Scripture: 1 Chronicles 29 The HEART will interpret the importance of the TASK (see Matthew 6:22-23) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) When a TEAM of God-followers has the same, transformed heart, Kingdom goals are ACCOMPLISHED (see 1 Chronicles 29:2-8) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) God will TEST the heart and EXA …
Scripture: Exodus 25:1-8 (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) God invites our PARTICIPATION in what he is doing (see Exodus 25:2; 1 Corinthians 3:9) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) God has given us The VISION (see Exodus 25:9) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) God’s desire is to be WITH us (see Exodus 25:8) (MULTILINE REVEAL TI …
Scripture: John 14:15-21 (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Matthew 7:24-27 (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) “Love is neither a sentiment or an emotion but a relationship, AUTHENTICATED by obedience.” (see John 14:15, 24; Matthew 7:24-26) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) I cannot apprentice Jesus on my own STRENGTH (see John 15 …
Celebrate Recovery Sunday My Notes: (MULTILINE) (MULTILINE)
Apprenticeship (Discipleship) is more a NOUN than a VERB The goal of Jesus for us is not a QUALITY of life, but a WAY of life. (see Mark 1:17; John 14:6; Matthew 5:16) Not only must we choose to FOLLOW Jesus, we must be sold out to BECOME like him (1 John 2:6; 2 Cor. 3:16-18; Eph. 4:15) Apprenticing …
Today’s Scripture: Acts 16:1-5, 1 Corinthians 4: 14-21, 2 Timothy 3:10-17 Apprenticeship begins with PRESENCE (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Apprenticeship requires HUMILITY (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Apprenticeship takes TIME (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Transformation happens in COMMUNITY (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) …
1 Cor. 12:4-11 Romans 12:3-8 Spiritual Gifts are given to believers to BUILD UP the Church (See 1 Cor. 12:7) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Q: If a person doesn’t have a Spiritual Gift in one area, are they excused from doing it? Answer: _NO_ Spiritual Gifts are given to the Church to faithfully ADMINISTER …
When we harbor and nurse anger, it is impossible to experience the PEACE of God(MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) The evil one can use anger to hurt the Church by (see Ephesians 4:27)(MULTILINE) DIVIDING families, friends, and churches DISTRACTING the church from their mission DISCREDITING the church’s …
One of the greatest distractions to our Walk with Christ is BUSYNESS Sometimes we subconsciously use busyness to DISTRACT us from dealing with weightier matters that would draw us closer to a healthy life in Christ. (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) The only way to find true Peace – is by ENCOUNTERING it in t …
The enemy of Contentment is “MORE”(MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) When you focus on what you don’t have, you will always be DISAPPOINTED!(MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) If I’m going to exchange craving for contentment, I need to realize my contentment is not based on my CIRCUMSTANCES (see Philippians 4:11)(MULTILIN …
Devotion prioritizes the relationship over the task. (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Duty is about obligation, while devotion is about relationship (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) True devotion transforms duty into joy. (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) This week, take time to shift one duty into an act of devotion. Make not …
Thanksgiving Sunday “A Day In the Life of a Grateful Believer” Gratitude to God is the DOOR into God’s presence (see Psalm 100:4) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Gratitude brings FREEDOM (see 2 Corinthians 3:17) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Gratitude is a THERMOSTAT that can change the atmosphere of a room! (see …
The choices we make are a REFLECTION of our deepest values (see Luke 15:11-13) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Negative consequences have a way of providing CLARITY (see Luke 15:14-16) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Coming Home to Jesus begins with an honest ASSESSMENT of where we are (see Luke 15:17-20a) (MULTILI …
Background Jesus has a crowd around him, but he is directing the story to his OPPONENTS (see Luke 20:1; 9) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Everyone would have understood Israel to be God’s VINEYARD (see Isaiah 5:1a-2; 7 and Matthew 21:33) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Parable God has entrusted us to MANAGE what …
This parable is about the KINGDOM OF GOD and OUR RESPONSE (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) A question to ask yourself is what has been GIVEN to me and what am I DOING with it (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) The coming of Jesus is a JOYOUS TRUTH and a HARSH REALITY (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) There are feel GOOD churche …
Q: Are you planning on being at the FEAST in the Kingdom of God? (see Luke 14:15; Isaiah 25:6) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Being invited by God to the banquet is the most IMPORTANT event in your life! (see Luke 14:16-17) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) One of the most harmful things to our relationship with God …
What Parables are NOT: Parables are not to be read as ALLEGORY Parables are not to be read as a FABLE A parable is a sticky story that can be a WINDOW through which our understanding of “life” can be expanded so we see the ways of the Kingdom of God Ultimately, the Parables of Jesus invite us to cha …
