Renewed to Life

July 16, 2023

Renewed to Life

Colossians 3:1-11


Our daily goal: Love God more deeply than I ever have, pursue Him more passionately than I ever have. 


  1. Our Status Changes our

a. We’ve been , so we seek Him.

    -To seek Him is to be with Him and His purposes, plans, provisions, and power.  

    -It is also to view things (possessions) and circumstances with an perspective.  

    -To view with an eternal perspective. 

    -And to view with an eternal perspective.


    b.  We’ve died to the old life, so we are in Him.

    Hidden: To cause to be protected. 

    -Protected from the

    -Secure for


    c.  He is our life, so we will live with Him in .

    In heaven: 

    We will be like .

    Things will be like they were to be.


    2.  Our Status Changes our

    1st list: Sins of misplaced

    2nd list: Sins that destroy


    3.  Our Status Changes our



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