This Week's Note
A Closer Look At “AGAPE” Love
February 9, 2025
Darin Latham

What does "Agape Love – the purest love imaginable" truly look like? Is it defined and described in the Bible? How can I know when I’m seeing it, experiencing it, and displaying it? All of these questions will be answered in this week’s teaching.

February 2, 2025
Darin Latham

The Westminster Catechism describes the purpose of humanity this way: ‘The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.’ Be honest now... It’s one thing to ‘glorify’ God, but do you honestly ‘enjoy’ God? Why do many of us hesitate at that concept, and is there a truth we can discover that will transform our thinking in this area? This week’s teaching gets to the heart of it all.

The Proper Posture of Your Hands
January 26, 2025
Lewis Chifan

So far in this series, we have learned the proper posture for our head and hearts when it comes to our “stuff”. How can I ensure that my mind and heart are in the right place? How can I keep my mind and heart on the right path? What can I practically do to re-posture myself for a fulfilled life? Those are the questions we will be answering in this message.

The Proper Posture of Your Heart
January 19, 2025
Simon Gau

This message is NOT for the faint of heart… How we treat our money and possessions may just be the CLEAREST INDICATOR of the posture of our hearts towards God.

This week, we’re going to take a look at how we spend our money, and what that may or may not say about our heart posture. We’re also going to discover what a heart that God desires actually looks like!

The Proper Posture Of Your Head
January 12, 2025
Darin Latham

Chiropractors tell us there is a proper physical posture to have, and they tell us that we will have an optimal experience with our bodies when we maintain that proper posture. We are applying this “posture principle” to our interactions with the money and possessions in our lives. We will have an optimal experience with these resources when we have the proper mental posture towards them. What is that proper mental posture? This week’s teaching answers that question.

The Vision of Broadway Church
January 5, 2025
Darin Latham

There is something reassuring about travelling with a road map. It enables you to navigate the terrain with confidence, ensuring you reach your desired destination. That is what the “vision” of an organization does: it provides clarity regarding the way forward. In this week’s teaching, Pastor Darin sets out the “vision” of Broadway Church, explaining our Why?, our What? and our How? He will also give us a peek into some of the exciting plans for 2025!

Life-Stretching Tension
December 22, 2024
Darin Latham

We live in a strange time. We can witness a miracle on Monday and then attend a funeral on Tuesday. We live at a time when two clashing kingdoms are existing at the same time, and we live in the middle of the clash, feeling the pull from both kingdoms. In today’s teaching, we will discuss this life-stretching tension.

Christmas Tension – Week 1
December 15, 2024
Lewis Chifan

Jesus Christ was God but was also born as a baby, then grows up to be an adult man, and then dies. How does that all work? And according to the Bible, because of his death, somehow humanity can receive forgiveness. How is that possible? Those are the tensions (and questions) we will unpack during this week’s message.

It Matters What You Seek
December 8, 2024
Darin Latham

What lies at the center of your life? What power is pulling at you from within, every moment of every day? In today’s investigation of the legendary lives of King Herod and the Magi, we are going to learn how the answer to those questions impacts our experience of life.

Managing the Mess (Life-changing Lesson from Mary and Joseph’s story)
December 1, 2024
Darin Latham

Life tends to come at us quickly. Things tend to happen that we never anticipated. We do our best to plan things out, but, for whatever reason, things can come crashing down around us. If you can relate to this reality at all, you should know that Mary and Joseph, the parents of Jesus, have a lot in common with you! You should know that the events surrounding the typical “peaceful manger scene”, were anything but peaceful! Join us to see what lessons we can learn from their legendary journey.

God Prepares Us (Life-changing Lesson from David and Goliath’s story)
November 24, 2024
Simon Gau

We all have GIANTS in our lives that seem to appear out of nowhere. You wake up with a pay cheque and go to bed unemployed... GIANT. Out of the blue your landlord tells you that you need to start looking for a new place to live... GIANT. You’re in relatively good health, then your doctor informs you that you are now in a fight for your life against cancer... GIANT. The GIANTS in our lives always catch us off guard and most of the time we feel very under-prepared. But it doesn’t have to be that way. In this week's message, Pastor Simon unpacks the story of David vs. Goliath and explains how we can prepare to face the very real GIANTS in our own lives.

For Such a Time as This (Life-changing Lesson from Esther’s story)
November 17, 2024
Lewis Chifan

When certain moments happen in your life, do you chalk them up to just being random or an accident? Or is there something more to it? Is there a greater purpose? How do you make sense of certain moments in life? The lessons we will learn from the story of Esther will challenge us to rethink how we view these types of moments.

God Intended it for Good
November 10, 2024
Darin Latham

What do you do with the hurtful moments in your life: the stabs in your back; the pokes in your eye? Do you curse them? Do you dwell upon them? Do you revisit and regurgitate them? Do you wonder why God allowed them? Today we are going to meet a man named Joseph - a man whose life was a roller coaster ride. However, not only did Joseph survive, but he thrived along the way. In today’s teaching, we are going to discover the life-changing secret to Joseph’s success.