(World Communion Sunday) Pray for a HEART that wants to help people meet Jesus (See Romans 10:1) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Pray for and intentionally look for OPPORTUNITIES to share the Good News of Jesus (see 1 Corinthians 9:19) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) We need to spend more time CONNECTING than COR …
The driver of abundance is not in the CASTING but in the UNDERSTANDING With Jesus UNDERSTANDING implies DOING The sower can be JESUS or the DISCIPLES Sending starts with WHO JESUS IS
The mission of Jesus is CONTINUED through us! (see John 20:21) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Perhaps the greatest deterrent to sharing our faith is FEAR (see John 20:19) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) We speak BOLDLY about what we believe DEEPLY (see John 20:19b-20; Acts 4:8-10) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Never und …
Pray that we have the heart of a SERVANT (see 1 Corinthians 9:19) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) As a servant of Christ, I must intentionally VALUE and ADD value to others (see 1 Corinthians 9:20-21) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Q: Are you willing to see the world through ANOTHER’S eyes? (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) …
WE are called to influence the world with the Kingdom of Heaven (See Mark 1:17) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) We can become a Kingdom Influencer when we… Have a HEART to see people grow in Jesus? (See Romans 1:11-12) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Have a DESIRE to see the Kingdom of Heaven thrive for the Glory o …
In the Sabbath sermon we talked about a weekly RHYTHM (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) but rest in general is a STATE of BEING (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) When thinking about resting well, think about what you’re resting FROM (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Rest is primarily about CHRIST LIKENESS (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) …
We can confidently walk in our SALVATION (see 1 John 5:13) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) We can confidently expect God to HEAR our prayers (see 1 John 5:14) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) We can confidently expect an ANSWER from God (see 1 John 5:15) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) We can confidently INTERCEDE for ou …
John wants us to EXAMINE the evidence and put our faith in Jesus(MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) We know we are loving God and others when we CARRY OUT his commands (see 1 John 5:2)(MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) God’ s commandments are not burdensome because: (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) We have a new NATURE th …
Mission Outreach Sunday
Because there are many MISLEADING Spirits in the world, we must learn to TEST them (see 1 John 4:1a) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) In this world, there will be a MULTITUDE of false teachers (see 1 John 4:1b; 2:16-23; Matthew 7:15; 2 Timothy 4:3-4; Jude 1:4) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) The Communication of God …
In Jesus, we have all been given a “Public DEFENDER” (see 1 John 2:1-2) Love of God is made complete through OBEDIENCE to his Word (see 1 John 2:3-5) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) When we remain in Jesus we can expect to LIVE like Jesus (see 1 John 2:6) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) When we remain in Jesus, we …
One of the greatest marks of a Christian is JOY! (see 1 John 1:4) Why would I risk living in DARKNESS when I can live in the Light? (see 1 John 1:5, 7; Psalm 19:8-13; John 8:12) Our Fellowship with God and others will Regress… When we EMBRACE Sin. (see 1 John 1:6) When we DENY Sin (see 1 John 1:8) O …
We weren’t designed to live independently, but rather to live IN DEPENDANCE on God.(MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) In order to be a mature follower of Jesus, we must fully rely on God, trusting him for his LEADING and PROVISION (see Deuteronomy 8:2-3)(MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) The more dependent we become on G …
The presence of God is real. Prayer Is an expression of Partnership. Community makes it easier to Focus on worship. Transformation happens in context. Sending needs a Starting place.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ creates and calls us into Spiritual FRIENDSHIPS (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) There is a difference between a CONGREGATION and an AGGRAGATION (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) As Christ followers, we must PRIORITIZE being in community with each other (see Acts 2:46) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY …
We were made to live in COMMUNITY (see Genesis 2:18; Romans 12:5)(MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Christian Community is essential for Christian MATURITY (see Ephesians 4:25; Proverbs 13:20)(MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) In Healthy Christian Community There is:(MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) LEARNING: Hungry to know Script …
God predestined us TO BE CONFORMED to the image of Jesus. (see Romans 8:29) Q: What can explain the marvelous mystery of the work of God? LOVE (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) God’s all-encompassing plan for followers of Jesus flows out of God’s incomprehensible GRACE (see Romans 8:29-30; Ephesians 2:8-10) ( …
