Blueprints Part 5
May 30, 2021 / Flint Groves Baptist ChurchFamily
Blueprints Part 5
The kingdom agenda is the visible demonstration of the comprehensive rule of God over every area of Life.
Genesis 2:21-25
- Nothing is of more importance to kingdom living than the saving, preserving, and properly the family.
- The family was part of the plan from the beginning.
- The family should be understood as being created to and for the Kingdom.
- God created the family to mirror HIS image and as they exercise on HIS behalf.
- God gave every part of the family their roles so that they would be under rule.
BITTER TRUTH: Satan wants to remove and destroy the dominion of God by messing up roles so that the family is destroyed.
- Your calling trumps your sexuality
- Elohim refers to God’s power (Gen. 1). Lord (Jehovah) refers to God’s relational control or management (Gen. 2).
- God said He is not only the God of power but also the God of.
- The family is key in the expansion of the kingdom of God.
Whoever owns or controls the family owns the kingdom.
Nation and Church changing truth:
- Satan gets men out of alignment with God, women out of alignment with their husbands and therefore out of alignment with God.
- If we are going to save our nation, we’d better save our families.
Key Text:
I Corinthians 11:3
Ephesians 6:1-3
Genesis 3:3-5
Joshua 24:15
Genesis 18:18