God Will Provide
November 3, 2024
Darin Latham

Have you ever found yourself doubting God? Have you ever found yourself wondering if God really cares or if God really knows what He is doing? If so, you have a lot in common with a man named Abraham. A man who, one day, faced a crisis at a level none of us could ever fathom. And how Abraham responded to that crisis will serve as a life-changing lesson and example for us all.

Do whatever makes you happy
October 27, 2024
Simon Gau

What do Kurt Cobain, The Fast and the Furious, and Drake, all have in common? They all are leaning into the same underlying assumption about what truly makes you happy in life. In this message, Pastor Simon unpacks the difference between hedonic and eudaimonic happiness, and reveals the SECRET TO HAPPINESS according to a Biblical Worldview and why the grand order of importance is the most important thing about you.

Live your truth
October 20, 2024
Darin Latham

“Live your truth.” It’s a modern-day proverb that we hear all the time. Any claim can immediately be categorized as off limits to critique if the one making the claim simply utters these magic words: “It’s MY truth.” Is that how truth works? Can you have your own truth? Can I have my own truth? If my truth contradicts your truth, can both still be true? This teaching provides you with the answer to that question (and more!).

Believe in yourself
October 13, 2024
Lewis Chifan

Why is “believe in yourself” a really stupid proverb? Is self-belief or confidence wrong? No, not at all. However, in this message, we will learn that there is a line that can be crossed when it comes to believing in yourself. A line that has significant consequences.

Follow Your Heart
October 6, 2024
Darin Latham

“Follow your heart...” People say this all the time! And when they give us this advice, they sincerely think they are helping us. They sincerely think they are pointing us in the right direction. However, when you sit down and ponder this statement, you will soon discover that this is a recipe for disaster. During this teaching we are going to ponder this (really) stupid proverb. We will investigate the hidden assumptions behind it, the danger it brings, and how we can avoid the pitfalls it represents.

Get to the Root
September 29, 2024
Darin Latham

There is a difference between trimming a weed and uprooting a weed. When you merely trim a weed, nothing has actually changed. The weed is still there and in a short time, it will be visible once again. If you want to get rid of a weed, you need to remove it by the root. When it comes to recurring hurts and habits in our lives, we can often be guilty of trimming instead of uprooting. In today’s teaching, we will discover two common “roots” of recurring issues in our lives.

Get to the Cross
September 22, 2024
Simon Gau

NOT ALL WOUNDS BLEED. So, how do we heal the deep hurts or habits within? Today, we’re addressing the second crucial step that must be taken for real healing to occur. We will discover two essential ingredients for healing that can only be found in one very important place… the Cross of Jesus Christ. Pastor Simon walks us through practical steps on why forgiveness is so important and how it can be achieved.

Get to the Truth
September 15, 2024
Darin Latham

When it comes to the wounds in our hearts and minds, the first key to “getting healed” is getting to the truth - seeing things in your life as they truly are. It isn’t always easy to do this. It can often be difficult to come face to face with the reality about our lives. In today’s teaching, we will discover four powerful lenses through which we can look. Four powerful lenses that will lead us to the truth, and position us to experience healing.

Why You Should Stop Going To Church
September 8, 2024
Darin Latham

When it comes to church, are you merely a face in the crowd, or are you a follower of Jesus? What is the difference? How can you know? This teaching exposes a false gospel that deceives people, and this teaching unpacks the true gospel that transforms lives. This teaching could save your life.

What in the World is God Doing?
September 1, 2024
Nicole Preston

Global Outreach Sunday is a Sunday where we have the privilege of updating you on What, How and Where in the World God is working in amazing ways through the Global Outreach workers that we support, through our Global Outreach committee, and through your generosity and prayer.

What happens after we die?
August 25, 2024
Darin Latham

What happens to us, after we die? Do we cease to exist? Do we simply become unconscious? Do we float around as ghosts, wandering the earth? Do we go to some heavenly location, playing harps on a cloud? What does the future hold for us after death? If you have ever wondered about these things, you will not want to miss this sermon.

How Can Human Free Will, Divine Sovereignty, and Divine Omniscience All Fit Together?
August 18, 2024
Darin Latham

How can humans have free wills to do as we please, and God have control over the universe at the same time? Isn’t that impossible? And if God knows what we are going to do tomorrow, doesn’t that mean we are destined to do what we do tomorrow? How is that having a free will? All of these questions will be answered in this one, fascinating teaching!

What Does the Bible Teach about Repentance and Confession?
August 11, 2024

How is the concept of repentance relevant to my life in today's world? Who needs to repent and what does that even mean? Why would I confess my sins to someone else? In this week's sermon, we explore these questions and more, as we consider how to live life "in the light".

Do people who have never heard about Jesus go to hell?
August 4, 2024
Rev. Jim Richards

This question isn't just some theoretical debate. It's a deeply personal issue that hits close to home, affecting people we know and love. While there’s no easy answer tied up in a bow, we’ll explore what the Scriptures say and look at the very heart of God to find understanding and hope.

How do I find (and be) a godly spouse?
July 28, 2024
Lewis Chifan

It does not matter if you are “single and looking” or “married and taken”, this topic is for you. We are going to discover some life-changing, biblical principles for those who are in any stage of life.

