I Was Lost But Now I’m Found

February 28, 2021   /   Hudson View Baptist Church

I Was Lost, But Now I’m Found

Luke 15:1-32


-Summary of each story:

1. Lost (Luke 15:3-7)

-A selfless shepherd going to extreme measures to search for and rescue even one stray sheep…what a picture of Jesus as the Good Shepherd Who willingly DIED for the good of ALL His sheep.

2. Lost Coin (Luke 15:8-10)

-This coin had great value to this lady, and is a clear picture of the great lengths God went through to find us when we were lost by sending Jesus to be sacrificed in our stead!

3. Lost (Luke 15:11-24)

-A foolish son was brought to a great place of humility, and when he decided to return home and ask his father if he could be a hired servant, his father embraced him, celebrated his return and restored him to a full sonship position.

-This is a wonderful picture of God accepting sinners who return to Him through faith in Jesus Christ!


4 truths that should lead us to a :

I. Value of the Lost

-God didn’t give up on man.  He pursued lost man by sending Jesus to atone for all of mankind’s sin!

-In order to understand the great love wrapped up in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we must understand that every sinner (every person) is of great value to the Lord!


II. of the Father

-In the 1st 2 stories, the emphasis seems to be the pursuit of the owner for the lost object, and it seems the father in the 3rd story never gave up on the hope that his son would return.

-Isaiah 53:6-7 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him (Jesus) the iniquity (sin) of us all.  He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.

-God’s way of restoring you and me who are lost sheep was to send Jesus to be the sacrificial Lamb for us.

-When we look at God in light of these parables, we see a God Who is grieving over your and my lostness, you and me, finding us, and restoring us through faith in Jesus Christ alone!


III. Choice of the Found

-The Father’s wealth and acceptance was offered freely to the son and the son had to make some choices if he was going to live in that wealth and acceptance.

-God seeks out sinners, but sinners must to repent of their sin and turn to Christ in faith to receive His salvation.

-v. 7, “joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth…”

-v. 10, “there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.”

-v. 21, wayward son to father: “…I have sinned against heaven…”

-God’s pursuit and our repentance go hand-in-hand–for our salvation, both must be present!

-Steps taken in order to RETURN to the father:

1. Recognized (Luke 15:17)

2. Confession Remitted (Luke 15:21)

3. Concerted (Luke 15:20)


IV. Response to God’s Compassion

-In the end of the 1st 2 stories, the angels in heaven get all excited over this great salvation of God.

-But in the 3rd story, the older brother was resentful over it!

-The problem with this attitude is a wrong view of self…The ground is at the foot of the cross!

-What’s your response to God’s compassion?


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