BluePrints Part 3

May 9, 2021   /   Flint Groves Baptist Church


One Life Under God


When we surrender our lives to Christ one of the biggest changes in our lives is our worldview. This is the lens that we see the world through. This new world view will change our agenda from ours to Christ.

The kingdom agenda is the visible demonstration of the comprehensive rule of God over every area of Life.

Acts 13:32-37

God created you for His

God has given you a

“A divinely ordained mission in life”

  1. David served the of God. (Acts 13:36)

People are living for themselves and missing the purpose of God for which God’s kingdom has both redeemed and called them. The calling or purpose God has designated for you becomes an attraction to draw others into the kingdom.

When you discover that God has a for you in His kingdom it changes everything.

2. David impacted his . (Acts 13:36)

You’ve been called for a purpose: the glory of God through the expansion of His kingdom while it impacts.

How do we find a calling for our lives?

a. Your purpose will always involve your

I Corinthians 9:16

b. Your calling will involve your

Acts 22:3-21

c. Your calling will also involve your

d. God will create

John 21:15-17

Luke 22:24

3. David fell (Acts 13:36)

If you are not living for the purposes of God, you are missing the

If you are missing the kingdom, you will miss seeing that God has for your .


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