The God Who Forgives

February 14, 2021

The God Who Forgives

Following the Servant
Mark 2:1-12

The Gospel confronts our .

Who is Jesus?

-He is the Son of God (Mark 1:1)
-He is the Holy One of God (Mark 1:24)

Jesus of Nazareth is God the Son who claims authority over sin and sickness.  He cares about the details of our lives, while also being aware that our deepest need is forgiveness, even while we’re in the midst of rebelling against God.

Appropriate Responses

1.   Bring to Jesus (vv. 1-5)

“More than any other expression in early Christianity, ‘the word’ defines the essence of Jesus’ ministry.”                                                                                                                                 Jonathan Edwards

Genuine faith always involves a change in the .

The main problem in our lives is never our suffering, .

God continually calls us to reorient our thinking to see things .

2.   See Jesus for (vv. 6-10)

Jesus is .

Jesus is .

It helps us to understand the title,
“Son of Man” by how it’s used:

-Jesus shows Himself to be the Son of Man who is serving (2:10; 2:28)
-Jesus is the Son of Man who is suffering (8:31; 9:9, 12; 10:33, 45; 14:21, 41).
-Jesus is the Son of Man who is coming in glory (8:38; 13:26; 14:62).

Daniel 7:13, 14

Mark 10:45

Isaiah 53

Jesus is always .

Ephesians 2:8

3.   Glorify Jesus for (vv. 10-12)

The first thing we can praise Jesus for is the  .


Daily Meditations

Memory verse: “When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, ‘Son, your sins are forgiven.’”  Mark 2:5
Read Mark 2:1-12.  What are the most important questions a thoughtful person should ask about life?
How was Jesus’ teaching more profitable than His healing ministry? 
Read Mark 2:1-12.  Is the gospel still more valuable than health and wealth?
How is faith in God’s ability to do something through us related to our persistence in getting it done?
Read Mark 2:1-12.  When you see someone who is crippled, starving, deformed, or poor, do you also think the person really needs salvation?
Can a Christian pronounce that another person’s sins are forgiven? (See Matthew 16:19.) 
How would that be different from what Jesus did here?
Read Mark 2:1-12.  Why is it easy to point at someone and make statements about their spiritual state?
What else do impostors say to and about people that is impossible to prove?
Read Mark 2:1-12.  What does Jesus’ title “Son of Man” say about His purpose in His first and second coming?
What is the difference between circumstances and needs? 
How can the church avoid getting caught up in addressing only circumstances and focus especially on the true needs of people?
Read Mark 2:1-12.  Why did the people of Jesus’ day accept the healing of the paralytic as evidence that Jesus had forgiven his sins? 
Today, what serves as evidence of forgiveness?

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