What’s the Story – Part 8: I’ve Got Issues

June 27, 2021   /   Pacific Life Church

Mark 5:25-34 Read (NLT)

1. You can’t hang on to your and grab on to your future!

2. Life’s issues drain the right out of us.

John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;  

 I have come that they (insert your name) may have life, and have it to the full!”


3. Our issues tend to drive us from people


4. Our issues .

Your situation is not .

  • Your storm is not hopeless.
  • Your sin is not hopeless.
  • Your addiction is not helpless.
  • Your sickness is not hopeless.
  • Your loved ones who don’t know Jesus are not hopeless.
  • Your issues, whatever they may be, are not hopeless!

How can we find healing for our issues?

  1. : Like the woman in this story, we must come to the point when we have exhausted all resources and realize we cannot heal ourselves. We can become adequate in dealing with and covering up the symptoms, but only Jesus can attack and defeat the roots of our issues. 
  2. : Our issues will never miraculously vanish on their own. They must be brought into the light. We can push them aside and deny them for a time but they will always reappear until we bring them to Jesus and get the healing we need. This means we need the courage to face the problem and that means exposing it. Hiding your issues will get you the same result.
  3. : If we never expect to get healed or get freedom from our issue we will get exactly what we expect. However, there is a consistent pattern in the Bible of people who got results. The common denominator is . Faith is expecting something even when we don’t see it. 


2 Corinthians 5:7 say’s we live by faith and not by sight.

Hebrews 11:1 say’s now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. 

This woman took a leap of faith and Jesus honored her faith.

  • When was the last time you took a leap of faith?
    • What happened? If something good happened I want you to think about that. 
    • If you were disappointed, are you going to give up and assign yourself to a life of silently suffering? 
  • Healing is sometimes a process, it may take time.
  • You may have to press through the crowd to connect with Jesus. 
  • Is there a crowd holding you back from reaching out to Jesus? Don’t let them stop you.

Reach out. We are here to help. To pray for you. To support you.

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