Scripture Focus: Acts 2:42-47, Isaiah 64:1-4 Mission Statement: FBCCH exists to worship the one true God, proclaim the one true gospel, and to love our members, our community, and the world. Vision Statement: Passion, commitment, ownership… At FBCCH, we desire members who are passionate about wor …
Scripture Focus: Hebrews 11 1.By faith we know. (MULTILINE) 2. By faith we go. (MULTILINE)
Scripture Focus: Psalm 95, Matthew 2:1-12 1. The Necessity of a Response (MULTILINE) Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 9:6, Micah 5:2 (MULTILINE) Jeremiah 23:5-6, Zechariah 9:9 (MULTILINE) 2. The Proper Response A. Humble Worship (MULTILINE) B. Absolute Surrender (MULTILINE)
Now in Flesh Appearing Scripture Focus: Titus 3:4-7 Appearance number 1… God wrapped in flesh. Philippians 2:5-8 (MULTILINE) John 1:1-4, Hebrews 1:1-3 (MULTILINE) John 1:14-15, Titus 3:4-5 (MULTILINE) Appearance number 2… God in Spirit. Titus 3:4-6, John 15:26-27, John 16:7, John 14:15-18, Titus 3:7 …
1. Absolute Trust in the Lord (v. 5-6) (MULTILINE) A. Trust God Entirely Matthew 16:24-26, Matthew 10:37-39 (MULTILINE) B. Trust God Exclusively Proverbs 14:12, Proverbs 28:26 (MULTILINE) C. Trust God Extensively (MULTILINE) 2. Humble Fear of the Lord (v. 7-8) (MULTILINE) Fear of the Lord involv …
Scripture Focus: Psalm 138 1. Thanksgiving begins with an undivided heart. (MULTILINE) 2. Thanksgiving continues by… A. Giving thanks to His name. El Shaddai – Lord God Almighty, El Elyon – The Most High God, Jehovah Nissi – The Lord My Banner, Jehovah-Raah – The Lord My Shepherd, Jehovah Rapha – Th …
Scripture Focus: Romans 12:1-2 1. Because of the mercies of God – Romans 11:28-36 (MULTILINE) The depth of the riches of his knowledge and wisdom is so incredible that we can’t begin to understand his ways. 2. To be holy and pleasing to God – Psalm 19:14 (MULTILINE) Remember justification and sancti …
Scripture Focus: Jeremiah 18:1-6 The Master Potter (MULTILINE) A. He is good B. He is sovereign C. He is powerful D. He is right (MULTILINE) Being fully surrendered means we trust the master potter even if we can’t yet see the end result of his work. 2. The Master’s Purpose Romans 8:28-29 (MULTILINE …
Scripture Focus: Ephesians 5:15-23 1. Wives, respect your husband as the spiritual leader of your home. (MULTILINE) Pray for him. Be patient with him. Encourage him. Communicate with him. Abide in Christ. If your husband won’t lead, you have to do it. 2. Husbands, be the spiritual leader of your hom …
Scripture Focus: Ephesians 6:10-18 1. Prayer in the Battle: A Breakdown of Ephesians 6:18 (MULTILINE) A. A Simple Call to Ongoing Prayer Psalm 63, Psalm 19:14 (MULTILINE) B. The Fuel for our Prayers (MULTILINE) C. A Call to Specific Prayers Prayers of supplication, intercession, thanksgiving, pr …
Scripture Focus: Ephesians 6:10-18 1. The Helmet of Salvation (MULTILINE) A. We are being saved from the guilt of our past. B. We are being saved in the present. C. We will be saved in the future. (MULTILINE) 2. The Sword of the Spirit (MULTILINE) Why we must study the Bible… A. It is essential f …
Scripture Focus: Ephesians 6:10-18 1. The Shoes – John 14:27, Philippians 4:7 Peace is a person. You cannot have peace apart from a personal intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. a. We have peace because of the promises of the gospel. (MULTILINE) That’s why I can dig my heels in with the shoes of …
Scripture Focus: Ezekiel 3:16-19 1. A Sobering Warning – 1 Corinthians 2:2, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 (MULTILINE) We have been entrusted with the message of the gospel. Why would we not proclaim it? 2. The Desperate Need They need to have their sins forgiven. They need answers to life’s questions. They …
