Micah – Walk Humbly ~ What Does the Lord Require? (Week 4)

November 7, 2021   /   Dean Johnson   /   Hope Fellowship Church

Micah – Walk Humbly (Week 4) ~ Dean Johnson ~ 11.07.21 

What Does the Lord Require?


Micah 6:1

  • Mountains represent – the jury, but they also are witnesses because they’re the oldest parts of the earth.  They’re to all God has done, starting with Abram.

Micah 6:3 ESV

  • Oh my people – one word in Hebrew, it’s a , loving word.

Micah 6:5

  • “To remember” Not simply recall or think about, it means to “re-member”, to make yourself a member of ” “to participate,” “to make something that has passed a present reality”.  So to remember is not just a mental exercise, it’s actionable – do something in response.
    • How can I have a relationship with God?

    Micah 6:6

      • How can I tell if I’m being good enough?

    Micah 6:7

    • Burnt offerings in the OT sacrificial system were atonements for sin. The burnt offering was supposed to indicate total surrender, total dependence on God. 
    • In the OT sacrificial system was considered part of the Grain offering.  It was meant to signify Voluntary devotion to God, to recognize the goodness of God. 
    • Micah is talking about a offering – brought a sin offering to atone for your sin
      • How will I know?

      Micah 6:8

      • God wants His people to “justice “not just TALK about it. 
      • “Act Justly” –almost always used in the OT to describe four classes of people, Widows, Orphans, , and the poor.
      • “Love mercy,” – used to described God’s steadfast love.  Love people whether you get something out of it or not.
      • “Walk humbly” – live their lives modestly trusting and depending on God, rather than arrogantly relying on themselves.   “Walk” – it’s a metaphor, means you have a close relationship.
      • “The human race doesn’t need improvement, it needs redemption”  – C.S. Lewis “Mere Christianity
      • We don’t need to become people; we need to become people.

      Micah 6:7

      • Under the Mosaic law – the life of the of every family is forfeit because of the family’s sin.
      • Micah is looking back to the but he’s also looking to the end.  

      Genesis 22:8

      • God provided a ram. Which means the was yet to come.

      Genesis 22:14

      • “The Lord WILL PROVIDE”.  Notice the future tense

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