1.The tender side of God is seen in what He has DONE for us. According to v. 15, He has IDENTIFIED with us (Hebrews 4:15) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) 2. The tender side of God is seen in what He ASKS of us According to v. 14, what He asks of us is DETERMINATION(Hebrews 4:14) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) 3. T …
If you are alive, you will deal with PAIN and SUFFERING (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Pain is best dealt with when we put it in PERSPECTIVE (see Rom 8:18) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Q: When faced with pain, are you eagerly EXPECTING God to move? (see Rom 8:19-21) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) All of creation, our …
All of us live with a sense of INDEBTEDNESS. Question is: To what or whom? (see Romans 8:12)(MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) We OWE our lives to God (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) We can live with a FORCE within (see Romans 8:11; Acts 1:8) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) (MULTILINE REVEAL SMALL) What happens when we open o …
Paul divides people into two categories: Those who are DOMINATED by their sinful nature and those who are CONTROLLED by the Holy Spirit. (see Romans 8:5; Ephesians 4:17) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Death is more than DYING and Life is more than LIVING (see Romans 8:6; Romans 5:1; Philippians 5:7) (MULTI …
Our freedom in Christ is FREEDOM FROM and then FREEDOM TO. (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) When reading the Bible ask: WHAT IS THE THEREFORE; THEREFORE? (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Romans 8:1-5 is a SUMMARY so it’s good to think about what is being SUMMARIZED. (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) (MULTILINE)
Holiness means to be “SET APART;” “Sacred”, or “the only One of its kind” (see Isaiah 6:1-3) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Holiness is God’s and God’s ALONE (see Exodus 3:5; Revelation 15:4) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) It is better to assess my personal holiness by seeing myself in LIGHT of who God is rather …
Insulation REGULATES the environment in house and helps block Noise God communicates in different ways sometimes he communicates with a PILLAR OF FIRE and sometimes with a STILL SMALL VOICE Solitude and ISOLATION are not the same thing. One is a choice the other is not Solitude is not just a LACK OF …
“Worship” is not just a genre or a subject, it is a HEARTSET (see Psalm 96:1-2; Psalm 149:5) The word “worship” comes from “WORTH-SHIP” (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Worship is not about the STYLE, it’s about the HEART (see Matthew 15:8-9) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Worship is VALUING God for who He is and w …
A Step-By-Step Guide [STEP #1] (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) To wisely build your forever dream home, you must put the words of Jesus into PRACTICE (see Matthew 7:24-27) [STEP #2] (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) To build your dream home, SURRENDER daily to the Master Builder! (see Psalm 127:1; Matthew 26:36) [STE …
The Easter message is a message filled with POWER and HOPE. (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) On Easter, the Power of God DEFEATED Death (see 1 Corinthians 15:55-57) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Jesus has Power to REVEAL himself to us (see John 20:14-17; Luke 24:13-34) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Because of the gift o …
Are you listening to the Lord to find out what he NEEDS of you? (see Luke 19:31) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Going public will INVITE a response (see Luke 19:36-38) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) The evil one would like nothing more than to SILENCE your praise of Jesus (see Luke 19:39-40) (MULTILINE REVEAL TI …
Jesus’s teachings give us plenty to do.(MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) The Burial rejects any metaphorical interpretation (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) The burial takes the narrative from extreme shame to extreme honor.(MULTILINE REVEAL SMALL) My Notes: (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY)
All of us are faced with DETERMINING Jesus’ significance in our lives (see Matthew 16:13-16; Joshua 24:15) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) The thieves heard and saw the same things, but they came to different CONCLUSIONS What do we learn from the thieves next to Jesus? As long as we’re living, it’s never to …
The scene at the cross is one of HUMILIATION for Jesus All of us, at one time or another will be thrust into VULNERABILITY The word vulnerable means the ability to be easily HURT, influenced, or attacked. When faced with being Vulnerable, WE MUST RELY on: The PURPOSE of God (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) “ …
Matthew 16:24-25 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. (MULTILINE REVEAL SMALL) The way to life is found in CA …
John 19 is a poignant picture of the use (and misuse) of POWER (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) There is a MOCKING power. (see John 19:1-3; Galatians 6:7-8; Psalm 22:7-8) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) There is a MISUSED power (see John 19:7; see also James 4:11; Isaiah 33:22) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) A MUTED power …
