Dead Man Walking – Wk. 2

March 21, 2021   /   Pastor Jason Huddleston   /   First Baptist Church, Elgin TX

Dead Man Walking: Resurrection Stories – Wk. 2

Luke 7:11-17


1. God cares about you and your situation.

  • Luke 7:13
  • Isaiah 42:3

2. God will not be held hostage by our lack of faith.


  1. Don’t listen to the lies.
  2. Swing away.
  3. Rest in God’s goodness and grace.

Family Discussion Points:

*Open by reading Luke 7:11-17.

  1. Jesus is proof that God is a compassionate God who loves us and hurts when we hurt. Why is it hard sometimes to believe that God is moved by our hurts and sorrows? Explain.
  2. How have you experienced God’s compassion?
  3. There seem to be a lot of instances in Scripture where faith is required for healing, but is faith always required for healing? Explain.
  4. Why do you think God requires faith in some instances, but not in others? Is He good in both instances?
  5. Thinking about all that we have discussed, why is prayer so important?
  6. What lies about God’s compassion (i.e., He is too busy for me, He doesn’t care about me, He doesn’t care about what I have been going through, etc.) do you struggle with? What truth from God’s Word can you use to combat those lies?

* Close by thanking God for His compassion and grace!


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