and Revelation 1:1-3 In a Little While Truly Truly… Truly = Amen Jesus is saying that what He is abo …
The Conspiracy — Matthew 27:62-28:15 When it comes to the resurrection of Jesus, people often wonder if He was REALLY raised from the dead. Many people look suspect at Christians for believing in miracles Matthew:27:57 We know Jesus was really dead We know Joseph took the body We know the women we …
The Spirit’s Ministry to the World – John 16:5-12 Jesus tells the disciples that He will not leave them alone. In the midst of difficulty, what these disciples needed was the truth Telling those around us the truth is the loving thing to do. Withholding the truth is unloving. The first work of th …
Forewarned and Forearmed – John 16:1-4 I am the chief of sinners. We are worthy because we have been clothed in the perfect righteousness of Jesus. Christians are to boast in their weakness. It is in our weakness that we experience the strength the Lord provides. If you hear someone say, “It is …
The Witness to the World — John 15:26-27 The World: A system of people united in rebellion against God Who is the world? Everyone in their natural state – the unredeemed. The disciples of Jesus should not expect a path different from Jesus’ as they seek to follow Him. In John 15:18-24 we see Jesus …
Questions about Baptism What is baptism? All infant baptism is NOT Roman Catholic Baptism Credobaptism or Believer’s baptism Paedobaptism or Infant baptism Creed = I believe = A profession of Faith Why do we practice Credobaptism and not paedobaptism? Notice the order of things in Acts 2 and …
No Greater Love Part 2 — John 15:12-17 John 14 is all Jesus comforting the disciples John 15 concerns exhortation — to rest in Christ and then to love one another. The Lord accepts all of our flawed efforts, and our efforts are pleasing to the Lord IN Christ. How has Jesus loved us? Jesus is t …
No Greater Love – John 15:12-14 Human Friendships We all long for close friendships just as we fondly remember the close friendships we have had. The important moments in our lives are often marked by our friendships. Jesus calls His disciples friends, and this can include us. Big Idea: When we t …
Matthew 5:13-16 — Do in the Light of Done Does who you are match up with who you want to be? Sadly, our hypocrisy and foolish behavior adorn our lives more than we want them to. If one around us wants an excuse to reject the Christian faith — could they find that reason in our lives Notice the text …
John 15:6-11 — Fruit of Abiding Jesus is the true vine It is by the obedience of Jesus that he Secured eternal life for those who come to him in faith. Justification — How a person is made right with God Justification and Sanctification are related but should not be confused. Justification and Sanct …
John 15:1-5 The True Vine What we have in John 15:1 is the seventh “I Am” statement. What might have occasioned this I AM statement is a decorative vine over the entrance to the Holy Place. Why was there a vine on the temple over the entrance to the Holy Place? Psalm 80:8-9 God planted Israel in …
Baptism in the New Testament Introduction: Reformed and Always Reforming – Humility and submitting to the word of God Acts 17:11 Jesus’ Baptism (Matthew 3) – “To fulfill Righteousness” means to do what is right – Jesus was identifying himself with those He came to redeem Jesus Baptiz …
We Two Kings — Matthew 2:1-12 Matthew 2:1 A. Jesus had been born in Bethlehem B. Herod Was the King 36BC – 4BC An Edomite Herod’s first responsibility was to do as Rome wished. Herod lowered taxes and renovated the Temple. He had his wife’s brother (the High Priest …
John 14:28-31 You Should Rejoice Introduction: In a sense, this entire chapter has been anticipating the exaltation of Christ! A. You Should have Rejoiced Calvin: “The disciples unquestionably loved Christ, but not as they ought to have done for some carnal affection was mixed with their love.” The …
The Gift of Peace — John 14:25-31 Introduction: Edward Hicks “The Peaceable Kingdom” Luke 2:14 D.A. Carson: “The world is powerless to give peace.” Do not be Afraid Jesus was about to lead the disciples to the Garden of Gethsemane Being a Christian does not make us immune from the storms of life. …
John 14:18-24 Because He Lives Introduction: Promises and Anticipation Advent is the period of preparation and anticipation of the celebration of Jesus’ birth. There is celebration in the anticipation What do you anticipate when it comes to Christmas? In our text, we see both promises and anticip …
Membership and Unity Church membership provides the context for unity within the local church. Biblical Church membership makes for a healthy church. The Bible calls believers to be committed to a particular local church. One of the most prominent themes in the New Testament is the call for believe …
Another Helper John 14:15-21 An Introduction to the Holy Spirit J.I. Packer: “The average Christian is in complete fog as to what work the Holy Spirit does.” The Holy Spirit is a Divine Person Jesus promises to send another of the same kind When we start thinking of of the Holy Spirit as differen …
