Deliverance and Worship
June 30, 2021 / Hudson View Baptist ChurchDeliverance and Worship
a Survey of Exodus – Deuteronomy
Getting Out of Egypt
The People
- We begin today’s chapter with Israel as slaves in a foreign land.
- This book occurs 300 years after end of Genesis.
- This is the continued theme of bondage as a result of .
- Exodus’ theme is the exiting of God’s people from this bondage and experiencing redemption, thus fulfilling God’s promise in Genesis 15:14.
The Plagues
- The first nine plagues were a direct attack upon the false gods. God chose to display His power in opposition to the false god where Egypt had placed its trust.
- These plagues were miraculous events of God that did not effect God’s people.
The Passover
- The Passover is a picture of Christ’s work to release His people from sin’s bondage.
- Christ is called the Lamb of God (Revelation 5:6) and Paul calls Christ our Passover (2 Corinthians 5:7).
- The Passover Lamb and Christ bear striking similarities:
- Without spot or blemish
- Offered salvation
- No bones broken
- Chosen to be a
- Killed during Passover
Application: Christ’s sacrificial death that is foreshadowed in the Passover lamb is the only way to experience freedom from the that sin brings.
Getting Organized in the Desert
- As Israel grew in number, God desired to organize them and unite them under two ways: as under and in worship.
- God put them under authority by giving His Law (Summarized in the Ten Commandments).
- You shall have only one God.
- You shall not worship idols.
- You shall not misuse God’s name.
- the Sabbath day and set it apart for the Lord.
- Honor your parents.
- Do not murder.
- Do not be unfaithful to your marriage vows.
- Do not steal.
- Do not lie.
- Do not be jealous of what someone else has.
- The Law’s purpose should not be misunderstood. It is not useful today as a list of actions to to obtain a right standing before God.
- Galatians 3 explains the Law’s purpose: to restrain evil (v. 19) and draw us to Christ (v. 25).
Discussion: How does God’s Law draw us to the Gospel?
- The Tabernacle represented not only the unity of God’s people but also the real reason for their unity – God.
- The Tabernacle represented God’s presence among them, although He was clear that He could not be contained by a tent.
- Main elements of the Tabernacle that draw out themes of worship for Christians today:
- Basin (for cleansing before entering God’s presence).
- Altar (where priests offered sacrifices to God).
- (pointed to God’s direction and illumination).
- Showbread (symbolized God’s desire for fellowship).
- Altar of incense (the ascent of smoke represented the prayers of God’s people).
- Th Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies.
Application: We need the protection of authority and the organization of worship to keep our hearts right before God and give Him to honor that is due Him.
How are We to Worship God?
- God appointed a particular group of people to care for tabernacle called priests. These priests came from the tribe of . In this book, God instructs these priests how to guide God’s people in worship and how to protect this sacred practice.
Wholly Holy
- The main motto found in several passages of Scripture is “Be ye holy, for I am holy” (11:44; 19:2; 20:26; 21:8).
- Holy means: to be to God; set for a specific purpose.
Discussion: What are practical ways to practice personal holiness today?
Gifts for God
- God told Israel exactly what kinds of gift He wanted and what would not be acceptable. He also told them the purposes and for each gift.
- Burnt (worship; dedication to God) – 1:1-17
- Meat/grain (support priests; praise God with first fruits of crops) – 2:1-16
- Peace/fellowship (thank God; make a vow) – 3:1-17; 7:12, 16
- Sin (confess sin; seek forgiveness) – 4:1-5:13
- Trespass/guilt (seek forgiveness for sins related to the Lord’s holy things or against others) – 5:14-6:7
- These gifts meant nothing if the worshipper did not dedicate himself to God (Romans 12:1).
- God desired the heart over the sacrifice (Hosea 6:6).
Let’s Celebrate!
- God prioritized often stopping in the middle of a busy schedule to rest and to redirect our attention on Him. This helped His people avoid getting burdened about busyness at the expense of fellowship with God.
Application: God cares very much we worship and commands us to holy in doing so.
Godly Decision Making
- Ten of the spies and a majority of Israel decided not to take the land. Their reasoning highlighted all the difficulties that was in front of them.
- Joshua, Caleb, and Moses wanted to take the land. They acknowledged the difficulties but highlighted the of God and focused on God’s command.
- God allowed Israel to make the wrong decision that led to forty more years of wandering in the wilderness.
Application: Wise decision making is based on a commitment to follow God’s Word regardless of the cost.
The Law Reviewed
God’s Law for His People
- God gives instructions for how to treat His Law in 6:1-9
- Obey them (v. 3)
- Put them in their hearts (v. 6)
- Teach them to their children (v. 7)
- Talk about them wherever they go and whatever they do (v.7)
- Wear and display them (v. 8)
- Place reminders of them in their houses (v.9)
- Israel was to internalize, , teach, display, and remind about God’s Law. It was to permeate their lives.
Discussion: What are some practical ways to allow God’s Word to permeate every aspect of our lives?
A Great Promise
- The Messiah would be God’s greatest prophet. He would reveal God’s Word and be God’s Word Himself. He would fulfill the Law and become the sacrificial Lamb of God to bring God’s people into a reconciled relationship with Him.
Application: God’s Word is to be our priority as we follow Him.