On a Hill not Far Away

May 17, 2020 / Pastor David Squyres

On A Hill Not Far Away

Names of God part 5: Yahweh Jireh


Genesis 22:1-18

  • Jehovah-Jireh. YHWH-Jireh from verb To See = could translated: Yahweh will see to it.)
  • Theologically we call this kind of account a “TYPE.” It comes from the Greek term, Tupo, This word is used 16 times in the New Testament. A “type” is an event, thing, person that resembles something ahead. In this case, the person Isaac foreshadows Jesus. Isaac is a picture of Jesus.
  • The angel of the LORD called to Abraham. This appearance is a “theophany” or a physical appearance of God.


What exactly does it mean to trust God?

1. I keep track of his

Abraham named the entire Mountain Yahweh Jireh.


2. I obey

Genesis 22:18

I saw an ad for a five-day retreat with the objective “to deepen your trust in God.” I do not think that happens on retreat. I think retreat might rest your soul, but no one would be daring enough to use God’s curriculum for developing faith. Because God’s curriculum is outrageous. (He taught Abraham to trust him by telling him to do something outrageous.) We learn to trust God not on retreat, but in crisis.

Culture tells us to follow our heart. We are told to follow our dreams. Jesus said: Follow me and I’ll change your heart.

3. I emotionally

Emotionally speaking, how was Abraham truly able to offer his son as a sacrifice to God? Hebrews 11:19 tells us that Abraham reasoned that God could raise the dead.

The twin brothers of faith are: God’s care and God’s power.


How does God provide?

    • God provides outside our power grid.
    • God provides beyond the limits of my vision.
    • God provides better than I anticipate.
    • God provides above my timeline.

The song says, “On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross”

Really that hill isn’t so far from us. Because we were there. By our sins, we were there. And on God’s heart, we were there. Every time we take the Lord’s Supper, that hill is very near and dear to me.

Five ways Isaac is a Picture of Jesus:

1. Isaac’s

2. Isaac’s

Genesis 21:2, Gal. 4:4

3. Isaac’s

Gen. 17:19 , Matthew 1:21

What is the big deal about the name of Jesus?

John 3:18: Believe in Jesus name.

John 20:31: We have life in Jesus’ name.

Acts 2:21: We are saved in Jesus’ name.

Acts 2:38: We are baptized in Jesus’ name.

Acts 3:16: We are healed in Jesus’ name.

Acts 4:18: We teach in Jesus’ name.

Matthew 7:22: We prophecy in Jesus’ name.

Acts 9:27: We Preach in Jesus’ name.

Luke 10:17: Satan submits to Jesus’ name.

Luke 9:48: We Welcome Children in Jesus’ name.

John 14:14: We pray in Jesus’ name.

John 17:11: We are protected in Jesus’ name.

1 Cor. 1:10: We have unity in Jesus’ name.

Acts 3:16: We are made strong in Jesus’ name.

1 John 2:12: We are forgiven in Jesus’ name.

4. Isaac was

Gen. 22:2 , John 3:16

5. Isaac was

Like Jesus, he was a willing sacrifice.

Like Jesus, the events unfolded on Mount Moriah. (The temple and Jerusalem sat on mount Moriah. See 2 Chronicles 3:1)

A ram caught in the thicket reminds us of Jesus crowned with thorns.



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