A biblical sexual ethic EXPLAINED
July 21, 2024
Simon Gau

Sex before marriage? Sex after marriage? Sex outside of marriage? Sex inside of marriage? What does the Bible say about sex? Who should have sex, with whom, and when, and why? And an honest conversation about “purity culture” that no one is talking about.

My Life is Fine. Why Should I Follow Jesus?
July 14, 2024
Avri Paul

Following Jesus seems to make sense when you’re feeling lost or hopeless - when you need Him to fix things. But what about when your life is great? Why should you follow Jesus when you’re already feeling pretty comfortable? In this first message of our “You Asked For It” series, we unpack what it truly means to follow Jesus, and why this still matters whether our life is “fine” or not.

Unicorns, Slavery, and Genocide in the Bible
July 7, 2024
Darin Latham

The Bible teaches that there are unicorns. The Bible endorses slavery. The God of the Bible commanded genocide. How can anyone consider the Bible and the Bible’s God to be a reliable and authoritative guide?” If someone confronted you with these claims, how would you respond? You will be equipped to respond in this, the closing message of our “How (Not) to Read the Bible” series!

All The Bible Points to Jesus
June 30, 2024
Avri Paul

The Bible is full of stories and verses that, at times, can be hard to make sense of. And yet, in every part, it all points to Jesus. Don't believe us? Dive into the entire story of the Bible as we unpack just how evident Jesus is from the beginning of scripture all the way to the end.

The Bible Was Not Written to Us
June 23, 2024
Darin Latham

The Bible is filled with promises from God: declarations that God has made, vows that God has declared. And many people, over the years, have shipwrecked their faith by claiming some of these promises for themselves. Why is that wrong? How is that a problem? That is the dynamic that we are focusing upon in this week’s teaching.

Never Read A Bible Verse
June 16, 2024
Nathan Paul

We’ve all done it. Flipped open our Bible to a random page, and put our finger on a random verse hoping that God would give us a message of encouragement or direction. This might seem like a very spiritual thing to do, but it can actually lead to a lot of confusion and misinformation. In this week’s message we’ll learn the proper way to read the Bible.

The Bible is a Library Not a Book
June 9, 2024
Mick Nelson

The Bible is the most remarkable book ever. But it is also the most unique. When you understand what the Bible is all about, you will appreciate what it has to say.

Reading the Bible Can Mess You Up
June 2, 2024
Darin Latham

Many have experienced the power that comes from interacting with the Bible. Many have also experienced the confusion that can come from interacting with the Bible. Many can personally attest to the fact that reading the Bible can build you up, and reading the Bible can mess you up. In today’s teaching, we are going to learn why this is true, and how we can ensure we are interacting with the Bible in a healthy and life-giving way.

A History of Hope
May 26, 2024
Simon Gau

This message will give you HOPE. Today we are putting God’s faithfulness on display as Pastor Simon shares the miracle story of the CityReach Care Society. We’re starting all the way back in 1910 when Broadway Church first got its start in Vancouver and decided that we wanted to be a church that would always be in the HOPE BUSINESS. Today’s message will not only give YOU HOPE but also invite you to join us in the HOPE BUSINESS!

The Supernatural Reality In A Christ-Follower’s Life
May 19, 2024
Darin Latham

When you accept God’s gift of forgiveness and cleansing, and become a follower of Jesus Christ, you automatically step into the most amazing and life-changing experience that a human being could ever imagine. After watching this week's teaching, we hope that you have a deeper understanding, as well as a more intimate experience of the supernatural presence of God in your life.

The “Health and Wealth” Jesus
May 12, 2024
Lewis Chifan

If you have health and wealth, does that mean God is blessing you because of a life well lived? If you don’t have health and wealth, does that mean God is cursing you because of a life not well lived? In this message we are going to answer those questions and debunk this counterfeit version of Jesus.

The “Judge-Not” Jesus
May 5, 2024
Darin Latham

The counterfeit version of Jesus that we’re investigating today has a very simple message for the world: JUDGE NOT! Those appear to be the only two words this Jesus ever spoke. Apparently, this version of Jesus believes that it is always wrong to tell someone that they have done something wrong. Can you see the problem with that worldview? (Hint: it’s self-defeating...) Well, that’s just the beginning of the problems when it comes to this counterfeit. We’re about to learn more in today’s teaching.

The “Socialist” Jesus
April 28, 2024
Simon Gau

The "SOCIALIST" Jesus is a counterfeit version of Jesus that believes that poverty is next to godliness. He believes the less you have, the more you’re blessed. In this message, we’re going to discover that this kind of thinking is rooted in Dualism and that the real Jesus never actually taught or believed this. So, what did the real Jesus actually teach when it came to earthly possessions and our relationship with our stuff? How you answer that question will reveal a lot about what you own and what really owns you.

The “The Anti-Religious Jesus”
April 21, 2024
Nathan Paul

A lot of people claim that Jesus was against religion. He broke the Sabbath Laws, He called out the religious elite, and emphasized love over everything else. If this “ANTI-RELIGIOUS" Jesus saw our churches today, He’d be appalled! But is this the real Jesus? Watch this message to discover who the real Jesus is, and how He viewed religion.