Scripture Focus: Ephesians 6:10-18 1. Imputed Righteousness vs. Practical Righteousness Imputed Righteousness is Positional Practice Righteousness is Sanctifying Romans 13:14, Ephesians 4:24, Colossians 3:10, Romans 13:12, Ephesians 4:22, Colossians 3:8-10 Positional righteousness in Christ witho …
Scripture Focus: Ephesians 6:10-20 1. Strength for the Battle – Ephesians 1:16, 3:14-16, 2 Corinthians 12:9 (MULTILINE) When your feet hit the floor in the morning you need be drawing on the strength available to you. Don’t fight on your own for a single second, or you will feel defeated. 2. Prepa …
Scripture Focus: Ephesians 6:10-20 1. The Enemy We Face (MULTILINE) A. They are created beings. B. They rebelled against God. – Revelation 12:7-9, Isaiah 14:12-15, Luke 10:18 C. He is pure evil. D. Their eternal fate is already sealed. – Revelation 20:1-3, Revelation 20:7-10, Matthew 8:28-29 2. The …
Scripture Focus: Ephesians 5:15-21 Paul gives us four points of instruction on how to walk worthy… 1. With wisdom (MULTILINE) -Wisdom applies knowledge. – Wisdom is intentional. You cannot leave your spiritual walk to chance. 2. With urgency (MULTILINE) Evil wins the day when God’s children are di …
1. The Nature of Darkness Romans 1:18-25 (MULTILINE) You are a child of the King, & it is beneath the dignity of a prince or princess to indulge in the practices of those outside the kingdom. 2. Another Command to Walk Worthy Galatians 5:22, 24-25 (MULTILINE) Remember the Fruit of the Spirit: lo …
Scripture Focus: Ephesians 5:1-5 1. The Standard for a Worthy Walk a. God is love. b. God is full of grace & mercy. c. God is patient. Colossians 2:9 d. He was compassionate. Matthew 9:36, Matthew 14:13-14 e. He was meek. f. He was humble. Philippians 2:5-8 g. He was a servant. h. He loved sacri …
What Pleases God, Should Please Us Scripture Focus: Jonah 4:1-11 1. Jonah Admits His Anger Jonah 1:1-4 (MULTILINE) 2. Jonah Waits for God’s Wrath on Nineveh Jonah 1:5-9 (MULTILINE) 3. God Leaves Jonah with a Question Jonah 1:10-11 (MULTILINE)
A Worthy Walk, Part 3 Ephesians 4:25-32 1. An Honest Person (MULTILINE) The Bible calls satan the father of lies, so a liar is simply emulating his or her father. A child of God must emulate the Heavenly Father. 2. A Gentle Person (MULTILINE) Don’t let your anger rise back up with the sun. If you le …
A Worthy Walk, Part 2 Scripture Focus: Ephesians 4:17-32 A worthy walk demands a transformed mind. 1. The Danger of Futile Thoughts and a Corrupt Mind A. Ignorance of the things of God (MULTILINE) It would be foolish to carry on in darkness after having been …
How Christ Builds His Church Ephesians 4:7-16 1. The Head and Provider Ephesians 1:22, Colossians 1:18, Psalm 68 (MULTILINE) He has given us the instructions for how to lead a church. Pray. Preach. Love. Serve. Make disciples. 2. The Specific Gifts of Church Leaders (MULTILINE) A pastor/teacher care …
1. The Crucial Command Paul says walk worthy of the calling you have received. Live like the people you have become. 2. The Worthy Characteristics A. Humility – remembering who we were when grace took hold of us. B. Gentleness – not weakness, power under control. C. Patience – believing God’s timeta …
1. He recognized who he was. Romans 7:15-19 (MULTILINE) True spiritual growth only makes you realize how truly helpless you are…but Paul wasn’t paralyzed by the realization of his wretchedness because he also knew who he was in Christ. 2. He did not count his life as his own. Acts 20:22-23a, Phili …
Last week we covered God’s overwhelming sovereignty God’s eternal timeline God’s incredible gift God’s astonishing invitation God’s magnificent purpose Today we are going to cover the next three spiritual blessings. God’s Supreme Purchase Redemption through his blood. Redemption means to …
Every Spiritual Blessing Part 3 Ephesians 1:11-19 We’ve covered eight spiritual blessings from chapter 1 so far. We’ll cover the last three today. We know that a relationship with Christ is life changing and eternity changing, but why? What are the specific things we gain by knowing Christ? God’s …
