Reaching the Pinnacle Part 2
March 5, 2023Reaching the Pinnacle Part 2
Phil. 3: 15-21
1. Signs of a Believer’s
From the previous verses (review of previous weeks)
-Do not live in the
-Do not be with where you are.
-Look forward to the when God will finish the work He started in you.
From the current text…
True believers…
a. Are by the word.
b. Live by the .
c. Are in their pursuit.
d. Follow the right .
e. Focus on things.
What lasts for eternity?
-The word of God
-The souls of people
-Our legacy
-Investment in the kingdom
f. Wait eagerly for the of Christ.
g. Hold to the of eternal life.
2. Signs of an Unbeliever’s
a. Are of the cross.
-Some deny it.
-Some minimize it.
-Others ignore it.
b. Desire things.
c. Glory in their .
d. Are promised eternal .