John 14:15 If You Love Me…. Context: Jesus’ words in chapter 14 are about bringing comfort to the disciples. John 14:18-21 Do you need to understand your present situation completely to be comforted by Jesus? In John 14 Jesus is bringing comfort to the disciples in a situation that they do not fu …
The Importance of the Church and Unity Why this series? God calls Christians to gather in local churches to worship and reflect His Character to the world. We are sinners. The goal in this series is to understand the opportunities and responsibilities we have as those who make up the local church. …
John 14:12 Greater Works Introduction: The Proper Perspective People often gravitate toward miracles when thinking about the “greater things.” The problem with Miracles: — To do the same miracles that Jesus has done isn’t something that has happened — let alone greater ones. — Believers do no …
John 14:12-14 The Comfort of Prayer Introduction: Andy Benes Promises: a. To go and prepare a place for us b. Believers will carry on Jesus’ work c. Whatever you ask in Jesus’ name — He will do Four Stages Stage One: A Personal Relationship with Jesus What does it mean to be a Christian? It is th …
John 14:4-6 – Comfort in the Way, the Truth, and the Life Introduction: What are some things you long for? We Gather because there is fellowship with the risen Lord! The Church is different than a social club…we gather around the risen Jesus who bled and died for us – who united us to himself and …
What is the Church? The Church is built on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, with Jesus as the cornerstone! The Word “Church” The Greek word translated “church” is ekklesia The Study of the church is called ecclesiology The word ekklesia comes from two words Ek (out of) and kletos (Calle …
John 14:1-11 Comfort Why would Jesus tell the disciples not to let their hearts be troubled? Their hearts were troubled. Jesus was troubled, and this caused the disciple’s hearts to be troubled. At this moment, the disciples need the solace that only Jesus can provide. These comforting words to Hi …
John 13:36:38 – Instruction Concerning the Peter’s Denial Introduction: We see something in Peter that we see in ourselves We are often more interested in things of curiosity or more controversial than the plain teaching of God’s Word. “Speculation about prophetic predictions seem much more excitin …
Instruction on the Betrayer (Part 2) John 13:18-30 Jesus is visibly troubled when He speaks of His betrayal How might the disciples have thought of Jesus’ betrayal? a. They might have thought it did not matter — Jesus could calm storms and raise the dead! b. The disciples might have believed that …
Instruction Concerning the Betrayer – John 13:18-30 Part 1 Last week we saw Jesus’ instruction concerning humility, and today we see His instruction concerning the betrayer. Last week: Because Jesus has made us clean, we serve as He served us. John 4:29 The woman at the well came to faith in Christ …
Instruction Concerning Humility John 13:1-17 John 13 starts a section in John’s gospel devoted to Jesus’ private ministry to the disciples. In chapter 13 we see Jesus instructing the disciples. In the first half of the book, the signs were followed by discourses, and now we see things that will h …
Discovering Jesus in the Proverbs What are the Proverbs? How we answer this question will have a great bearing on if we discover Jesus in the Proverbs or not. Is Proverbs like Twitter? Yes and No The Primary author of the book is Solomon Solomon didn’t write chapters 30 and 31 Solomon spoke over …
Discovering Jesus in Old Testament types and Shadows A picture is worth a 1000 words What is a type: “A type is a real person, place, object, or event that God ordained to act as a predictive pattern or resemblance of Jesus’ person and work, or of opposition to both.” ~Patrick Fairbairn A type is …
Last week: Do we discover Jesus in the prophets of today the same way we discover Him in the Old Testament prophets? NO — There are no prophets today. The role of the prophet was to lay a foundation that would be seen properly in Jesus. Ephesians 2:20 The foundation laid by the prophets is not cont …
Discovering Jesus in the Old Testament Prophets An Introduction to the Role of the Prophet Major and Minor Prophets These books seem to be irrelevant to the 21st-century Christian — are they? If we discover Jesus in the prophets, they are not irrelevant. What is a Prophet, and are there still Pro …
Discovering Jesus in the Old Testament Law What is the purpose of the Law? Should a Christian get a Tattoo? Leviticus 19:28 Some will say, “We are not under the law but grace.” What does that statement mean? What doesn’t it mean? The Covenant of Works We are commanded to “be holy” — why? God is Ho …
Discovering Jesus in Old Testament Appearances Introduction: From the USMB website: “At the same time, we recognize the priority of Jesus’ teaching. When we read the Bible, we use Christ’s teaching as the first ‘lens’ for reading other scriptures. We want to know what Jesus said or taught about som …