God is Inexhaustible (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Written prayer is something to lean on (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Amen means So be it (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Amen is not Hanging up (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) If a person asks for prayer; Do not wait! (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) My Notes: (MULTILINE)
Guest Speaker: Jeff Nelson My Notes: (MULTILINE)
The Lordship of Jesus is a WAY of life! (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) We redeem our time to REORIENT our lives to Jesus (see Colossians 3:17) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Make sure you are practicing GRATITUDE in everything you do. (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Living in Jesus is evidenced by one’s SPEECH and ACTION …
Sabbath is about God.(MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Sabbath is characterized by work and rest.(MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Sabbath is restful through Jesus.(MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Be uncomfortable with how Little you get done on Sabbath.(MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Fill the Lord’s Sabbath with Worship.(MULTILINE REV …
The reason we redeem the time in our lives is to live into our PURPOSE (see John 15:16) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Jesus took the concept of FRUITFULNESS very seriously (see John 15:2; Luke 13:7; Matthew 3:10; Matthew 7:19) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) God wants me to bear MUCH fruit. And I CAN when I am CO …
Each moment of time is a GIFT (see Psalm 139:16)(MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Time is a LIMITED resource (see James 4:14; Ephesians 5:15)(MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) RE-EXAMINING the way we spend our time is the best way to a healthier, holier lifestyle(MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) As followers of Christ, we are cal …
God is doing a RENOVATING work in you (see 2 Corinthians 4:16) At the heart of the Gospel, there is an invitation to CHANGE Living with Christ will affect EVERY area of your life It’s less about the TRYING; some about the TRAINING; and mostly about the TRUSTING in the Lord. (see 1 Timothy 4:7-8; Heb …
WAITING can be one of the harder things we must do (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) God’s DELAYS are not necessarily God’s DENIALS (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) God’s timing is always PERFECT (see Luke 2:6; Galatians 4:4) (MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) While you are waiting, God is WORKING (see Isaiah 64:4) (MULTILINE RE …
Christmas isn’t a feeling, it’s a FACT Christmas isn’t a memory, but a MOMENT The Real Christmas truth to celebrate is that God is WITH YOU… The Presence of Jesus brings LIFE (see John 1:4) The Presence of Jesus brings REVELATION (see John 1:9) Jesus brings ADOPTION PAPERS for us to sign (see …
Mary’s life changed as she BELIEVED, OBEYED, SURRENDERED, and TRUSTED the Lord(MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) When living with uncertainties, you must decide in whom or what you will BELIEVE (see Luke 1:45)(MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) The readiness to obey is strengthened by one’s LIFE-STYLE (see Proverbs 22:6; …
Here is some blank space for you to keep your own notes: (MULTILINE)
The primary daily attitude for the Christian should be GRATITUDE (see Colossians 3:15-17)(MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Our Gratitude is ROOTED in the Gospel of Jesus Christ (see Colossians 3:16)(MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Gratitude is the ENTRANCE into God’s presence (see Psalm 100)(MULTILINE REVEAL TINY) Gra …
Our experience of God is impacted greatly by our EXPECTATIONS UNREALISTIC expectations can rob us of so much! What can I expect in my relationship with God? For God to satisfy me more than my CIRCUMSTANCES (see Ps 63:1, 5) To EXPERIENCE the Beauty, Power, and Love of God, which transforms all of me …
The key to having our broken relationship with God restored is REPENTANCE Repentance reveals a change in my HEART confirmed by my WORDS and ACTIONS (see Hosea 14:2; Luke 15:8-9; Matthew 12:34) Repentance walks away from our attempts to save ourselves by TURNING to God (see Hosea 14:3) Restoration be …
Love is GIVEN not EARNED (see Hosea 11:1; Hosea 2:23) Love seeks the BEST for the Loved and takes the INITIATIVE (see Hosea 11:2-4) Love is COMMITTED to the Loved (See Hosea 11:8-9; John 3:16) Love consciously extends GRACE (See Hosea 11:9) The end goal of God’s Love is RESTORATION (see Hosea 11:11; …
God is consistent. All sin is equal salvifically, but the earthly consequences of sin are not. God’s motivation for exile is love. We must never look down on Israel in the Old Testament. My Notes: (MULTILINE)
For those who are married: What CONCLUSIONS of your marriage would people come to – if they were a “fly on the wall” in your house? The name, “Hosea” has the same name root as Joshua and Jesus which means, “SALVATION” The overarching message of Hosea is that God wants us to turn away from sin and RE …
Question: What fear currently has a GRIP on you? One of the greatest drivers of fear in us is the UNKNOWN (see Mark 4:35) The more we focus on the “storm”, the harder it is to TRUST God for the outcome (see Mark 4:37) Fear can directly impact your CONCLUSIONS about Jesus (see Mark 4:38) Everything t …
There are no published sermon notes for CR Sunday. Here is some space for you to take your own notes if you like.
