To Live Is Christ: Humility
February 7, 2021 / Lombard Bible ChurchSermon Series: To Live Is Christ
Message 4: Person of Christ
February 7, 2021
Lombard Bible Church
“Our goal as the church should be the same as Jesus: unity through ”
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS (talk over the message with your spouse, family member, friend, or LifeGroup!)
- Who’s one of the humblest people you’ve ever met? What made them a humble person?
- In Philippians, Paul pleads with the church to show humility towards each other like Jesus Christ showed humility to us. Read Philippians 1:27-2:15. What did you hear from the Scripture or the message this past Sunday?
- Read Philippians 2:2-4. Paul says the key to church unity is showing humility. How does the Bible define humility in this passage? How is that different than the world might define humility? How should this distinction encourage us as believers?
- Read Philippians 2:5-11. Paul says we’re supposed to have the same mindset as Jesus (v. 5). In what way should our mindset be the same as Jesus in this passage?
- Does showing biblical humility mean we don’t disagree with people? What does it mean?
- Think of the last disagreement you had with someone. How might showing biblical, Christ-like humility change the way you interact with that person?
- Let each person share either how you can pray for them OR how you can pray for someone on their heart. Pray for the person on your right.