The Secret of Contentment
May 21, 2023The Secret of Contentment
Philippians 4:10-19
1. We must be confident in God’s .
To really be content, we have to know that God is going to provide everything we need.
Matthew 6:25-34
25“This is why I tell you: Don’t worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Isn’t life more than food and the body more than clothing? 26Look at the birds of the sky: they don’t sow or reap or gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t you worth more than they? 27Can any of you add a single cubit to his height by worrying? 28And why do you worry about clothes? Learn how the wildflowers of the field grow: they don’t labor or spin thread. 29Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was adorned like one of these! 30If that’s how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and thrown into the furnace tomorrow, won’t He do much more for you—you of little faith? 31So don’t worry, saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear?’ 32For the idolaters eagerly seek all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you. 34Therefore don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
2. We must be with what we have, even if we have little. (11-12)
The Greek word translated content was used in reference to a country that had no need of imports. They were completely self sufficient. They were satisfied with what they had.
-Our contentment has nothing to do with our .
-Discontentment comes from blurring the lines between and .
What if God saved you, and gave you nothing else?
3. To be truly content, we must focus on the needs of . (15-19)
Through our tithe to our local church.
Through blessing others.
4. We must be by God. (13)
We use that verse to apply to a lot of things, but take it in the context in which it was written. Paul says, I have learned to be content in every situation. God’s grace really is enough for me. Because I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.