Step out of your insecurity and into your calling – John 21:1-14
The calling? “Fish for men”
Step out of your failure (past and future) and into your calling – John 21:15-19
The calling? “Feed my sheep”
Step out of comparison and into your calling – John 21:20-25
The calling? “Lose your life to find it in me”
What is the energy that propels us into our calling? Love for Jesus. Love goes.
Questions to Consider
- Why do you think Peter lost sight of his calling? What causes us to become preoccupied with our occupation, and lose sight of our calling?
- How does insecurity hold you back from “fishing for men”? Are there any specific people God brought to mind as you heard this sermon? What do you think Jesus wants you to do to take the next step in sharing the gospel with them? How could you step out of your insecurity?
- How does failure, past or future, hold you back from investing spiritually in the lives of others. What would your life look like if you more fully lived out your calling to “make disciples” and feed his sheep? Are there any specific people God brought to mind as you listened to this message? How could you step out of failure?
- How does comparison hold you back from your calling? Why do you think it is important to realize that part of our calling is to lose our life for Jesus? What do you need to remember from what Jesus said to Peter the next time you start to be caught in comparison?
- The motivation for responding to Jesus was not information, pressure, responsibility or guilt, but love. How does a love motivation compare with these other motivations? When you are motivated by love, how does it change how you step into your calling?