Acts – Acts For Our Church

November 14, 2021   /   Pastor Brian Bement   /   Christ Church

Acts 6:7
Acts 9:31  
Acts 12:24 
Acts 16:5 
Acts 19:20  
Acts 28:31 
What is happening consistently in the local church? 

  1. Teaching & preaching God’s Word. 
  2. Inviting people to enter God’s Kingdom. 
  3. Increasing in number. 
  4. Increasing in maturity. 
  5. Courageous endurance.

Big Idea: The of Jesus Christ is still responsible to continue the redemptive of God.  

How are we going to continue the redemptive mission of God? 

  1. Sharpen the & .
  2. Solidify the .
  3. Strengthen the

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