The Transfiguration
May 2, 2021 / Chandler Bible ChurchThe Transfiguration
Matthew 17:1-13
(The Unmuted Gospel)
Jesus, as the of God, is the of glory for the Christian believer. Matthew 17:1-2
Hebrews 1:3a
Colossians 1:26-28
Jesus, when facing His , chose to take up His . Matthew 17:3
Luke 9:30-31
Peter, representing the fleshly response, wanted the without the.
Matthew 17:4
Jesus, eternally the beloved of God, chose to the Father’s will. Matthew 17:5-8
Jesus, facing His own , speaks words to clarify what would mean. Matthew 17:9-13
Do you truly see the Light?
Psalm 36:5-9
John 1:1-14