Discovering Jesus in the Characters of the Old Testament Intro: Superheros Heros and Villans is often how we view the Old Testament Preaching and Pulpit Digenst found that 85% of sermons were anthropocentric (human-centered). Most sermons are about you. A Heroes and Villians approach to the Old Te …
Introduction: Creationism What is Genesis 1-2 about? It is the account of creation, and it is about Jesus. To understand the Old Testament we need to read it in light of the New Testament. Colossians 1:15-16 All things were created BY Him and FOR Him. If ALL things were created through Christ Je …
What is the Old Testament all about anyway? Introduction: Tips to reading the Old Testament: Use a reading plan, Read slowly, look up cross-references, use a journal, and ask questions. Is the Old Testament about you? Matt Chandler: I want to be straight; I love you enough to be straight. YOU’RE N …
John 12:44-50 The Resume of Jesus’ Teaching Introduction: The Prophet of Deuteronomy 18 Deuteronomy 18:5 Numbers 12:6-8 What makes Moses so special? Why did one long for a prophet like Moses? Deuteronomy 34:10-12 Acts 3:22-23 It is only in the person of Jesus that salvation is found! John 12:44-50 …
John 12: 35-43 (Light and Darkness) In verses 35-36 we see Jesus’ final public appeal This is the final public teaching of Jesus James M. Boice: Men do not know God. Jesus comes; His light shines upon men. Now those who were in darkness have the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face …
John 12:27-36 (Lifted Up) Has your soul ever been troubled? Jesus understood the death He was about to die. To say that Jesus’ soul was not troubled would be to deny His humanity. We might begin to understand the physical and emotional suffering of Christ, but we cannot begin to comprehend the spiri …
John 12:20-26 — A Love/Hate Relationship John 12:19 The Word “World” and How it is used: John brings up the Greeks that want an audience with Jesus because (a) they are standing in opposition to the Pharisees who are flustered by the people following Jesus (b) and also these are the “world” in whi …
The World Has Gone After Him — John 12:9-19 Introduction: The Great Persecution It is important to note that these not only tried to rid the world of Christians but they did it in such ways that it would be a great deterrent for anyone to become a Christian that saw the manner in which they perish …
“”The lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.” Romans 2:25-29 Understanding Circumcision in the Old Testament will help you understand this passage. Statement #2: A correct understanding of the New Testament will help us understand the Old Testament. “The Passover in the Book of Exodus” …
Mary Knew (John 12:1-11) Introduction: Unprecedented Access to the Scriptures It is not hyperbole to say that, by in large, we have taken that unprecedented access we have to the Bible for granted. “We will not believe more than we know, and we will not live higher than our beliefs. The many front …
The Beginning of the End – John 11:45-57 The reason for the resurrection of Lazarus was in order that people would believe in Jesus. Many of the people that witnessed the resurrection of Lazarus believed in Jesus. God has a reason for everything that He does and He always accomplishes His purpose! …
Resurrection (John 11:38-44) Heidelberg Catechism (Question 1): What is your only comfort in life and death? That I am not my own, but belong with body and soul, both in life and in death, to my faithful Saviour Jesus Christ. He has fully paid for all my sins with His precious blood, and has set me …
How much is Enough? John 11:38-44 How much money is enough? How much faith is enough? Matthew 17:14-20 How much faith was enough? The faith of Jesus was enough Mark 8 The disciples believed Jesus to be the Christ, but they needed time to see the object of their faith more clearly. The “how much is …
Jesus Weeps Introduction: The Bell at Saint Bernard Pass We often need a bell that leads us to the rest we solely find in Jesus Christ! Mary and Martha Mary and Martha were two different women, but both were deeply affected by grief. Even the thoughtful that sit at the feet of Jesus often, at time …
Introduction: The Christian hope is that Jesus gives life, founded on the fact that Jesus was raised, and he will raise us too! John 11:17 Bethany was about two (1.72) miles from Jerusalem. Lazarus had been dead for four days when Jesus arrived. In Rabbinic thought, the soul would hover around the b …
The Daylight Hours (John 11:7-16) From the ground level, in the midst of trial and suffering, we tend to focus on the trial, and that leads to hopelessness. We fix our eyes on the One who has all things all under control. Who is never shocked or surprised, who has a purpose for everything that He al …
Life on the Ground Level Introduction: The Bird’s Eye View In the first four verses, we learn that Jesus has a different perspective on this emergency. The purpose of Lazarus’s illness and ultimate death was to glorify the Son of God. Mary loved to sit at the Lord’s feet and learn from Him Martha h …