When needing healing, we want to POSITION ourselves in the best place to RECEIVE healing (see John 5:1-4) Without Jesus addressing our issues, our problems can become a WAY OF LIFE (see John 5:5) The unique nature of this miracle is that Jesus PURSUED the healing for the man (see John 5:6) We must a …
SHAME can keep us from doing what God has called us to do. Without Jesus, our lives are UNPRODUCTIVE. (see John 21:5; John 15:4-5) We can experience ABUNDANCE when we follow Jesus’ instructions (see John 21:6; John 10:10) Regardless of your past, RUN to Jesus in every moment (see John 21:7) The miss …
One Key difference between Science and Christianity is that science is based on PROOF and Christianity is based on FAITH (see Hebrews 11:1) The Scientific Method: QUESTION HYPOTHESIS TEST RESULTS / DRAW CONCLUSIONS Some view Science and Faith as COMPETITIVE rather than COMPLIMENTARY Science can ENHA …
For many, this question arises from trying to reconcile the OMNIPOTENCE, OMNIPRESENCE, and OMNISCIENCE of God. One problem with the question (as it’s worded) is that we don’t have the full UNDERSTANDING to define “Bad” and “Good” The reason we have bad in this world is because of the PRESENCE of the …
The culture in which we live wants to say there is no HELL What do we know of hell? Based on Luke 18:19-31, the Rich Man, He was conscious and AWARE His eternity was irrevocably FIXED He knew that the suffering was FAIR He pleaded for someone to HELP his family Everything God does is “motivated” by …
Today we will hear from Hank Oplinger, Scott Ferguson, and Arron Oplinger about their recent Missions Trip to Paraguay. There are no formal sermon notes today, but here is some space if you want to take down any notes, praises, or prayer request. It all yours.
Question: Am I more concerned about the ANSWERS to my prayers than I am the One to whom I’m praying? WHY AREN’T MY PRAYERS BEING ANSWERED: Maybe you have a falling out in a RELATIONSHIP (see Mark 11:25) Maybe you have mistaken MOTIVES (see James 4:3) Maybe you DOUBT God’s ability (see Mark 9:24) Ma …
Q: Is the message my life is preaching an accurate REPRESENTATION of Jesus’ life? We have to be careful not to NEGATE the message with how we live our lives. (see John 17:20) Being in Jesus, being in the Spirit and having the MIND of Christ is what unifies us. (see John 17:21) The shared unity betwe …
Keep your ALLEGIANCE to the One True God. (see Daniel 1:3-4) There is a cultural “pull” that seeks to INDOCTRINATE everyone. (see Daniel 1:4-5) When the culture tries to tell you who you are, CLING to who God says you are. (see Daniel 1:6-7) When tempted to compromise your faith – RESOLVE by the Spi …
GUIDELINES FOR ACTIVELY TRANSFORMING THE CULTURE We need to learn to RE-FRAME our context (see Jeremiah 29:4-14) As a Jesus-follower, INFLUENCE the culture, don’t let the culture influence you. (see Jeremiah 29:5-6) Seek the Lord and PRAY for the culture you are in. (see Jeremiah 29:7) Do not allow …
Question: “What will we do with the LIFE we’ve been given through Christ?” You could say that we have received our life under COMMISSION How do we live the commissioned life? Allow the Light of Christ to SHINE through you. Let WISDOM guide how you live Make the MOST out of every opportunity. Be dail …
When you look at Jesus, do you see who He is, or just what He can DO? (see John 6:25-27) The only WORK required of us by God is to daily CLING to Jesus. (see John 6:28-29) Don’t be so caught up in waiting for God’s gifts that you miss what God is GIVING. (see John 6:30-33) We all have cravings, but …
When the Truth of Christ takes root in us, we BEHAVE differently (see Ephesians 4:17-19; 22-24) When we allow the Holy Spirit to transform us daily, we will speak TRUTHFULLY to each other. (see Ephesians 4:25) When we lie to others, we… SABOTAGE our own credibility UNDERMINE our Discipleship …
