Be Still Pt 2 – Scripture

January 9, 2022   /   New City Church

“Be still, and know that I am God.”  Psalm 46:10 NLT

“Your word is a lamp to guide my feet, and a light for my path.”  Psalm 119:105 NLT

“For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.”  Hebrews 4:12 NLT

 1. Proper mindset

“It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.”  Hebrews 4:12 NLT

“Open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in your instructions.”  Psalm 119:18 NLT

2. Prayerfully

“Teach me your decrees, O Lord; I will keep them to the end.
34 Give me understanding and I will obey your instructions; I will put them into practice with all my heart.
35 Make me walk along the path of your commands, for that is where my happiness is found.
36 Give me an eagerness for your laws rather than a love for money!
37 Turn my eyes from worthless things, and give me life through your word.”
  Psalm 119:33-37 NLT

“But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted!”  John 15:7 NLT

3. Practically 

Give me understanding and I will obey your instructions; I will put them into practice with all my heart. Psalm 119:34 NLT

4. Memorizing verses

“I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.”  Psalm 119:11 NLT

5. Meditatively 

“Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers.  But they delight in the law the Lord, meditating on it day and night.”  Psalm 1:1-2NLT


Proper Mindset



Memorizing verses


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