Emoji Malfunction: Fractured Relationships Feb 27, 2022
February 27, 2022 / Pacific Life ChurchWhat kind of emoji would you use to communicate that you and your partner had parted ways?
We are talking about…
- Business partners
- Spouse or significant other.
- Best friends
- Ministry partners
What happens when that kind of relationship falls apart?
Barnabas, Paul & John Mark
Acts 9:27
Acts 11:24
Acts 11:25-26
Acts 13:2-3
Acts 13:4-5
Acts 13:13
Acts 14:19-20
Acts 15:36-41
What do we do when a significant relationship falls apart?
1. Don’t allow it to crash your life
- When a relationship falls apart it doesn’t mean we have to fall apart!
- Stop second guessing yourself
- If only I had…__________
- Handled things differently
- Been more aware
- Not made such a big deal about money
- Not lost my temper
- Been willing to compromise
- Been more understanding
2. Don’t burn the relational bridge unless there is a history of abuse and manipulation.
- We need to forgive ourselves and the other person and move on.
3. Walk it off
- Realize that some friendships are for life and others are for a season.
4. Hold out for future restoration.
- Ecclesiastes 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in it’s time.
- Time not only heals, but it reveals.
2 Timothy 4:11 Only Luke is with me. Bring John Mark with you when you come, for he will be helpful to me in my ministry.