In the Fire

April 30, 2023

In the Fire 

Daniel 3 

  1. There will always be the pressure, and even the expectation of worship. 

Not a golden statue…but idols nonetheless. 




Money and Possessions 


Job or career 


Spouse or kids 

Anything in your life you set above God is an idol. 

2 Chron. 20- Jehoshaphat walked in the ways of Asa his father; he did not turn away from it but did what was right in the Lord’s sight. However, he did not tear down the high places; the people had not yes set their hearts on God. 

Tear down the high places! 


2. We must learn to for Christ, His gospel, and His word.  


3. You will go through the . You will not go through it . You can go through it with . 


4. Passing through the fire is always  





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