HOPE STUDENTS- Breakthrough Week 2
August 19, 2020 / Lizzy Goff / Hope Fellowship ChurchHOPE STUDENTS – Breakthrough Week 2 – Lizzy Goff 08.19.20
- God asked Jonah to go to Nineveh to minister to those people and because of his , he tried to run away.
Jonah 1:17
- God a big fish to swallow Jonah.
Genesis 13:14-16
Genesis 14:5-6
- We tend to view waiting as a .
- In order to have breakthrough in the waiting…
- Lean in to hear God .
Jeremiah 33:3
- Have rather than .
- Expectation =
- Expectancy =
- You have to learn to on . (go through the process)
- In the waiting, God is on you to .
- Don’t settle for something if you can get something .
- You have to to plan.
- happens when you !
1 John 5:14