Do More

January 12, 2025   /   First Baptist Colbert Heights

Scripture Focus: Acts 2:42-47, Isaiah 64:1-4

Mission Statement:
FBCCH exists to worship the one true God, proclaim the one true gospel, and to love our members, our community, and the world. 

Vision Statement: 
Passion, commitment, ownership… 

At FBCCH, we desire members who are passionate about worship, the gospel of Jesus Christ, and people in our community and around the world. 

We desire members who are committed to pray consistently, attend regularly, give generously, and serve faithfully. 

We desire members who take ownership of our mission.
Member Covenant 

1. I will love my and in Christ and will seek to promote unity within the church.
2. I will for the lost, for my church, my fellow members, my pastor, and other leaders of the church. 

3. I will services unless providentially hindered. 

4. I will the regarding financial stewardship, and I will give my tithes and offerings faithfully.
5. I will to live a life, pleasing to God in all things, so that I do not damage the cause of Christ or the testimony of my church.
6. I will not be a . I will seek to use my talents and gifts to serve God and the church.

Three Words for 2025…

  1. Abide

  2. Transform

  3. Increase

Walk with God. Abide in Christ.

Love Him more. Pursue Him more.

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