Name Above All Names
January 24, 202101.24.21 X, Week 4
Josh Romine
Name Above All Names
Exodus 20:7
What is the Commandment?
“You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.” –Exodus 20:7 ESV
- God’s name who He is.
- To take God’s name in vain is to it of its meaning.
What is the underlying principle?
Don’t God by His name.
1. You shall not use God’s name to say something is true when it’s .
2. You shall not say something is from God when it’s .
3. You shall not say something about God that is .
4. You shall not God’s name.
5. You shall not use God’s name to someone or something.
6. You shall not God’s name to something He never endorsed.
7. You shall not use God’s name to your own .
8. You shall not use God’s name without the it deserves.
9. You shall not call yourself a Christian and that name w/ your life.
How do you apply it?
1. His Name.
2. on His Name.
3. His Name.
4. His Name.
01.24.21 X, Week 4
Josh Romine
Name Above All Names
Exodus 20:7
What is the Commandment?
“You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.” (Exodus 20:7)
- God’s name ________________ who He is.
- To take God’s name in vain is to ________________ it of its meaning.
What is the underlying principle?
Don’t ________________ God by ________________ His name.
1. You shall not use God’s name to say something is true when it’s __________.
2. You shall not say something is from God when it’s ________________.
3. You shall not say something about God that is ________________.
4. You shall not ________________ God’s name.
5. You shall not use God’s name to ________________ someone or something.
6. You shall not ________________ God’s name to something He never endorsed.
7. You shall not use God’s name to your own ___________________.
8. You shall not use God’s name without the ___________________ it deserves.
9. You shall not call yourself a Christian and ______________ that name w/ your life.
How do you apply it?
1. ________________ His Name.
2. ________________ on His Name.
3. ________________ His Name.
4. ________________ His Name.