High Point AG Church

Connecting through Faith, Truth, and Service


June 9, 2024   /   HIGHPOINT AG CHURCH


James 1:5-8

Pastor David Barnes

Asking           James 1:5

Ask for !

Wisdom is the capacity to recognize what is true, right, or lasting and to put that understanding into practice in your daily lives.

You will know that you are truly wise when you accomplish that.

“God, who gives”        God’s revealed Sets the of God’s giving.

generously”                Openly, Liberally

without reproach”    Does not us

shall be given”           Assurance to prayer


Faith vs Doubt           James 1:6

Speaks of the of asking.

ask in faith”               Reliance upon

without doubt”          oneself

doubting”                   Compared to surf of sea Unstable, constantly in and out


Results                         James 1:7,8

If we doubt, we can expect .

Reason for receiving nothing:

double-minded”     Two-spirited, Vacillating in opinion & purpose.

                                       Trying to serve masters (James 4:4-5)

unstable”                   Inconstant, Restless

all”                               Every area of .


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