Redeemer Church Digital Bulletin
Trusting In 2021: You Only Have Three Choices
January 3, 2021 / Redeemer Church RiverviewTheme: You choose to trust either [1] the real God who creates-defines-sustains-redeems as he pleases, [2] others you believe worthy of being god over you, or [3] yourself as being fit to be god over yourself and others.
Corollary: Others whom you bow before, nor you, will relinquish the god-role easily; the true God never relinquishes: we simply bear the sad fruit of rebellious choices, softened—for a season—by his common grace and patience (Gal 6:7; Rom 1:18-32; Mat 5:44-48).
FOUNDATION: All temptation clusters around doubting God’s GOODNESS, WISDOM, & FAITHFUL DISCIPLINE/JUDGMENT. Genesis 2:15-3:8
FULFILMENT: Christ Jesus’ incarnate life & bodily death-bodily resurrection-bodily ascension proclaim God’s GOODNESS, WISDOM, & JUDGMENT. [John 16:7-11]
LIVING IT: Trusting God in 2021 requires daily/hourly reaffirming of God’s goodness, wisdom, & authoritative judgment—even when we don’t see them or struggle to own them.
[Romans 8:26-32]