Mark: The Way | Obstacles
April 14, 2024 / Bobby ShirleyMark 1:40–45; 2:1–17
Truth: We all have a we want to be met in our life.
Problem: keep us from getting our needs met.
- Man with Leprosy | UnableMark 1:40-42
- Paralytic Man | UncapableMark 2:1-4
- Levi | UnacceptableMark 2:14
Gospel: Jesus with any obstacle we have to bring us to Him.
- Man w/ Leprosy | Unable > Jesus Touches the untouchable
- Paralytic Man | Uncapable > Jesus Forgives and Heals
- Levi | Unacceptable > Jesus calls him and accepts him.
Response: Realize that our biggest need is to be in right with God who created all things.
Closing Questions:
What is my biggest problem and how does God deal with it?
What obstacles are in my life that keep me from trusting in Jesus daily?
Is there someone that God has called you to be a friend (of sinners) to?