Found in Christ
February 19, 2023Found in Christ
Philippians 3:1-11
- The of a Gospel
There are many false teachings to watch out for…I will focus on two.
a. Anything that adds to or takes away from the gospel.
-Faith in Christ, his death, burial and resurrection.
Second false teaching to watch out for…
b. Any for salvation other than knowing Christ and redemption from sin.
2. The of the Gospel
What does it mean to know Christ?
a. He is Lord of your life.
b. You have everything to him.
To gain Christ you have to surrender everything. Everything becomes his.
Surrender everything to Christ, and the things he gives back to you, he gives them back with a purpose.
c. You have his and not your own.
3. The of Knowing Christ
a. The fellowship of his sufferings
Christ provides a satisfaction that transcends even the greatest suffering.
b. The power of his
One of the reasons most of us never experience true revival or even a deep walk with Christ is because we won’t die to self. We say we want revival, but God will not typically break into our busy lives to force it upon us. He will not shout into our distracted hearts and minds to get our attention. Revival comes to those who are still, and quiet, and surrendered. Revival comes to those who want nothing more than Christ. No frills, no dramatic showing, just Christ.
But let’s be honest. Most of us will never experience revival because we are content to live without it. We have not yet decided that everything is rubbish compared to the surpassing value of knowing Christ.
When Christ is all you need, all of Christ is what you’ll get.
He is enough.