The Gospel B.C. – Fall

February 16, 2025   /   Pastor Jason Huddleston   /   First Baptist Church, Elgin TX

The Gospel B.C. – Fall

  • Genesis 3:1-24


1. Adam and Eve God – this is called .

  • Genesis 2:16-17, Genesis 3:4-5
  • James 4:17

2. We have sinned and fall of God’s of righteousness.

  • Romans 3:23, Romans 5:12

3. Because God is , He cannot have sin in His .

  • Genesis 3:23-24, Isaiah 59:2
  • Romans 6:23

Gospel Connection:

The only way to sin is through the of a blameless once-and-for-all .

  • Genesis 3:7, Genesis 3:21
  • Hebrews 9:22, 1 Peter 1:18-19
  • Hebrews 10:10, Genesis 3:15


1. Stop and trying to your own sin.

2. that you’ve sinned and are from God.

3. Jesus and allow His perfect sacrifice to your sin once-and-for-all.

Discussion Questions:

1. Read Genesis 3:1-6. How did the serpent twist God’s words, and why do you think Eve was drawn to believe the lie? How does this same pattern of deception play out in our lives today?

2. Adam and Eve’s sin didn’t stay contained—it spread to all of humanity. How have you seen the effects of sin ripple outward in ways that impact not just an individual but families, communities, and even entire cultures?

3. Read Romans 5:12-19. How does Paul connect Adam’s sin to our fallen nature, and how does he contrast that with Jesus’ obedience? What does this reveal about our need for Christ?

4. The sermon mentions that sin results in both physical and spiritual death. Why is separation from God the most devastating consequence of sin? How do people try to deal with or fix this separation on their own?

5. Read Genesis 3:21 and Hebrews 9:22. Why was the shedding of blood necessary to cover sin? How does this foreshadow the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus on the cross?

6. What false coverings (like Adam and Eve’s fig leaves) do people use today to hide their sin and shame? What would it look like in your life to fully embrace Christ’s covering instead of relying on your own efforts?

7. What is one main or big idea you learned about God this week that you can share with someone?

8. Who are you going to share it with?

9. Who are you going to invite to “come and see” this week—whether it’s to join you at church, a Bible study, small group, or one-on-one discipleship?


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