What’s in HIS Name? Part 05
November 7, 2021 / Real Life ChurchINTRODUCTION
A. Review
B. Today,
1. SHADDAI comes from SHAD. It speaks of , sufficiency, the Sustainer, One who makes
2. EL SHADDAI could more appropriately be called, “the One”
A. God’s Covenant
1. God calls Abram at age (Genesis 12:2-3)
2. Abram questions the promise at age (Genesis 15:4-5)
3. Abram and Sarai “ God” by taking the matter into their own hands at age (Genesis 16:16)
B. God’s Covenant (Genesis 17:1-6)
1. Abram and Sarai could not produce
2. Abram and Sarai could not the promise on their own
3. God shares with Abram and Sarai that He is EL SHADDAI and that He would work it out, for He is the God who can life and it!
4. When Abram and Sarai tried to fulfill the promise on their own, they actually the promise
5. God the covenant with Abram (Genesis 17:2), and Abram on his face (17:3)
6. Don’t get caught up in the Syndrome: trying to help God but only making things worse!
II. EL SHADDAI IN THE (Psalm 91:1-2)
A. The
B. The
A. The of Naomi
B. The of Naomi (Ruth 1:19-21)
C. The of the Kinsmen Redeemer (Ruth 3:9)
D. The of Ruth (Ruth 4:17)