Equipped: God Is Calling You To Serve

April 18, 2021   /   Lombard Bible Church

Sermon Series: Equipped

Message 1: God Is Calling You To Serve

Lombard Bible Church

April 18, 2021

Exodus 3:1-12



In Exodus 3 we see that God calls Moses to serve by showing him 3 things. God shows Moses … 

  1. God is (Exodus 3:6)
  2. the need is (Exodus 3:7)
  3. God wants him to do (Exodus 3:10)



  1. When is a time someone served you and it touched your heart? 
  2. In the Scriptures, God calls all of us to serve in a way that brings God glory*. Let’s look at how God called Moses to serve in Exodus 3. Read Exodus 3:1-12. What did you hear from the Scripture or the message this past Sunday? 
  3. Before God calls Moses to serve He wants Moses to first know who He is (Exodus 3:6). Is knowing God a priority in your life? How so/how not? What hinders you from making knowing God more of a priority in your life? What would help you make knowing God more of a priority in your life?
  4. Before God calls Moses to serve He wants Moses to see where the great need is around him (Exodus 3:7). Can you give an example of a time you saw a need, so you filled it? Is there a service you do presently that you believe glorifies God? If so, share. 
  5. When God finally calls Moses to serve, Moses is full of excuses**. What are some excuses you make for why you can’t serve? With what you know of God, Scripture, and how God responded to Moses’ excuses for not serving***, what might God say to you when you feel you can’t serve? 

*Ephesians 4:1 & Ephesians 4:12

**Exodus 3:11; Exodus 4:10; Exodus 4:13

***Exodus 3:12; Exodus 4:11-12; Exodus 4:14-15


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