Sanctity of Human Sunday The Command to Value Life: Exodus 20:13 What is the clearest text about sanctity of human life? Genesis 1:27; 2:7; 9:6; Acts 17:25; Matthew 6:25-26; Jeremiha 22:3 The value of human life is established in the very beginning of the Bible, and we see it throughout. In Hebrew, …
What did Jesus mean when He said he was one with the Father? Unity of Will How some wrongly understand this: Jesus’ desires were the same as the Father’s — that none will be snatched out of his hand. Some suggest a condition to being Jesus’ sheep: They must hear His voice. Jesus makes it clear (Jo …
Introduction: The Feast of Dedication Antiochus Epiphanies — The desecration of the temple in 167 BC The Jews rebelled, and the recaptured the temple — it was rededicated in 164 BC. Hanukkah finds it’s origin in this feast of dedication. The Colonnade of Solomon: Acts 3:11; Acts 5:12 Can I lose …
What We Learn about Jesus from the Angel’s Words to Joseph Matthew 1-18-23 Introduction: Snowdays and Ruined Plans One of Joseph’s most exciting moments seemed to be ruined, for the law required that he give her a divorce certificate. He resolved to do this quietly. We learn three things about Jes …
The Announcement of a King – Luke 1:26-38 Introduction: As You Wish! The Angel’s Greeting and Announcement Gabriel was sent from God’s presence to a relatively insignificant place (where Mary was). The word “angel” means messenger. Gabriel means: “God is Great”. What makes Mary “favored” b …
What makes Jesus the Good Shepherd? John 10:11-21 Introduction: How is the word “Good” often used? Jesus is THE Good Shepherd — meaning there is none better! Jesus is THE Good Shepherd for two reasons: A. Jesus Lays Down His Life for His Sheep B. Jesus Knows His Sheep Jesus Lays Down His Life f …
John 10:10 Life to the full… Crosswalk’s Top 20 (https://www.crosswalk.com/faith/bible-study/top-10-most-popular-bible-verses.html) BibleIQ’s Verses to memorize (https://www.bibleiq.org/top-50-bible-verses/) What does Jesus mean when He promises life to the fullest? What Jesus doesn’t mean: Prosp …
John 10:1-9 Something About Jesus Introduction: The Pilgrim’s Progress “I walk by the rule of the LORD of the way; you follow your own fancy; the crude invention of uninspired men. You are called thieves already by the Lord of the way. Therefore I doubt that you will be found true men at the end. Yo …
John 10:1-9 This is such a great chapter! Chapter 9 is on Jesus’ mind in this chapter! The Old Testament is full of imagery that speaks of God being a good shepherd! In the Parable: Jesus is the Shepherd What is the sheepfold? What about the gatekeeper (porter)? Who are the thieves? The man in chapt …
John 9:1-41 Introduction: The Story of the Bible is a Story of rejection Human unfaithfulness is contrasted with God’s Faithfulness In chapters 9-12, we see Jesus calling out a people of His own in the midst of hostility and rejection by the religious establishment. The Miracle Itself – John 9:1-12 …
John 8:52-59 — Before Abraham was… Introduction: The Chosen “Idolatry consists not only in the worship of false gods, but also in the worship of the true God by images.” ~Charles Hodge “In its Christian application, this means that we are not to make use of visual or pictorial representations of …
The Lord’s Supper – 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 We observe the Lord’s Supper because Jesus told us to! The meal goes back to the Passover meal that Jesus shared with his disciples the night before his crucifixion. Jesus told his disciples to “do this in remembrance of me.” The Bread represents Jesus’ b …
If God were Your Father…. John 8:39-50 Introduction: Spiritual Children Imago Dei — The Image of God Genesis 9:6 — taking the life of a murderer does not devalue life but gives life dignity. Are we all God’s children because we are created in His image? A religious experience doesn’t save anyon …
The Truth will Set you Free — John 8:31-38 Introduction: Freedom (MLK and Emma Lazarus) ~Free at Last ~Yearning to Breathe Free What is it to truly be free? Is Jesus speaking only to those who professed belief in Him, or is he speaking to the entire crowd? I would suggest he was speaking to the cro …
Introduction: Progressive Christianity “It’s a version of Christianity that sells itself as a valid option for Christians that on the surface looks a lot like the Christian worldview and may seem in the eyes of many people to be more acceptable, more likable, a really more palatable version of the …
Agreement Among Witnesses – John 8:12-20 Introduction: Three options when it comes to one who is a witness against you in a court of law: Option 1: Eliminate the Witness Option 2: Discredit the Witness Option 3: Have testimony tossed on a technicality The Religious leaders (after trying options 1 …
The Light of the World – John 8:12 Psalm 27:1 Understanding the Darkness — Darkness is seen as Ignorance and Folly Psalm 82:5 Micah 3:6 — Darkness is seen as Evil and Fear — Darkness is seen as Captivity, Misery, and Death Isaiah 8:22 “I frankly confess that, for myself, even if it could be, I …
