November 28, 2021   /   Fellowship Community Church

SALEM/ONLINE CAMPUS NOTES – THANKSGIVING (Scroll down for North and Southwest Campus Notes)


Psalm 100

  1. Be . 

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing! vs. 1-2

 “Joy is distinctly a Christian word and a Christian thing. It is the reverse of happiness. Happiness is the result of what happens of an agreeable sort. Joy has its springs deep down inside. And that spring never runs dry, no matter what happens. Only Jesus gives that joy. He had joy, singing its music within, even under the shadow of the cross.”                

                                                              S.D. Gordon

  1. Be . 

Know that the Lord, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. vs. 3

“If the sheep do not submit to their shepherd, they will stray into danger.” Warren Wiersbe

  1. Be . 

 “The single most effective way to turbo-charge your joy… means writing a testimonial thanking a teacher, pastor or grandparent-anyone to whom you owe a debt of gratitude-and then visiting that person to read him or her the letter of appreciation.”  TIME

Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise!

Give thanks to him; bless his name!

             For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever,

and his faithfulness to all generations. vs. 4-5

                     Read for next week: Luke 1:26-33


NORTH CAMPUS NOTES – UNFINISHED CHURCH (Scroll down for Southwest Campus Notes)

Unfinished Church

Unfinished Family

  1. The Unfinished Family is  by God  Christ. Galatians 4:1-7

“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of a woman, under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.” Galatians 4:4b-5

  1. The Unfinished Family  our Father. 1 Peter 1:14-15

“As obedient children…” 1 Peter 1:14a

  1. The Unfinished Family  each brother and sister. 1 Peter 1:22-23

“…love one another earnestly from a pure heart.” 1 Peter 1:22b

“God has created us to be in community WITH God and WITH others through Jesus. We don’t have to earn love, acceptance, or our place in the body of Christ. We belong to God and to one another. We are not alone. We are family.” Kara Powell

  1. The Unfinished Family  the world . Acts 2:42-47.

“…And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.” Acts 2:47b



Wrestling with God

Genesis 32:22-32

The firstborn would get the birthright and the blessing of the family, but God reversed that order and gave the blessing to Jacob.

  1. Jacob was  with God. (32:24a)
  2. A man  with him. (32:24b)
  3. What is your ? (32:27)
  4. Jacob was given a new name:  (32:28)

By faith Jacob, when he was dying, blessed each of Joseph’s sons, and worshiped as he leaned on the top of his staff. (Hebrews 11:21 – NIV)

Reading for next week: Luke 1:26-33

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