Up From a Dark Place

March 21, 2021

2 Samuel 24

  • 2 Samuel 24:1 says that Yahweh’s anger was kindled against Israel. However, 1 Chronicles 21:1 says Satan rose up. In order to lay a hand on Israel or her king, Satan would have to get permission from Yahweh. (See Job 1.) Like in Job, David here is going to be tested. Ultimately God’s plan is to punish Israel would be carried out by allowing David to be tempted.
  • What was David’s sin:

1. He did not with the battles ahead. He wrote Psalm 20:7.

2. Exodus 30:11-12 prescribes the way that a census is to be taken. David did not follow the method outlined in Scripture.

  • The census tax from Exodus 39:11-12 would be the “temple tax” levied in Jesus’ day. Peter was asked if his master paid this tax. Peter said Jesus did pay the tax, but when he came to Jesus, it became clear that Jesus had not paid this tax. (After all, it was a misapplied tax.) However, to keep from offending the religious, Jesus had Peter go down and catch a fish. Inside the fishes mouth was the coin necessary to pay the required taxes. David paid no attention to Exodus 30:11-12, while the Pharisees took advantage of it for financial gain; both were wrong. In both cases, Jesus himself was merciful. To David he showed mercy by stopping the slaughter of the people. In the Gospel, Jesus showed mercy by paying an unnecessary tax and enduring legalism to avoid offense.
  • 2 Samuel 24:11: Gad is called a “prophet” or “seer” (because he sees the Lord.) In 2 Chron. 29:25, Gad helped David organize the Levitical musicians. In 2 Chronciles 29:29, Gad is said to have written a history of David’s reign.
  • 2 Samuel 24:16, 23: Who is Araunah? The Hebrews comes from a Hurrian word which means, “Lord.” It could be a title instead of a proper name. In v.16 and 23 he is referred to with the article, “the” Araunah. Some scholars have suggested that he is the former king of the Jebusites who had ruled Jerusalem before David attacked the fortress there and made the city his capitol.
  • 2 Samuel 24:17 notice David spoke directly to the Lord. Also in v.25 David himself appears to have offered burnt offerings before the Lord, instead of calling on a priest. David foreshadows the ultimate Son of David who would come as Priest and King.

What I love about this account:

1. God (2 Samuel 24:16)

2. David (2 Samuel 24:17)

3. David’s (2 Samuel 24:24.)

There is a discrepancy between the amount David paid in 2 Samuel 24:24 and what that price is in 1 Chronicles 21:25. It is probably talking about two different transactions. 2 Samuel 24 relates the sale of the threshing floor only, while 1 Chronicles is the price of the entire grounds that the temple would eventually be built on.

David’s giving was:

  • Thankful.
  • Joyful.
  • Costly.
  • Blessed.

4. God’s (2 Samuel 24:10, 24, 16)

2 Chr. 21:26 related that when the sacrifice was offered to God, fire fell from heaven. Elijah would later follow in David’s footsteps when he built an altar and called on the Lord.

God’s mercy is greater than our sin.


5. David (2 Samuel 24:18-19)


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