The Woman Caught in Adultery — John 7:53-8:11 The Problem with this Passage The earliest and most reliable manuscripts do not have John 7:53-8:11 There is a question about where this story should be placed (earlier or later in John — perhaps in Luke?). D.A. Carson: “The Diversity of placement conf …
The Plague to End all Plagues — Exodus 11 Plague — a Strike or a Blow Introduction: Podcast Mocking the Bible and the God of it What should these podcasters should have understood about God from the final plague: — God is Sovereign — Certainty of God’s Judgment Question #1 Was God wrong to kill …
Locusts and Darkness — Exodus 10 The Plagues are organized in three groups of three, leading to the final 10th Plague. God’s Purpose God’s purpose in everything is His own glory God’s purpose in hardening the heart of Pharoah was to show these signs among them God’s purpose was that these would tel …
Hail in Egypt — Exodus 9:13-35 The God of the Old Testament is Merciful and Gracious: Genesis 19:16 Exodus 34:6 Deuteronomy 4:31 2 Chronicles 30:9 Nehemiah 9:17 Psalm 103:8 Psalm 111:4 Jeremiah 3:12 Joel 2:13 Jonah 4:2 Illustration: Stalled storms in KY Many in the world today (like Ph …
Hail in Egypt — Exodus 9:13-35 Why would God do this? — God was punishing Egypt for Pharaoh’s disobedience — God is in the midst of saving his people for His glory and his Glory is on display God must take Egypt out of the Israelites as he takes the Israelites out of Egypt Three Purposes for …
Boils in Egypt Exodus 9:8-12 Introduction: Lewis and Clark In the sight of Pharaoh Physical suffering has a way of getting our attention in a way other things cannot Does the LORD bring pain and suffering into the lives of people? Jeremiah 29:11 Many ways that people try to understand pain and suffe …
Exodus 9:1-7 Introduction: Mad Cow Disease If all the livestock died, how did the Egyptians chase the Hebrews after the 10th plague? Options: -A gross exaggeration – A contradiction – This affected animals in the field not barns (verse 3) – The way the word “all” is used here (coll …
Pead for Me Exodus 8:20-32 Moses goes to Pharaoh when he is in the water God is redeeming his people for worship Isreal was not the only oppressed people at this time What God is doing in the redemption of Israel is a picture of all of His elect redeemed Elect: Those who will place their faith in …
The Finger of God – Exodus 8:16-19 Whatever the bugs here the point is that they were everywhere! The Plagues: Plagues 1 – 4 -7 Moses goes to Pharaoh early in the morning Plagues 2 – 5 – 8 Moses confronts Pharaoh at his palace Plagues 3 – 6 – 9 The plague comes with no warning Plague 10 Stands on …
Heaps of Frogs — Exodus 7:25-8:15 Last time Pharaoh’s heart remains unyielding The Pharaoh’s magicians could not stop the plague but only duplicate it God’s demand: Unconditional surrender on the part of Pharaoh Pharaoh should have realized after the first plague that he really had no choice and h …
Blood Everywhere in Egypt — Exodus 7:14-24 The word “Plague” — to strike a blow or wound Exodus 7:3 — Signs and Wonders is what the Bible calls the plagues Exodus 3:20 Why a series on the 10 Plagues: It would be foolish for us to think we do not have gods in our lives to which we need to turn f …
The Uniqueness of Jesus’ Words – John 7:45-52 The Religious leaders were upset with Jesus because of his actions on the Sabbath and because he was making himself equal with God. Jesus’ death took place about 6 months after the events in our text. What persuaded the Temple Officers to not arrest Jes …
Christ: Division and Unity — John 7:40-44 “I am sure that I do not have all the answers to why the Lord Jesus Christ produces divisions among men, as he does. But this is the case, and I am not at all sure that it is to be regretted.” ~ James Boice There becomes a point in which one may take the l …
John 7:37-39 Now or Never Introduction: C.S. Lewis, “The Silver Chair” and thirst The Feast of Booths Water was important as it reminded the people of the Lord’s provision in the wilderness The Eighth Day — Celebration: would sing the Hallel several times (Psalms 113-118) Everyone searches/longs …
John 7:32-36 Seek but Cannot Find Introduction: The duel effect of Jesus’ preaching: a. those who wanted to arrest him b. those who believed “The Word of God is meant to be preached” Hebrews 4:12 Acts 2:37 “You will seek me and you will not find me. Where I am going you cannot come.” John 7:34 Simi …
John 7:19-25 The Last Question Judge with right judgment (John 7:24) The Law condemns and trusting in it makes one a hypocrite A. Jesus does not forbid judgment B. Jesus actually insists that we make right judgments C. What at first may appear to be right isn’t always right — the need for discernm …
The Law’s Purpose — John 7:19-24 Jesus had been in trouble with the religious leaders for his actions on the Sabbath Exodus 20:8-10 The Law Always Condemns John 7:19 Those who trust in the law will be condemned by the law because no one keeps it perfectly Legalism: “it is a term Christians use to d …
