Redeemer Church Digital Bulletin

Wake Up: God is in Control

March 14, 2021


Song of Praise “Build Your Kingdom Here”
Call to Worship Psalm 93:1-5
Song of Praise “Come Thou Fount”
Confession of Faith WSC Q. 7
Song of Praise “Cornerstone”
Prayer of Adoration
Greet One Another
Ministry Spotlight
Prayer of Intercession
Giving of God’s Tithe and Our Offerings
Song of Preparation “Only A Holy God”
Scripture Reading James 4:13-17; 5:1-6
Sermon “We Are The Church: A People Called, A People Sent: Wake Up: God Is In Control” Craig Swartz
Prayer of Commitment
Song of Response “10,000 Reasons”


M. Robert Mulholland:

“Almost from the moment of birth we engage in a struggle for control of that portion of the world we live in. Can we get our parents to provide for our needs and wants when we want and how we want? Can we get our playmates to play our way, or will they control us to play their way? Can we control situations and others to fulfill our agenda, or are we manipulated into serving others? Can we create enough of a security structure around our lives that we will be able to control life’s adversities?” 


James 4:13-17

Proverbs 21:5

Luke 14:28-30


Doc Brown:

“Your future is whatever you make it, so make it a good one.”


“Whatever controls us is our Lord.

The person who seeks power is controlled by power.

The person who seeks acceptance is controlled by acceptance.

The person who seeks money is controlled by money.

We do not control our selves.

We are controlled by the lord of our lives.”

Colt McCoy:

“I love this game … I’ve done everything I can to contribute to my team … it’s unfortunate I didn’t get to play. I would have given everything I had to be out there with my team. But … I always give God the glory. I never question why things happen the way they do. God is in control of my life. And I know that, if nothing else, I’m standing on the rock.”

Edward Mote:

“My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.

I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus’ name.

On Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand.”


James 5:1-6


“All my life I didn’t fell much need for God. I felt in charge and in control. I was successful at work and was successful in business. I thought it would be the same with my children. Yet my children now accuse me of trying to control their lives like I try to control the rest of my life and they are right. I did try but it backfired completely as I totally lost my kids. I now have no relationship with them. This has shown me that I am not really in control, at least no over the things that matter the most. That is why the question of whether there is a God has started to matter to me.”

Ralph Waldo Emmerson:

“Sow a thought and you reap an action; sow an act and you reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character and you reap a destiny.” 

Andrew Carnegie:

“Man must have an idol. The amassing of wealth is one of the worst species of idolatry and if I continue in it much longer with all of my thoughts wholly upon the way to make money in the shortest amount of time possible, it will degrade me beyond hope of permanent recovery.”


James 4:14

Matthew 11:28-30

Romans 8:28

Psalm 103:15-17a

Steven Curtis Chapman:

“You are a treasure, worth more than anything under the sun or the moon, God’s greatest treasure is the treasure of you.”

Charles Spurgeon:

“There is no attribute more comforting to His children than that of God’s sovereignty. Under the most adverse circumstances, in the most severe trials, they believe that sovereignty has ordained their afflictions, that sovereignty overrules them, and that sovereignty will sanctify them all.

There is nothing for which the children ought to more earnestly contend to than the doctrine of their Master over all creation–the Kingship of God over all the works of His own hands–the Throne of God and His right to sit upon that throne…for it is God upon the Throne whom we trust.”


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