The Lord’s Prayer: Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
January 23, 2022 / Lombard Bible ChurchSermon Series: The Lord’s Prayer
Message 4: Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
Lombard Bible Church
January 23, 2022
Matthew 6:7-13
Sermon Points:
Pray for what need
Pray for what need, not just your needs
Your Own Sermon Notes:
Discussion Questions
- Can you think of a time when you had a great need and suddenly it was amazingly provided for you? Share your story.
- Speaking of providing for needs, read Matthew 6:7-13. What do you think Jesus means when He teaches us, “Pray like this: Give us today our daily bread” (Matthew 6:9, 11)?
- While Scripture does have examples of people who ask God for things they want and God gives it to them (1 Chronicles 4:10; Mark 10:51-52), Jesus encourages us to pray not for what we want (Mt 6:10), but instead to pray for what we need (Mt 6:11) for the day. Why might Jesus have us pray in this way?
- Notice that Jesus has us pray for “our daily bread” (Mt 6:11, emphasis mine). Why might Jesus want us to pray for “our daily bread” instead of “my daily bread”?
- Go around and answer this question: If this Scripture is true, how will you live differently?
- Go around and share what you need during the next upcoming day. Pray for the person on your right, that their needs would be met by God.