The “Anti-Evangelism Jesus”
April 14, 2024
Darin Latham

There are versions of Jesus that – on the surface – look like the real thing, however, upon closer inspection, they are exposed as counterfeits. Today, we are exposing and debunking the “ANTI-EVANGELISM” version of Jesus. This is the Jesus that tells us all religions are basically the same. This is the Jesus that tells us it doesn’t really matter what you believe, as long as you’re sincere and do your best. We will contrast the “ANTI-EVANGELISM” Jesus with the “real” Jesus that is depicted in the Bible, and we will discover that this version falls far short of the real thing!

The “Everyman Jesus”
April 7, 2024
Darin Latham

There are versions of Jesus that – on the surface – look like the real thing, however, upon closer inspection, they are exposed as counterfeits. Today we are looking at the counterfeit known as the “Everyman” Jesus. This is the Jesus who was exactly like us, just a better and more accomplished version than us. This version of Jesus is nothing more than a good example for us. We will contrast the “Everyman” Jesus with the “real” Jesus that is depicted in the Bible, and we will discover that the “Everyman” version falls far short of the real version.

The Resurrection of Jesus: Marvelous Truth or Marvel Comic?
March 31, 2024
Darin Latham

What is the difference between Thor, Spiderman, and Jesus? How do we know that the story of the resurrection of Jesus isn’t just another in a long line of fanciful legends? In today’s teaching, we will discover the evidence for the resurrection, and debunk 2000 years’ worth of skeptical alternatives.

ACT SIX: Redemption is Completed
March 24, 2024
Lewis Chifan

What comes to your mind when you imagine what heaven is like? Do you picture pearly gates? Are people sitting on clouds and playing harps all day long? Do we have wings? What do our bodies look like? Are we just spiritual beings flying around? At the end of human history, what will eternity in heaven be like? It’s those questions (and more!) that we will be answering in the final week of the Big Picture Series.

ACT FIVE: The Mission to All Nations
March 17, 2024
Simon Gau

The resurrection of Jesus stands as the pinnacle of human history… but what happens next? Hold on to your seats because in Act 5: the Holy Spirit comes, the Church is born, and this new rag-tag group of Christ-followers is set on a collision course with the Roman Empire and the Jewish Religious Authorities. Fireworks fly as the Early Church becomes distinctively different from the world around them and their witness begins to spread to all nations.

ACT FOUR: Redemption is Provided
March 10, 2024
Darin Latham

Have you ever read something that Jesus said, and wondered why he would say such a thing? For example: after watching Jesus perform a bunch of miracles, his followers inform him that they have finally come to the realization that he is the promised Messiah. And how does Jesus respond? “Then Jesus ordered his disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Messiah.” (Matthew 16:20) What?! Why would he say that? There’s a reason for Jesus’ response. There’s a very good reason for it. And, in Act Four of this series, we are going to discover that reason. It will all make sense when we understand the context, the back story, the BIG PICTURE of Jesus’ words.

ACT THREE: Redemption is Initiated
March 3, 2024
Darin Latham

God chooses a couple. That couple becomes a nation - the nation of Israel. Sadly, that nation fails miserably. Nonetheless, through His prophets, God reminds the people that He still has a plan and He still has a promise yet to be fulfilled. God’s prophets drop hints about a coming Messiah, right up until the end of the Old Testament. Today, in Act Three, we will take a fast-forward trip through this entire story!

ACT TWO: Humans Rebel and the Fallout Happens
February 25, 2024
Darin Latham

What takes place in the third chapter of Genesis is responsible for every tragedy, every death, every trauma, every trial, every war, and every assault that has ever happened, that is happening, and that will ever happen. They can all be traced back to what takes place in the passage that we are studying in Act Two of “The Big Picture” series.

God Creates And Dwells With Humanity
February 18, 2024
Darin Latham

Have you ever found yourself looking at the world around you, seeing the pain, pondering the tragedy, and wondering: “God, where are you? What are you doing? What is the point of all this?” You cannot answer these questions by solely focusing upon this present moment. You will only be able to answer them by getting a glimpse of the “big picture”, and, biblically speaking, that means beginning at the beginning: the first two chapters of Genesis.

How To Know Where God Is Leading You
February 11, 2024
Nathan Paul

Have you ever needed direction in life? It seems like all throughout the Bible, God reveals His calling to His followers, but you might be left clueless as to what your calling is. Why can’t God just tell us what to do? Why can’t He tell us who to marry, what city to live in and what career path to follow? Join us to find out how to discover God’s calling on your life.

February 4, 2024
Paul Moores

Today’s message explores the topic of why we do what we do. Pastor Paul gives us an update on the global outreach efforts of Broadway Church, and while doing so, highlights our global workers and the reason that they do what they do.

How To Handle Money
January 28, 2024
Lewis Chifan

Why do we have to talk about money at church? The answer is because there is a right way and a wrong way to view and handle money. Unfortunately, most people view and handle money the wrong way! How do I know if I fall into that category? Is there a way to combat this? What does it look like to steward my finances in a God-honouring way? You will have to watch to find out!