Every Spiritual Blessing Part 1 Ephesians 1:1-6 1. God’s Overwhelming Sovereignty Passages which suggest the sovereignty of God: “He chose us in him … he predestined us to be adopted” (Eph. 1:4–5). “For those God foreknew, he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son … A …
Why Do Bad Things Happen? (The Problem of Evil and Suffering) Romans 8:18-25 The question can be asked in many different ways. Why do bad things happen is usually followed by the phrase “to good people.” Why do bad things happen to good people? We have to answer that question biblically. That has …
Did Jesus Really Rise from the Grave? 1 Cor. 15: 1-8, 17-20, 50-58 The resurrection of Christ is fundamental to our faith. The cross paid the price for our sins, the resurrection took away the penalty. The resurrection of Jesus Christ and Christianity stand or fall together. You cannot refute Chri …
Why am I Here? Psalm 145, 1 Cor. 10:31 If God created us with such care and detail, breathed life into our lungs and made us in His image, we must have a magnificent purpose. One of greatest questions of life is “why am I here?” “What is my purpose?” And embedded in that question is the quest for …
What is His Name? Exodus 3:1-15 Common names for God in the Old Testament El- simply God. The same word was used in Hebrew when referring to other gods, false Gods. Little g gods. So when El is used to refer to our God it is almost always combined with qualifying words that distinguish him …
For His Name’s Sake Sermon Series Introduction Today we begin a sermon series entitled Names. Beginning today we will look at the names of God. We can know God. Isn’t that an incredible statement? We can only know God in the ways that he declares himself. We do not have the right (and in fact it …
More Qualities of the New Life Colossians 3:18-4:6 Does our faith really matter in real life? Is our faith just something we talk about and participate in for a couple of hours on the weekend? Or is it truly transformational? True, biblical faith is transformational. But how so? What doe …
Comfort for God’s People Isaiah 40 1. The Perceived Neglect I don’t even know what to pray! (v. 6) Has God forgotten me?! (v. 27) 2. The Promised Deliverance -The best is yet to come (v. 2) -God will prepare the way (v. 3-4) -God’s glory will be revealed (v.5) …
Qualities of the New Life Colossians 3:12-17 Embodying the Character of Christ Put on literally refers to getting dressed. Wearing clothes. So this is a description of a child of God’s spiritual wardrobe. As I go through this list of characteristics, I want you to examine your own life. A …
Renewed to Life Colossians 3:1-11 Our daily goal: Love God more deeply than I ever have, pursue Him more passionately than I ever have. Our Status Changes our Focus a. We’ve been raised, so we seek Him. -To seek Him is to be preoccupied with Him and His purposes, plans, provisions, an …
Truth and Freedom in Christ Colossians 2:8-23 Paul’s Warning Against False Doctrine 2 Timothy 4 2 Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; correct, rebuke, and encourage with great patience and teaching. 3 For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine, but accor …
The Mystery of the Gospel Colossians 1:24-2:7 The Burden of the Gospel a. Suffering for the gospel b. Serving the church 2. The Mystery of the Gospel 3. The Power of the Gospel Paul’s desire for those he preached to: To be encouraged. To love one another. To have the kn …
Raising up Valiant Warriors Judges 6, 7, 8 Gideon’s Hiding Threshing wheat in the winepress. Gideon hid physically. We probably are not guilty of that. Physically we are there for our children. We would die in order to protect them physically. But too many men hide emotionally. Too many men are …
