Friend of Sinners
February 21, 2021 / Clairemont Emmanuel Baptist ChurchFriend of Sinners
Following the Servant
Mark 2:13-17
In 2:1–12, Mark gives the account of a paralyzed man who was brought to Jesus by four of his friends and Jesus heals him at a house in Capernaum. That healing miracle validated the authority of Jesus to forgive sinners (v. 10). This section (2:13–17) reveals the people to whom Jesus extends that forgiveness—namely, repentant sinners—those who know they’re sick.
Legalism’s shame and condemnation is the opposite of biblical .
Luke 18:13
1. Jesus pursues those who seem (vv. 13, 14)
The name ‘Matthew’ means “gift of God.”
Jesus was deliberate about Himself with the outcasts of Jewish society.
Luke 5:28
To reach the lost, you have to and you must share the gospel with them.
2. Jesus pursues those who are . (v. 15)
The focus of this passage is on Levi wanting to introduce .
Prejudice is always .
Ephesians 2:8, 9
Jesus extends forgiveness to all who .
Revelation 19:9
3. Jesus calls the to fellowship with Him. (vv. 16, 17)
The Pharisees were very devout Jews who followed the law of Moses with the attention to the most detail possible.
The Jewish historian, Josephus, claimed they numbered about six thousand in Jesus’ day.
Pharisees were middle-class and they had broad support among the people.
Pharisees focused on obeying the written law in everyday life but also the oral law (“the tradition of the elders,” Mark 7:3), that expanded on the Old Testament law. A big part of this is ritual purity which, when ignored, would cause Pharisees not to share a table with someone.
Exodus 20:8-11
It’s easy to follow the form of religion and .
“Some want to live within the sound / Of Church or Chapel bell; I want to run a rescue shop / Within a yard of hell.” -C.T. Studd
Jesus and His followers didn’t isolate themselves from a needy world, nor did they
Luke 19:10
Daily Meditations
Memory verse: “On hearing this, Jesus said to them, ‘It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.’” Mark 2:17
Read Mark 2:14-17. What kinds of “sinners” are you most reluctant to befriend?
What kind of weakness or fear keeps you from showing the love of Jesus to them?
Read Mark 2:14-17. In what ways do you identify with Matthew, the outcast tax collector?
What do you personally appreciate about God’s grace?
Do you know someone like Matthew, who most people would think maybe isn’t worthy of a call to follow Christ?
Read Mark 2:14-17. Why might they in fact quickly and eagerly respond to an invitation?
Have you ever been offended when you saw a fellow Christian reaching out to a certain class of people?
Read Mark 2:14-17. Which people do you think Jesus would hang out with today?
What is commendable about the Pharisees’ teaching and practice?
What aspects of the Pharisees’ teaching and practice did Jesus condemn?
Read Mark 2:14-17. In what ways do some Christians act like Pharisees, whether the good aspects or the bad?
Have you ever found yourself doing these things?
Read Mark 2:14-17. Do you know someone who does not realize he or she is terminally sick spiritually?
What might you say that could convince them of their condition?
Negatively, the unsaved are spiritually terminally sick. Positively, the gospel offers salvation from sin and death. Which motivates you more for evangelism and missions?