1 Peter: Inductive Study of 2:10-28

November 3, 2020   /   Tim Solomon   /   Palms Baptist Church Bible Study

1 Peter 2:11-25

Inductive Bible Study:

What does the text say?

What does it mean?

How does it apply to me?

*NASB used to prepare study

*Summarize vs 11-25 by sentence in your own words. This helps the reader check whether they understand what the writer is saying.


vs 11: Keep from engaging in unrighteous acts that don’t reflect your heavenly citizenship(1)

vs 12: Have an integrity of character above reproach so that even accusations of evil may become opportunities to bring God glory.(2)

vs 13-14: Recognize the authority of God by submitting to human authorities(3)

vs 15: The righteousness and integrity of Christ Followers puts ignorant and vain people to shame. (4)

vs 16: Remember Christ redeemed you to fellowship with Him not to continue living in sin and apart from Him. (5)

vs 17: Show reverence for human authorities because you Fear the God who allowed them to be in their position. Treat all men with respect and dignity because they are made in the image of God and show sacrificial love for the family of God. (6)

vs 18: Show respect for authorities whether good or bad (7)

vs 19-24: Christ suffered having done no wrong and because of what He endured became the hope of our salvation. Follow the

example of Christ knowing your suffering for doing what is right bears fruit. (8)

vs 25: Now as part of the flock follow the Shepherd who cares for and guards your soul. (9)

*Reflect on the parts of the passage that you have questions about and apply the inductive Bible study questions to each section of the passage


1. What does Peter mean when he calls his audience aliens and strangers?

a. How does our identity as Christ Followers impact our participation in deeds of the flesh?

2. What do the activities/behaviors of a Christian tell others about what you believe and value?

a. How do the behaviors of some Christians impact your ability to share the Gospel?

b. Would the people in your life recognize you as belonging to and representing Jesus?

c. Is your testimony advancing or hurting the Gospel?

3. How does knowing that God placed human institutions to enact His justice on earth affect your view of government?

a. How does this knowledge impact your participation in “social/civic” life?

b. What does Peter mean when he says to submit to human authority?

c. How does submission to human authority show reverence for God?

4. How does doing right under criticism/mocking silence and ring

shame to difficult people?

5. How do people abuse the grace and kindness Jesus shows them?

a. What kind of freedom does a slave to God have?

b. What is the alternative to being a slave of God? What kind of freedom do you have under those other “masters?”

6. What is Peter emphasizing by pairing people/brotherhood and God/King?

a. Should the way we treat people in the family of God be different than the way we treat the unsaved? Why?

7. According to vs. 18 should people under authority show respect to their boss/leader even if they are unreasonable?

a. What kind of fruits of the Spirit will a person develop when under the authority of an unreasonable boss?

b. How can you encourage someone who is under the authority of a difficult person?

c. What have you learned while under a difficult person that can make you a better boss for people under your authority?

8. How does suffering unjustly bring you favor with God? With people?

a. What is the difference between experiencing the consequences of poor decisions and suffering unjustly?

b. What tools/filters can you use to determine which category you are in?

c. What are some of the things mentioned in vs 21-23 that inform how we should respond to unjust treatment?

d. What does vs 21 tell Christ Followers to expect?

e. If suffering and unjust treatment is something Christians should expect should we welcome and allow injustice to occur?

9. What does the analogy of Christians as lost sheep being

returned to the Shepherd suggest about the purpose and nature of suffering?

a. How does suffering increase our faith and trust in our Shepherd?

Individual Challenge:

What would your life look like if you behaved in a way that people knew you represented Christ? What activities or behaviors would become part of your life? What would you cease doing?

Community Challenge:

What kind of impact would our faith family have on our community if every person would be known as an ambassador of Christ by what they saw us say and do? What would the impact be if every individual member had a life that pointed to the God who died so that we could live free of guilt, shame and in fellowship with the God of the Universe?

*What is one thing you have learned from this passage that will affect either they way you think or how you behave?

Key Take Aways:


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