How Should a Follower of Jesus View Money?
January 21, 2024
Darin Latham

If you were to ask the average person on the street what Jesus thought about money, most would tell you that He avoided the topic, that He was too holy to talk about something so worldly, that He had purer things to discuss than financial matters. Most people would tell you that, but most people would be wrong. In this teaching, we are going to listen carefully to what Jesus had to say about money!

How to overcome worry
January 7, 2024

The list of things we worry about can seem unending. What do we do when we find ourselves stuck in unknown and uncertain circumstances and find our hearts and minds troubled? Is there a way we can overcome worry? Let’s dig a little deeper and see what the bible has to say on the topic of worry.

Christmas Triggers – A Wrapped Gift
December 24, 2023
Darin Latham

How do you determine who receives a gift from you? Of all the people in your life, how do you decide who makes it onto your list? The answer to that question holds more power than you may realize, and the truth behind it will serve as our third and final ‘Christmas Trigger.’

A Credit Card
December 17, 2023
Darin Latham

You and I tend to become very familiar with our credit cards over the Christmas season. How would you like it if we could turn that tiny piece of plastic into a trigger for spiritual life in your world? What if we could give you something that would turn a lineup at the cash register into a holy place in your life?

The Nativity Scene
December 10, 2023
Darin Latham

Santa and the reindeer, Frosty the Snowman, the Grinch, Joseph and Mary at the manger... We see these depicted everywhere during the Christmas season. And that’s part of the problem... Is the classic “nativity scene” just like Santa and his reindeer? Is the story of Jesus’ birth nothing more than a Christmas legend?

The ultimate end of evil
December 3, 2023
Nathan Paul

Have you ever asked the question: If Jesus defeated sin on the cross then why is sin still in the world? We live in a world that is full of sin, evil, and suffering. Will there ever be a day where Jesus does away with sin once and for all? That’s what we seek to answer as we conclude our series “Evil”.

How to resist evil
November 26, 2023
Darin Latham

We learned in week one that “Evil is what we experience when we choose to walk away from the goodness of God.” In our best moments, we do not want to do that. But, if we’re honest, we have to admit that there are moments when we do that very thing. Is there a way to fight this temptation? Is there a way to resist the pull of evil? We will discover the answer to that question in today’s teaching.

Understanding the origin of evil
November 19, 2023
Darin Latham

If God created the world, why is there so much evil in the world? Where did evil come from? Why would God create a world that would eventually give rise to evil? Isn't the very presence of evil an obvious design flaw in God's creation? We will discover the answer to these questions in today’s teaching.

The Faith of the Canaanite Woman
November 12, 2023
Desiree Sarris

Have you ever wondered if Jesus was being cruel by delaying answering your prayers? In the book of Mark, a woman approaches Jesus and asks him to heal her daughter. How does he respond? He delays AND responds in an unusual and confusing riddle. Join us as we break down this story and unpack this confusing moment in the life of Jesus.

Eat My Flesh and Drink My Blood
November 5, 2023
Darin Latham

Why would Jesus make cannibalism a requirement for eternal life?! Why would He tell people they had to eat His flesh and drink His blood in order to experience eternal life? He knew this would confuse and disturb people. So why did He do it? That is what we are discussing in today’s teaching.

The unforgivable sin
October 29, 2023
Lewis Chifan

If I do something really bad, will God always forgive me? Can I ever be “too far gone”? How far can I push the limits of God’s grace and forgiveness? Have you ever wondered if there is an unforgivable sin? Actually, according to Jesus, there is! Well, what is it? How can I know I am not committing this “sin” by accident? How do I know I have not already committed it? And how is it possible for an all-loving God to NOT forgive my sin? That’s exactly what we will be unpacking in today’s message.

Let the Dead Bury the Dead
October 22, 2023
Nathan Paul

How would you respond if Jesus asked you to come and follow Him? In this message we’re going to take a look at a man who said “Not Yet” to Jesus and discover Jesus’ very confusing response.

The Parenting of God – Guest Speaker Joanne Goodwin
October 15, 2023
Joanne Goodwin

Our Guest Speaker Joanne Goodwin brought a word about how God is parenting us. As a parent feeds their children, God also feeds us while He is comforting us. Wondering how He does that? Watch this message to find out.

October 8, 2023
Darin Latham

How should we act around someone with whom we are in conflict: whether it be a rebellious child or a former friend? What are the most effective ways to communicate love to another person? In today’s teaching, we are going to learn three simple but powerful keys to expressing love.

October 1, 2023
Darin Latham

What do you do when you are waiting on God? How do you manage the tension between trusting God and doubting God? Using advice from the Apostle Paul, we are going to discover three key activities that will keep us moving while we are waiting.

What to do when the storm arrives
September 24, 2023
Darin Latham

Do you know what it feels like to invest your heart and soul into a relationship, and then have it all go wrong? How do you respond when everything you have stood for has been rejected by someone you love? How do you survive a storm like that? In today’s teaching, we are going to learn how to respond when a relationship storm descends.

