The Gospel According to John – Week 6

April 25, 2021 / Dean Johnson

The Gospel According to John ~ Week 6 ~ Dean Johnson ~ 04.25.21

The Bread Of Life

John 6: 1 -2

John 6: 3-4

Passover being plays a major role in this story.

John 6: 5

John 6: 6-7

John 6: 8-9

John 6: 10

John 6: 11-13

More than likely people were fed

John 6: 14 -15

“Look around, and we shall be disheartened. Look within, and we shall be discouraged. But look unto Him, and our fears will vanish.” A. W. Pink

John 6: 25

John 6: 26

John 6: 27

John 6: 28-29

John 6: 30 – 31

God is NOT asking YOU to it out – He’s asking YOU to that He Already has.

John 6:35

7 “” statements in John’s Gospel

We don’t come to Jesus for a life, we come to Jesus because life,

Jesus is the true and better Moses, who leads us not to a promised , but to a promised


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