Higher than the Mountains Psalm 121 A Right Perspective on Trouble When you face the troubles of this life, from what perspective do you view them? -Random bad luck (or evil people, an attack of the devil, etc.) or allowed and purposed by Sovereign God. -Destroying fire, or refining fire. -Perma …
The Life Changing Power of the Gospel Colossians 1:3-14 The gospel gives us a new family with a new mission (3-8) a. A love for the church b. A love for your brothers and sisters in Christ c. A passion for the mission 2. The gospel in the here and now a. A worthy walk (10a) b. A fruitfu …
The Secret of Contentment Philippians 4:10-19 1. We must be confident in God’s providence. To really be content, we have to know that God is going to provide everything we need. Matthew 6:25-34 25″This is why I tell you: Don’t worry about your life, what you will eat or what you …
The Three Strands of a Healthy Family Ecclesiastes 4:12 The three strands of a healthy family: Unconditional love Love is a verb. It is action. 2. Unwavering support Because I believe in what you can become. 3. Compassionate accountability Four categories of growth: Mental Phy …
A Shaky Kingdom Daniel 5 Belshazzar’s Misunderstanding -Disrespect for the things of God- 1-4 Application: God’s name God’s house (and the church) God’s day -Dependance on ungodly things- 5-9 -Misunderstanding of God’s power 2. Daniel’s Understanding 3. Daniel’s Rebuke 4. …
In the Fire Daniel 3 There will always be the pressure, and even the expectation of idol worship. Not a golden statue…but idols nonetheless. Culture Pleasure Power Money and Possessions Addiction Job or career Success Spouse or kids Anything in your life you set above God is an idol. 2 C …
Getting your Mind Right Philippians 4:8-9 Remember from last week: The gospel gives us matchless joy, and joy decreases depression and increases happiness. (Rejoice in the Lord always) The gospel can give us a humble gentleness. Gentleness decreases drama. (Let your graciousness be known …
The gospel guarantees eternal life. But what about now? What does the gospel do for us now? Matchless Joy What brings true joy? -Redemption -Obedience -Evangelism -Service 2. Humble Gentleness 3. Indescribable Peace
The Journey to the Cross Colossians 2:13-15 The Reason for the Cross 2. The Result of the Cross a. Gives us life b. Every sin can be forgiven c. Our sin debt is erased d. Satan is defeated 3. The Journey to the Cross We have started our journey in Col. 2 today. But how did we ge …
Bringing Your One to Christ Luke 5:17-26 It’s easy to get caught up in the idea of missions without realizing our personal role in the mission. 1. These men had a mission QUESTIONS TO PONDER: • What drives you? • What things, spiritually, has God put on your heart that you long to see come t …
Follow Me Matthew 4:18-22 Jesus doesn’t choose the best, he chooses the willing 2. He chose us, we didn’t choose him 3. Our primary calling is to be with Him 4. To follow him, we have to surrender everything • Boat: Our careers • Father: Our most significant relationships …
Reaching the Pinnacle Part 2 Phil. 3: 15-21 1. Signs of a Believer’s Maturity From the previous verses (review of previous weeks) -Do not live in the past -Do not be content with where you are. -Look forward to the future when God will finish the work He started in you. From the current text… Tru …
Reaching the Pinnacle Philippians 3:12-14 The Proper The Proper -We can’t rely on past -We can’t dwell on past -We must have a singular The Proper -To be to God -Heavenly -Our promised
Found in Christ Philippians 3:1-11 The Danger of a False Gospel There are many false teachings to watch out for…I will focus on two. a. Anything that adds to or takes away from the gospel. -Faith in Christ, his death, burial and resurrection. -Repentance Second false teaching to watch out for… b. An …