Doctrines that Unite

February 2, 2025   /   Anchored Bible Church Modesto

Romans 1:17 “The righteous shall live by faith.”

What is faith? In short it is loyalty to God. It’s a posture of surrender and submission to God. Faith is the correct response (subjective) to the (objective) reality of who he is.  What’s the Big Idea?

The engine of faith runs on the fuel of love, turning the transmission of righteousness propelling faithful living.

  1. Authentic Faith is a Comprehensive Response
    1. Luke 9:57-62  the big buts that keep people out.
  2. Authentic Faith is Fueled by Love
    1. John 14:15, 2 John 1:6 only love can compel Christian obedience  
    2. With love Luke 10:27
      1. My Heart
      2. My Soul
      3. My Strength
      4. My Mind
  3. Authentic Faith Fueled by Love Powers Righteous Living
    1. Luke 10:27 As you have received in abundance, so now give in abundance. 
  4. Authentic Faith Fueled by Love Powers Righteous Living Leading to Hope
    1. Romans 8:17 Suffering Proceeds Glory
      1. Today Hope
      2. Tomorrow Hope 

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