The Lord’s Prayer: Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread

January 23, 2022   /   Lombard Bible Church

Sermon Series: The Lord’s Prayer

Message 4: Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread

Lombard Bible Church

January 23, 2022

Matthew 6:7-13


Sermon Points:

Pray for what need

Pray for what need, not just your needs


Your Own Sermon Notes:

Discussion Questions

  1. Can you think of a time when you had a great need and suddenly it was amazingly provided for you? Share your story. 
  2. Speaking of providing for needs, read Matthew 6:7-13. What do you think Jesus means when He teaches us, “Pray like this: Give us today our daily bread” (Matthew 6:9, 11)?
  3. While Scripture does have examples of people who ask God for things they want and God gives it to them (1 Chronicles 4:10; Mark 10:51-52), Jesus encourages us to pray not for what we want (Mt 6:10), but instead to pray for what we need (Mt 6:11) for the day. Why might Jesus have us pray in this way? 
  4. Notice that Jesus has us pray for “our daily bread” (Mt 6:11, emphasis mine). Why might Jesus want us to pray for “our daily bread” instead of “my daily bread”? 
  5. Go around and answer this question: If this Scripture is true, how will you live differently? 
  6. Go around and share what you need during the next upcoming day. Pray for the person on your right, that their needs would be met by God.

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