Redeemer Church Digital Bulletin

God’s Hesed Love

August 1, 2021   /   Redeemer Church Riverview


Song of Praise “Only A Holy God”
Call to Worship Psalm 36:5-10
Song of Praise “All Hail The Power Of Jesus’ Name”
Confession of Faith 2 Corinthians 5:14
Song of Praise “Build My Life”
Prayer of Adoration
Greet One Another
Confession of Sin adapted from 2 Chronicles 7:14
Assurance of Pardon
Prayer of Intercession
Giving of God’s Tithes and Our Offerings
Song of Preparation “How Deep The Father’s Love”
Scripture Reading Ruth 1:15 – 2:13
Sermon “Tracing God’s Providence: God’s Hesed Love” Craig Swartz
Prayer of Commitment
Song of Preparation “We Will Feast In The House Of Zion”
Celebration of the Lord’s Supper
Song of Response “O Love That Will Not Let Me Go”


James Smith:

“Conversion is not a magical transport home, some kind of flu powder to heaven. Conversion does not pluck you off the road; it just changes how you travel.”



“This hesed love is a love that moves someone to act for the benefit of another without respect to the advantage it brings to the one who is doing the loving.”

Lewis Smedes:

“The future of the human family rides the fragile fibers of a promise spoken. One thing assures us that the cosmos will not climax its arduous odyssey turning itself into a stinking garbage heap. Only one thing affirms that the human romance will have a happy ending, and that the earth will be populated one day by a redeemed family living in justice and shalom. The one thread by which everything hangs is a promise spoken and not forgotten.”

Psalm 136


Doug Green:

“In a non-western world people are never defined individually; they are always understood in relation to a group; be it a family, village, or a clan. An unmarried woman derived her identity from her father. She was tied to domestic duties in her father’s household until the day of her marriage. If she chose to live outside the authority and protection of her father she was deemed to be a harlot.”

Ruth 2:6-7

Ruth 2:8-9

Libbie Groves:

“Boaz is recognizing how much Ruth is at risk and is saying, ‘You will be safe here. I hereby invite you into my sphere of protection, and as long as you stay in my fields you will not be harmed.’ As modern westerners we miss his extreme generosity.”

John 15:13


Ruth 2:11


“Ruth embraces hopelessness in order to give Naomi a message of hope. Death is at the center of her love for her mother-in-law.”


“The paradox of promising is that we freely bind ourselves to keep the promises that we make. We limit our freedom so that we can be free with someone whose future is as unpredictable as a storm. A promise then is a human essence of freedom after the style of God.” 


“This is not about just one person feeding the hungry. The narrator shows how Boaz took an ordinary occasion and transformed it into a glorious demonstration of compassion, generosity and acceptance; in other words the biblical concept of hesed.”

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