John 14:15-21 Another Helper

November 19, 2023

Another Helper  John 14:15-21 

An Introduction to the Holy Spirit

J.I. Packer: “The average Christian is in complete fog as to what work the Holy Spirit does.” 

The Holy Spirit is a

Jesus promises to send another of the same

When we start thinking of of the Holy Spirit as in being from the Son and Father — we have a big

If we do not think of the Spirit as divine, we will inevitably think of Him as an force.

Even though the force was part of Luke’s life in a real way — it doesn’t mean that it was in any sense .

James M. Boice: “If we think the Holy Spirit as a mysterious power, our thought will continually be, ‘How can I get more of the Holy Spirit?’ If we think of the Holy Spirit as a person, our thought will be, ‘How can the Holy Spirit have more of me?’ The first thought is entirely pagan.  The second is New Testament Christianity.”

Another Helper

Hermon Ridderbos:“This helper will take Jesus’ place after Jesus’ departure and in his activity as helper will do nothing other than what Jesus has been doing, except that in doing it He will continue to advance Jesus’ work.”

    The Translation of “Helper” 

      — To call alongside and, therefore to encourage or exhort

     — the many different translations here give helpful perspectives as long as they are understood                      correctly 

The Holy Spirit is the Divine Person who is called to our side to continue the ministry .

What is the difference between the ministry of Christ and the Holy Spirit? 

The Spirt has been all along in Christ’s ministry

If the disciples know Christ, they know the — just as they have seen the Father in Christ. 

The Holy Spirit carries on the work of

The Three-Fold Offices of Christ

Jesus’ ministry of revelation is carried on in the life of the church through the ministry of the Spirit.

     – The I of the New Testament 

     – The of the New Testament 

Benjamin Morgan Palmer: “Christ procures for His people all spiritual blessings by His death. He then, by intercession, sues them out before the throne of the Father. The decree is granted in their favor under this pleading, and then it is handed over to the eternal Spirit, whose function is to work it into the actual experience of the believer.”

Romans 8:34

The Holy Spirit to our hearts what was accomplished by  

Palmer:  “Being born of the Spirit, we become living subjects of Jesus the King.”

Palmer: “The strength by which we are sustained, and through which we conquer at last, is purchased for us by Christ our Lord as is communicated through the agency of the Holy Spirit.”

The Spirit is our constant help when it comes to the believer’s

The Spirit of Truth

Richard Philips: ” Christianity is not a religion of mystical insight, intuition, or ritual technique, but of revealed truth through the world of God.” 

To be is to be

John Calvin: “The Holy Spirit is only a dream to earthy men because they rely on their own reason and despise heavenly illumination.”

The Spirit works with the — not apart from it. 

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