There is such a thing as ABSOLUTE truth. Jesus is the embodiment of all TRUTH Guides for Handling the Truth: Press into the Lord for REVELATION (see Psalm 119:25) MEDITATE on who God is to understand what God has done (see Psalm 119:27; Psalm 19:7-8) Hold on to Truth HUMBLY (see Psalm 119:28-29) Nev …
Our God is a COMPASSIONATE God. (see Exodus 34:6) Compassion is MOTIVATED by love and MOVES me to action on behalf of one in need Because God is INVESTED in me, He will never LEAVE me. (see Isaiah 49:14-15) Your life contains EVIDENCE of God’s great Compassion! (Look for it and REJOICE!) (see Isaiah …
Human beings are prone to SELF-CENTEREDNESS When I look only at myself, my focus is on Love of the LAW, but when I focus on others, I practice the Law of LOVE (see Galatians 2:18-19; Philippians 4:9) Question: Does my life reflect the Way of LAW, or the Way of LOVE? You cannot truly love God …
What is Forgiveness NOT? Forgiveness is not FORGETTING Forgiveness is not FAIR Forgiveness is not CONDONING their behavior. Forgiveness is extending GRACE to someone else in Jesus’ name To forgive or not forgive others directly IMPACTS our relationship with God (see Matthew 6:14-15) Question: How ca …
Living the Way of Jesus is all about DISCIPLESHIP To be a Disciple of Jesus is really to APPRENTICE Jesus’ way of life How does my daily schedule REFLECT that I am an apprentice of Jesus? Following Jesus comes from KNOWING Jesus (see 1 John 2:3-5) For John, the Way of Jesus, (or discipleship), is ev …
Changed worldview— The Ascension challenges how we understand HEAVEN and EARTH. New identity— God has made us ALIVE together with Christ, RAISED us up with Christ, and SEATED us with Christ. (See Ephesians 2:4-6) Shared Ministry— Jesus’ ministry continues today, even more EFFECTIVE and …
It’s hard to recognize what Jesus is doing when you’re focused on DISAPPOINTMENTS and dashed hopes. (Look up Luke 24:17-24) Easter is not an invitation to believe a fairy tale – but an invitation to experience the TRUTH (Look up Luke 24:25-27) Instead of letting Jesus go, they invited him …
In a way, Palm Sunday is the CORONATION of the King of the Universe. First we see the King over our PREDICAMENT (see Luke 19:28-35; Mark 11:1-7) Then we see the King who is worthy of PRAISE (see Mark 11:8-10; Luke 19:37-38) Then we see a King who humble in the midst of PROTEST (see Luke 19:39-40) La …
Spiritual Warfare is REAL Evil is not something to be TOYED with (see 1 Peter 5:8-9) Filling your life with Jesus will DISPLACE the darkness in your life. (see Luke 11:21-22; 24-26) Ultimately, the Christ-filled follower of Jesus is VICTORIOUS (see Romans 8:35-39)
By ourselves, we are ill-equipped to face SPIRITUAL battles. We must TAKE UP the shield of Faith which PROTECTS us from the fiery arrows of the Evil one! (see Ephesians 6:16) Most battles begin in the MIND. In order to protect our minds, we must RECEIVE the Helmet of Salvation (see Ephesians 6:17) T …

The Christian life is a battleground where we encounter both spiritual opposition and spiritual reinforcement. Standing Firm; Standing Together Standing Firm: Every conflict we face comes with a choice: to stand in our own strength or to rely upon God’s power. (Ephesians 6:10-11; Ephesians 1:19) Sta …
How can we stand firm in the face of spiritual Battles? Identify your BATTLE (see 2 Chronicles 20:2; 10-12) Call for “Reinforcements” through PRAYER (see 2 Chronicles 20:3-4) Fix your FOCUS on God’s resources (see 2 Chronicles 20:12) Take up your POSITION and watch the Lord bring Victory! (see 2 Chr …
