Bringing Your One to Christ

March 26, 2023

Bringing Your One to Christ

Luke 5:17-26

It’s easy to get caught up in the idea of missions without realizing our personal role in the mission. 


1. These men had a


• What drives you?

• What things, spiritually, has God put on your heart that you long to see come to fruition in your lifetime?

• Do you have kingdom dreams (such as people coming to faith in Christ), or are your dreams all tied to this life?

2. They had an eager expectation


• Do you have an eager expectation of someone coming to faith?

• Does your eager expectation move you to action?

3. They encountered an


• What obstacles have derailed you from the mission?

• What would it look like for you to dig a hole in the roof?

4. They got more than they for


• How did others play a role in your trusting in Jesus?

• In what ways has Jesus transformed your life?

• Why would you not long for this same type of transformation in others?

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