Are you sabotaging your growth in Christ?
September 17, 2023
Darin Latham

If someone asked you, “What does a person have to do to grow physically stronger?” you would likely be able to offer some diet and exercise advice. What if someone asked you, “What does a person have to do to grow spiritually stronger?” What advice would you give them? After listening to today’s teaching, you will be equipped to answer that question in a simple, practical, and highly effective way.

Pathway to prosper
September 10, 2023
Pathway To Prosper - CityReach Day

Every faith-based nonprofit has a dilemma: How much of our time and energy should be spent on meeting PHYSICAL NEEDS vs. how much of our time and energy should be spent on meeting SPIRITUAL NEEDS? It’s not a problem we need to solve, but it’s a tension we need to manage. In today’s message, Pastor Simon walks us through the impact that CityReach (Broadway’s nonprofit) is having in our community and how we manage this dilemma. You may laugh, you may cry, but you are guaranteed to be inspired!

Challenging Times. Incredible God.
September 3, 2023
Paul Moores

We live in challenging times. But we serve an incredible God. Today is Global Outreach Sunday and we are going to talk about the problems associated with Global Work in 2023 as well as the answer and response we as a church should have.

The Simple Truth About Divine Healing
August 27, 2023
Darin Latham

What does a person have to do in order to experience divine healing? Are there hoops that need to be jumped through? Are there mantras that need to be recited? In today’s teaching, we are going to learn the amazingly simple truth. We are also going to discuss how to respond to some incredibly difficult (and disappointing) moments.

Debunking the Lies About Divine Healing
August 20, 2023
Darin Latham

As followers of Jesus, we recognize that God still does the miraculous in response to prayer. God still displays His power in supernatural ways. However, we also recognize that the realm of divine healing has become cluttered with a lot of garbage over the centuries. In today’s teaching, we are going to do our best to debunk three of the most common (and destructive) myths.

How To Pay Your Bills and Still Be Generous
August 13, 2023
Mick Nelson

Who isn’t feeling the financial challenge of the current economic climate? We want to be generous and help others but we feel it’s all we can do to pay our own bills. Is there a way we can pay our bills and still be generous? The Apostle Paul helps us navigate this tension.

What Kind of Bodies Will Christ-Followers Have in the New Heaven and Earth?
August 6, 2023
Darin Latham

Even mature Christ followers can become confused when it comes to what happens to us after we die. Do we cease to exist? (No.) Do we become angels? (No.) Do we become eternally free-floating spirits? (No.) In today’s teaching, we will discover the biblical destiny for every follower of Jesus.

What If Jesus Christ Did Not Rise from the Dead?
July 30, 2023
Darin Latham

Followers of Jesus either spread a message that holds the key to eternal life, or followers of Jesus are the biggest liars and fools the world has ever seen. It’s one or the other, so which one is true? That is what is at stake in today’s teaching.

What does God look for in a worship service
July 23, 2023
Avri Paul

The Bible gives some very specific instructions about how a worship service is to be conducted. So how do these guidelines apply to us today? When is speaking in tongues appropriate? How can we discern whether a word is from God or not? And how does all of this contribute to the goal of building up the church? This is what we will be unpacking in today’s message.

What Is The Gift of Tongues All About?
July 16, 2023
Lewis Chifan

There can be some confusing and polarizing topics in the Bible. The spiritual gift of “Speaking in Tongues” is one of those topics. What is this gift? How does it work? When should it be used? How can it be abused? And, how can I access it? Those are the questions we are asking and answering in this message.

What Is Love and How Can It Guide Me?
July 9, 2023
Lewis Chifan

Have you ever thought about what following God actually looks like? Or better yet, what is doesn’t look like? Think about it. How do you know if you are truly following God? Are there signs? Is it possible to think you are following God but, in reality, you are not? These are the questions that we will be unpacking today, and the answer revolves around the Ancient Greek meaning of the word “love."

What Does the Bible Teach Regarding Spiritual Gifts?
June 25, 2023
Paul Moores

What are spiritual gifts? How do I know if I have one? Is one gift better than another? These are the questions we answer as Pastor Paul leads us through 1 Corinthians 12 in the Life Hacks series.

Do I Have to be ‘Good Enough’ to Participate in ‘The Lord’s Supper?’
June 25, 2023
Darin Latham

Just like there are misunderstood song lyrics, there are also misunderstood Bible passages. Today, we are bumping up against just such a passage. And the misunderstanding of this passage has kept people locked in all kinds of guilt and shame. The misunderstanding of this passage has created a wall between followers of Jesus and the love of God. Today, we are going to clarify this passage and tear down that wall.

June 18, 2023
Simon Gau

Over the years we’ve been asked a lot of questions like: “Is it ok to get a TATTOO?” or, “What about a PIERCING?” or, “What makes an outfit appropriate or inappropriate?” We’ve been asked to serve as some kind of Theological Fashionista! But what they are really wanting to know is DOES GOD CARE HOW WE LOOK?
Today we are going to learn from the wise advice of the Apostle Paul as he deals with a tricky 1st Century fashion dilemma full of deeply rooted cultural dynamics, and apply a profound LIFE HACK directly to our 21st Century lives when it comes to our appearance.

