June 6, 2021 / Joe Svoboda

Do you want the life ,  down,  together?

Luke 6:38

Do you want the peace that  ?

Philippians 4:7

Do you want the joy :

1 Peter 1:8

Do you long for the harvest? Then you need to  the  of your .

Where do I need to ?

What do I need to ?

What do I need to ?


  • What impacted you most from the sermon?
  • Was there anything you didn’t understand or didn’t agree with?
  • How do you normally handle inconveniences in your life?
  • Read James 1:2-4. Do you count it all joy when you meet various trials? Why or why not?
  • Has this time of COVID revealed any weaknesses in your relationship with Jesus?
  • Has this time of COVID revealed any strengths in your relationship with Jesus?
  • How did you respond to the 3 questions:
    • Where do I need to repent?
    • What do I need to strengthen?
    • What do I need to celebrate?
    • Is God asking you to do anything with what He showed you through this? How do you plan to do it?


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