Crowned with Glory and Honor — Hebrews 2:5-9 Introduction: If we say the solutions to the problems of the world are remedied in Christ — why are they still exist? Hebrews 1 — Christ is greater than the angels Is the world subject to Christ? Christ rules now but his reign is not fully realized …
John 7:1-24 The Feast of Booths About six months have passed since Jesus fed the multitudes in Chapter 6 In chapter 5, the Jewish leaders wanted Jesus dead because he claimed to be equal with God In chapter 6, the followers of Jesus couldn’t tolerate Jesus’ teaching These followers of Jesus hated th …
Tested By Teaching – John 6:60-71 Tweet: To “fear the Lord,” biblically, means to be in awe and wonder of his greatness and love. ~Timothy Keller The problem with the tweet is that he seems to imply this is all it means — and other understandings — such as — associating the fear of God with the wr …
What is the Purpose of the Law? Romans 3:20 Psalm 19:7-11 Psalm 119:9-16 Romans 7 Galatians 3:24 Romans 8:3-4 What do we mean when we speak of the Law? Categories of Laws: Ceremonial Laws: Expired because fulfilled in the priestly work of Christ Civil Laws: Expired with the demise of the Jewish civ …
Unless You Eat the Flesh… John:52-59 Introduction: Early Church Persecution: Atheism Incest Cannibalism Not a Reference to the Lord’s Supper Jesus isn’t making a reference to the Lord’s Supper — it is a reference to faith. Don Caron suggests that the Jews here were actually ridiculing Jesus Re …
Whoever Believes John 6:41-51 The Jews were grumbling in disbelief The reason: Jesus said that He was the bread that came down from heaven The Incarnation: Jesus is completely God and perfectly human (You should leave a church if the pastor does not believe in the humanity of Jesus) The disbelief …
The Certainty of Grace – John 6:36-40 What happens when one does not adequately feed upon the bread of life? How does one feast on Jesus? What does Jesus at the center mean? Many suggest we feed on Christ in a way that mixes pagan and secular ideologies. Example: Centering prayer Let me make it cle …
Apostasy Hebrews 6:4-6 Mickey Cohen R.C. Sproul: “Apostasy is the old, vigorous word to describe this abandonment of Christ.” Subtle warnings of apostasy: Judas – Demes – Disciples in John 6 – Joshua Harris Can one lose their salvation? NO Two truths: A. Perseverance of the saints B. Apostasy He …
John 6:30-35 The Bread of Life Amos 8:11-12 “The Neglected word becomes the Absent word” People still have a hunger for truth and the answer is in Jesus The feeding of the multitude the day before was a sign that pointed to Jesus and the people missed it — they came to him thinking about their bell …
The search for Jesus John 6:22-29 “Thou has formed us for thyself, and our hearts are restless till they find rest in thee.” ~ St Augustine Romans 3:10-11 1 Corinthians 2:14 a. The spiritually discerned person that does not have understanding and does not search for God – but still searches for some …
Jesus Walks on the Water John 6:16-21 Introduction: The Next Day John 6:26 John 6:66-67 Why did Peter respond the way he did when many people were leaving Jesus? Mark: Making headway painfully Other explanations for Jesus walking on the water: Stones? Around? (Matthew 14:25 and John 6:19) Signs — p …
Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand John 6:1-15 Outline: A. Purpose B. People (We will most likely not have time for this) C. Perception What is the purpose of this miracle? Important point: Passover was drawing near Important point: Jesus’ question to Philip These things highlight the failure of human …
Biblical sexual morality in a age of cultural confusion 1 Corinthians 6:9-20 From the Bill: “Bill C-4 would amend the Criminal Code to prohibit certain activities that relate to ‘conversion therapy’, which is defined as a practice, treatment or service designed to: change a person’s sexual orientati …
Jesus at the Center John 5:30-47 John 5 is concerned with the question: How can one know God? Two aspects: a. The Means by which we come to know God b. How that means is verified Acts 4:12 How do we know that Jesus is the means by which we obtain eternal life? A Christian bears the name of Christ a …
Jesus’ Claim John 5:24-29 Introduction: Do we care about life? The greatest solutions on the market today when it comes to life seem insignificant when compared to the offer of life presented by Jesus Christ. Christ’s Claims A. Christ claimed that his actions were one with the Father’s Jesus sove …
Peace with God – Luke 2:14 and Selected Scriptures Introduction: WWI Christmas Day Truce “The English brought a soccer ball from the trenches, and pretty soon a lively game ensued. how marvelously wonderful, yet how strange it was. The English officers felt the same about it. Thus Christmas, the c …
The Love of God Romans 8:35-39 The importance of the Subject “God loves the sinner but hates the sin” Matthew 5:21-22 God’s love as it relates to our Trust in God What does the cross of Christ Accomplish? A. Expiation — the Removal of Guilt Hebrews 9:26 Psalm 103:12 B. Propitiation — God’s ch …