How to be Faithfully Different in a Contrary Culture
June 11, 2023
Mick Nelson

Living a life marked by loyalty to Jesus is challenging in our world. The Bible gives some insight on how to live faithfully different in the real world around us.

How to recognize the symptoms of spiritual sickness
June 4, 2023
Simon Gau

Is experiencing a miracle a sign of spiritual maturity? Are outward signs of blessing a direct result of inward signs of health? Today we are going to discover that things are not always as they appear as dive into the world of what it means to be spiritually healthy vs being spiritually sick. There are lots we can learn from the early Christ followers in the ancient city of Corinth and their ancestors, the Nation of Israel. Using them as an example to us, today we are going to take our own spiritual pulse and assess how we’re doing on the inside!

What Advice Does the Bible Offer to Married Christ Followers?
May 28, 2023
Darin Latham

The purpose of marriage, the vital role and frequency of sex in a marriage, a way to ‘affair-proof’ a marriage, options when there is turmoil in a marriage, and options for remarriage when a divorce takes place... All of these issues are addressed in this fast-paced, information-packed teaching from 1 Corinthians!

What Advice Does the Bible Offer to Single Christ Followers?
May 21, 2023
Darin Latham

Many people today seem to view singleness as a ‘pre-marital’ stage, as a problem to be solved with marriage held up as the ‘ideal’. Did you know that the Apostle Paul, under inspiration of the Holy Spirit, presented the opposite view? According to Paul, it is not getting married but it’s remaining single that is the ‘ideal’. In today’s teaching, we will discover the reasons why.

Making Sense of a Senseless World
May 14, 2023
Pastor Ken Russel

Have you ever found yourself wondering about chaos and crises, and why things just don’t seem to work out right? Have you ever felt that God has abandoned you in the middle of a complex situation?
In this message, our guest speaker, Ken Russell, is teaching us what to do when life doesn’t feel fair.

What Does the Bible Teach Regarding Sex?
May 7, 2023
Lewis Chifan

In this message we are going to unpack a very interesting situation that was happening in a church congregation 2000 years ago. While on this journey we will be asking and answering a lot of questions surrounding the Bible and sex. Questions like: Why should I care about what the Bible teaches regarding sex? What moral boundaries are given? Why does it seem like there are so many rules about sex? And, why does God care so much about my sexuality? Check out the message to hear all the answers.

How Should We Respond to a Rebellious Christ-Follower?
April 30, 2023

Have you ever had to have a tough conversation with someone? Whether we have had tough conversations with our spouse, family members, friends or colleagues, this message is on HOW to be redemptive with conflict and discipline when tough conversations need to be had.

April 23, 2023
Mick Nelson

Paul shows us how to avoid being blindsided by our blind spots.

Will Followers of Jesus Be Judged by God?
April 16, 2023
Darin Latam

The moment with the highest tension in every court case has to be the moment when the defendant is standing before the Judge and Jury, as the final verdict is being read aloud. Can you imagine what that would feel like, as your entire future hangs in the balance?

Did you know that every follower of Jesus will one day stand before the throne of God, their life will be examined and a pronouncement will be made? You’re thinking to yourself, “What kind of an examination? What kind of a pronouncement? I thought a Christ follower’s sins were paid for! Are you saying that Christians still have to worry about being judged and condemned by God?”

I See Grace
April 9, 2023
Simon Gau & Lewis Chifan

You may know of Baby Jesus in a manger. You may know of Crucified Jesus on a cross. But have you heard of the Resurrected Jesus?
This Easter Sunday, come hear the story of one man’s incredible experience with the Resurrected Jesus! …Because the Resurrected Jesus is the best one to know!!

Is It Possible to Hear God’s Voice?
April 2, 2023
Darin Latham

The Bible teaches that when you follow Christ, God’s Spirit dwells within you; God’s Spirit lives in relationship with your spirit. And while in that relationship, God’s Spirit communicates with your spirit. But what does that communication sound like? Is it possible to receive God’s thoughts? Is it possible to hear God’s voice? That is what we are going to investigate in today’s teaching.

March 26, 2023
Simon Gau

You and I, we have a problem.
👍 The GOOD NEWS is it’s not a problem that is new to us. This problem existed long before we got here.
👎 The BAD NEWS is some of the smartest thinkers, philosophers, scholars, and world’s most brilliant debaters have been trying to tackle this problem for centuries and they still can’t agree on a solution.
Join us as we uncover God’s answer to our most basic problem.

Why Do Some Churches (and Christ Followers) Shrivel and Die?
March 19, 2023
Darin Latham

It has been said that ‘the church of Jesus Christ is the hope of the world.’ If that is true, if the church is so powerful and so important, why do some churches wither and die? In today’s teaching, we will discover one possible reason and how to avoid it.

How Should I Respond to The Failures of Others?
March 12, 2023
Darin Latham

What do you do when someone you know and love has a serious failure in life? How do you respond when you are responsible to address the fallout from the errors of others? The Apostle Paul was called upon to do that very thing, and he provides us with a master class on where to begin.

