Steps Along the Road to Calvary

August 2, 2020   /   Hudson View Baptist Church

Mark 15:1-34

Each of these steps are ways that Christ died to Himself and how He loved others.

These all are ways that Christ dealt with people – people who hated Him.

Equally, all are steps that Christ took for us, so we would not need to.

  1. The of Christ (Mark 15:1-5)

Christ received a bound and position; yet Christ gives you .

  1. The of Christ (Mark 15:6-10)

Christ took the place of man; yet Christ gives you a position.

  1. The against Christ (Mark 15:11-15)

Christ was ; yet He welcomes you.

  1. The of Christ (Mark 15:16-28)

Christ endured the highest amount of conflict and ; yet Christ gives you peace.

  1. The of Christ (Mark 15:29-32)

Christ endured : yet Christ gives you .

  1. The of Christ (Mark 15:33-34)

Christ endured isolation from God His Father; yet Christ never you.

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