The spiritual condition of our hearts will REVEAL the condition of our prayer life with the Lord (see Proverbs 27:19) Your habits determine the CONDITION of your heart. Whatever the condition of your heart – God can TRANSFORM it. How do we pray for a heart that reflects Jesus? A DEVOTED heart …
Often, our Prayers are too SMALL When we pray small prayers, we probably shouldn’t be surprised by small MOVES of God! Often, our prayers are too GENERAL Ultimately, praying generally doesn’t invite God to move SPECIFICALLY And when we pray Big, Specific, Bold Prayers? They can REFLECT our trust in …
• The context for prayer is friendship. • We experience the greatest assurance in prayer when we make God the singular focal point of our trust. (Psalm 57:1-3a) • Whatever the situation, the blueprint of prayer is to find satisfaction in trusting God totally. (Psalm 57:3b-6) • Whenever we trust God …
Being WITH the Lord is more important than what we “get” from the Lord. (see Luke 11:5) We can trust God to give us what we NEED (see Luke 11:9-10) God’s REMEDY is always better than my REQUEST (see Luke 11:13) While our prayers and persistence are important; God’s PRESENCE is the greatest gift.
When we are renewed by God, we find that we are also REFRESHED God intended for us to experience refreshment through SABBATH The Sabbath wasn’t meant to be drudgery, it was meant to be DELIGHT! Why has God given me the Sabbath? So I can REMEMBER: God’s KINGSHIP over me (see Exodus 31:12-17) God’s DE …
Worth is something INHERENT while value is a matter of what someone is WILLING to pay for something. Purpose is DETERMINED by God and experienced by us. Whenever the story of God is SHARED, the purposes of God are revealed. Jesus does promise us a way through His life that enables us to find GODLY p …
To be human is to experience BROKENNESS No amount of brokenness will keep God from RESTORING His creation. This is something to SING about! (see Psalm 147:1) How do we know God Repairs and Restores? God is BUILDING (see Psalm 147:2) God is GATHERING (see Psalm 147:2; Ezekiel 39:28; Deuter …
A renewed COMMITMENT to the Lord will result in a deeper RELATIONSHIP with the Lord It is easy to be DISTRACTED from our commitments Commitment to Jesus is initiated by God’s GRACE Commitment is sustained by VISION Committing your life to the Lord requires TRUST To Commit to following Jesus, CONSIDE …
There are no sermon notes for New Year’s Day. Here is some space to take your own notes if you like.
There are not sermon notes for Christmas Eve or Christmas Day services. Here is some space to take your own notes if you like. My Notes:
You cannot find the right ANSWERS when you are walking in darkness (see Isaiah 9:1) The truth of Christmas gives me hope even when I feel DESPAIR (see Isaiah 9:2) With the presence of God in my life, there is an abundance of JOY (see Isaiah 9:3) When life seems hopeless, God’s faithfulness gi …
For many, Christmas can be a time of CHAOS God can use the smallest things to accomplish his grand PURPOSE (see Micah 5:2) God is consistent both with the Law and His NATURE When Chaos confuses us, our hope in Jesus can RE-FOCUS us. We declaw chaos when we CLING to the peace of Christ (see Phil. 4:6 …
The decisions I make today determine the DIRECTION of my tomorrow When faced with an impossible situation, Joseph TRUSTED God (see Matthew 1:20; 2:13, 20) Trust God to LEAD (see Proverbs 16:9) SURRENDER to God’s Guidance (see Matthew 1:24; Psalm 32:8-9) How can we discern …
God continues to dream long after we’ve given up. Dreams have timelines. The deferral of dreams can lead to disappointment. Good News: God brings hope where joy has been delayed. Why Do We Hope? • Because scripture testifies that God is faithful. • Because Jesus proves God’s track record. • Because …