The Wisdom of God Romans 11:33-36 Introduction: The Karate Kid Three Foundational Pillars of Trust in God: Complete Sovereignty Infinite Wisdom Perfect Love Scribd.com or the Scribd app What does it mean to call God wise? “Wisdom is the power to see, and the inclination to choose, the best and highe …
God’s Sovereignty and Our Responsibility 1 Kings 12:14-15 Biblical interpretation: There is one interpretation of Scripture 2 Tim. 2:15 “How to disagree like an Anabaptist” Aaron Garza https://tinyurl.com/ye6haelo Interpretation: we are either right or wrong Countless Applications of a given text I …
The Sovereignty of God over the Nations Daniel 5 Misplaced Trust Who bears the responsibility for educating children? Deuteronomy 11:19 2 Timothy 3:14-15 Sooner or Later, those we place our trust in will let us down Our children are in the hands of God who is in control of all things Daniel 4:7 Dani …
How are we to Understand Matthew 6:14-15? This verse seems to make the way we forgive (what we do) a condition of salvation Matthew 6:12 One thing is clear: Forgiveness is important Renewalcast with Don Thomas The local church is full of different people with different personalities — different int …
The sovereignty of God over People Selected Scriptures Three Pillars: The Complete Sovereignty of God The Infinite Wisdom of God The Perfect Love of God Some might think: If God is sovereign over people that will destroy humanity’s “free will”. Images that do not help: A Scale A Circle “Free WIl …
The Sovereignty of God The last thing that people need in a difficult situation is more law we all have a foundation on which our trust in God rests — lets look at that foundation and bolster it Three Pillars that undergird our trust in God: God’s Complete Sovereignty God is infinite in wisdom God i …
Is God in Control? (Jesus, Joseph, Judas, and Job) Selected Scripture Trusting God is Theological Our trust of God is based on who He is Three foundational theological pillars that undergird our trust in God: God is completely Sovereign God is infinite in Wisdom God is perfect in Love If G …
Can We Trust God? Psalm 20 Why a series on trusting God? The political climate The pandemic Death of loved ones Medical struggles When things just do not seem to go how we think they should To prepare people for the fact that the security we have now may not last Trusting God does not take away …
How God Speaks John 5:17-23 Question: How can one know God? Some people will say that God never speaks to them Others say that religious language is just symbolism Christians believe that God has spoken — He has spoken clearly — and what he has spoken is true Jesus says, in our text, that he is o …
Lord of the Sabbath Part 2 John 5:9-17 Are Christians obligated to worship on Sunday? If so, what are they obligated to do? Setting aside a day of worship is in the moral law (the 10 commandments) God prescribes how He is to be worshiped — This is called the regulative principle of worship We somet …
Lord of the Sabbath Part 1 John 5:9-17 The man at the pool of Bethesda was healed instantly Matthew 24:24 The observance or nonobservance of the Sabbath isn’t a big deal in our day Some turn Christianity into a system of human works and a matter of character building where they can build up merit – …
John 5:1-9 God helps those who help themselves or God helps those who are unable to help themselves? God helps the helpless who are unable to help themselves Why does John include this miracle? A. It marked the start of the hostility toward Jesus on the part of the Jewish leadership B. It is an ill …
Jesus and the Jews John 5:1 Key Question: How do you deal with hostility or opposition in your life? This question is related to perseverance Opposition (or the threat of it) causes people to give up Christians should understand opposition because the message of the gospel is offensive 2 Timothy 3 …
Jesus in Cana 2.0 John 4:46-54 Joy and Sorrow There are no people who are immune from heartache and sorrow We must think about our response in times of both Joy and Sorrow The Second Miracle The Similarities a. Take place on the third day b. There was a rebuke of the one that requested it c. Jes …
Savior of the World John 4:39-45 Application: The disciples went into the town and brought back food with them — the unnamed woman went to the town and brought people to Jesus. The Harvest was ready. Pragmatism: What is good and right is determined by results The doctrine of Sola Scriptura stand …
The Harvest of God – John 4:35-38 Introduction: Planting / Growing / Harvest John 4:35 The farmer harvests the field when it is ready not before Lift up your eyes Missed opportunities Illustration: Civil War The point of Jesus’ comment wasn’t to shame the disciples but to teach them to not miss th …
The Food of the Father’s Will — John 4:31-34 The Spanish Proverb: All Laws go the way that kings desire The secret to the will of God is to be willing to do it even before you know what it is. Above all, Jesus lived to do the will of God Doing the will of God brings satisfaction The Disobedience …