Look at What God has Done
March 5, 2023
Paul Moores

The last 12 months have provided Broadway Church was an incredible opportunity to invest in our Global Outreach partners across the world. Pastor Paul is going to talk a little bit about the things that we've been able to partner with over the last 12 months as well as give a sincere “Thank you” to all those who have faithfully given.

February 26, 2023
Simon Gau

Today’s Strange Story is not for the faint at heart. It is about a left-handed assassin who you’ve probably never heard of. It is gruesome and graphic, and it has stumped many readers. Why was this Strange Story even included in the Bible in the first place? And what lessons can we glean from its bizarre characters, Ehud and Eglon? This message will encourage you and remind you that God uses the unlikely to do the unexpected.

A Slave Owner, a Swindler, and a Request
February 19, 2023
Lewis Chifan

This strange story revolves around a letter written by a prisoner, to a slave owner about a run-a-way slave. What do these people have in common? What does the letter say? And is God endorsing slavery here? Check out today’s message to find out!

POWER: Properly Pursuing Excellence
February 12, 2023
Darin Latham

  POWER: Properly Pursuing Excellence A. Why Should We Pursue Excellence? 1. As followers of Jesus, we should pursue excellence because, being made in God’s image, such a pursuit is ______________________________________ us. “Then God said, ‘Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so …

POWER: Understanding It
February 5, 2023
Darin Latham

What do we mean by “power”? We mean the ability to exercise a measure of control in your life and get what you want in life. Essentially, when we talk about “power” we are talking about “success”. In today’s teaching we are going to learn a powerful lesson when it comes to power. We are going to learn about the serious danger of placing the pursuit of success at the center of your life!

January 29, 2023
Nathan Paul

In our culture, sex has become an idol. As followers of Jesus, how can we honour God with our bodies and minds when we live in a world that offers sex up to us on a silver platter? In this message, we will debunk the two extremes when it comes to how our culture views sex and offer practical advice on how to overcome sexual temptation in your life.

January 22, 2023
Nathan Paul

  OUR BATTLE WITH SEX What does the Bible say about sex? 1. God ______________. Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation, for through him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. – Colossians 1:1 …

MONEY: Overcoming Greed
January 15, 2023
Darin Latham

Last week we learned that the danger with money is falling in love with it. Is there a way to avoid this temptation? There is. There is a God-endorsed way of resisting the lure of loving money - a systematic way that will enable a person to prosper without guilt while living in financial and spiritual freedom. This teaching unpacks that God-endorsed way.

MONEY: God Owns It
January 8, 2023
Darin Latham

What lies at the center of your existence? What do you look to for your source of strength and security in life? The answer to this question might not be as obvious as you imagine. (And it might be far more important than you imagine!)

January 1, 2023
Darin Latham

VISION CAST SUNDAY JANUARY 2023 HOW TO GROW STRONGER A. What Should Be Happening Within You… 1. As followers of Jesus, this should be our reality: while our _______________ is getting _______________, our _______________ should be getting ___________________. “Though outward …

It’s not about what you deserve
December 25, 2022
Darin Latham

It’s not about what you deserve   a. What the people _______________… (Luke 7:4-5) “When they came to Jesus, they pleaded earnestly with him. ‘This man deserves to have you do this, because he loves our nation and has built our synagogue.’” b. What the centurion _______________… (Luke 7:6-7 …

God at Work
December 18, 2022
Paul Moores

God at Work Sunday 2 Cor 1:3-4 – Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. Romans 8:28 – And we know t …

Stuck in a rut of burnout and exhaustion
December 11, 2022
Desiree Sarris

Have you ever felt like you were stuck in a rut? Have you ever felt burnt out or exhausted? Together let's look at a story from the Bible that can show us how to prevent and/or get unstuck from burnout and get back to a place where we are thriving and focusing on what God has called us to do.

Stuck and Alone
December 4, 2022
Andy Gabruch

Have you ever felt stuck? And alone? This message explores the causes of modern-day loneliness and how to get unstuck from feelings of loneliness, frustration, and the realities of being alone.

STUCK with no purpose
November 27, 2022
Darin Latham

What do you do when you feel bored with life? What do you do when your life lacks purpose? Should you just get busy? Should you look to make radical changes? Should you change spouses, careers, or locations? What should you do when you feel stuck? That is what we’re going to look into in this teaching, and the answer to the question is (likely) not at all what you think!

Stuck in your faith
November 20, 2022

Have you ever felt stuck? Join us for the next four weeks for a practical conversation on different ways we get stuck in our lives and how to get unstuck. This week, we kicking off the series talking about what happens when we get stuck in our faith and how to move forward with a thriving and confident faith.

Use Me in This Season
November 13, 2022
Paul Morres

This week we will hear about our Global Outreach program which helps the Good News of Jesus Christ reach the 4 corners of the Globe. Come and hear Pastor Paul share stories of the great work our Global Workers are doing and how God is using them in this season.

A Biblical Checklist of God’s Will for Your Life
November 6, 2022
Darin Latham

Last week we looked at how NOT to FIND God’s will. This week Pastor Darin unpacks how TO FIND God’s will. In this teaching, he lays out God’s revealed will for your life, and he then even goes on to show you how to recognize God’s unrevealed will for your life. You might be shocked at what you discover!

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