New Life – John 4:27-30 The Lord sees into the hearts of people but we do not In our gospel conversations with people, we often do not know the results How do we know that this woman was born again? New Birth produces change Illustration: Changes at the moment of physical birth The contrast between …
True Worship – John 4:20-26 We do not get to decide how God is to be worshiped Job 38 The creature has no right to question the creator The creature has no right to tell the Creator how the creator is to be worshiped by the creature. Freedom becomes an excuse to care for our own interests at the ex …
We Worship what we Know – John 4:19-22 Miss. Manners would have thought Jesus to be bigoted when he told the woman that salvation was from the Jews. God isn’t to be worshiped in ways we devise to worship him Examples: Leviticus 10:1-2 Nadab and Abihu 2 Samuel 6:1-5 Uzzah The Golden Calf If many pe …
Coming to terms with the truth – John 4:15-18 The Christianity that is pushed in the public square is very comfortable The Scriptures reveal who God is and who we are It is impossible for one to know themself unless God reveals the true state of his or her heart to them These verses are really the …
Spring of Living Water – John 4:7-14 The symbolism of water — beauty? Destruction? life? Jesus is making the point that he is just as necessary for spiritual life as water is for physical life. Jesus had to go through Samaria because of the divine appointment that he had with the woman at the wel …
The Unnamed Woman – John 4:1-6 What is Universalism? Simply, universalism is the belief that the grace and mercy of God will prevail and all people will be saved in the end. Universalism is heresy and not compatible with the authentic Christian faith A correct way to think is not that all WILL be …
The Witness of Jesus — John 3:31-36 John 1:19 Illustration: The Derrick Chauvin Trial — the closing argument of Eric Nelson (Perspective and Perception) The word “Testimony” in Greek is where we get the English word Martyr “Fourscore and six years have I served him, and he has never done me injury …
The Bridegroom – John 3:29 Illustration: One of Cyrus’ Generals and his wife Christ Jesus not only offered himself in our place but actually died for us in order that he might present us to himself as the perfect bride — radiant — and without stain or blemish. Ephesians 5:27 I. The Bridegroom is Jes …
The Humility of John – John 3:22-36 In trying to be humble by applying certain principles we actually end up struggling with pride. Humility is a Christian Virtue that we should long for and desire. Humility is not a direct product of one’s working to obtain it “Humility is not the product of dire …
The Almost Empty Tomb – John 20:1-10 The greatest historical evidence of the resurrection is the empty tomb! Jesus said that he would raise from the dead: John 2:18-22 “He was speaking about the temple of his body” Matthew 12:38-42 “Something greater than Jonah is here” Matthew 16:21 Jesus taught …
Those that do not Believe — John 3:18-21 The question that arises after John 3:16-17 is: What about those who do not believe? Answer: They stand condemned before God. Illustration: Crime and Punishment The plot is justice. Some think that when the gospel is preached to one — that person is sta …
The Greatest Gift — John 3:16 True or False: John 3:16 should be in “RED” letters. False Does it take away from John 3:16 if Jesus “didn’t” says it? NO! The words attributed to Jesus (in red)are just as much God’s Word as the letter to the Philippians. The Scriptures are said to be God-Breathed! Wh …
God’s Love – John 3:16 What is your live/favorite verse? John 3:16 The first verse that translates put into a different language is John 3:16 The emphasis on God’s love is what makes John 3:16 so famous. Illustration: D.L. Moody It was the teaching of Henery Moorehouse to lead Moody to truly unders …
The Serpent in the Wilderness – John 3:14-15 Jesus understood the Old Testament as pointing to Himself. The Bible is both Redemptive-Historical in nature. Jesus didn’t end his conversation with Nicodemus without pointing to the basis of the new birth — the basis of the salvation they had been tal …
An honest skeptic Has doubts but can be persuaded by the evidence. A dishonest skeptic will not change but only digs his/her heels in deeper. Is Nicodemus an honest or dishonest skeptic? Dishonest Jesus rebukes Nicodemus for what he should have and could have known. Was Jesus rebuking Nicodemus f …
In John 3:7-8 we have the third reference to the Holy Spirit in the span of only a few verses. In our last message we focused our attention on the flesh and how it is overcome Do you think of the Holy Spirit as a person or an impersonal force? The Word Spirit Confusion: Holy Spirit and Holy Ghost …
God’s wrath cannot be satisfied by human achievement or intellect. When God gives new life he doesn’t use anything from the natural person. Illustration: Genetics — Cat’s give birth to kittens and dogs give birth to puppies. The flesh produces what is natural and sinful. The term Flesh: In our …
Biblical Mandate Concerning Abortion