Romans 1:17 “The righteous shall live by faith.” What is faith? In short it is loyalty to God. It’s a posture of surrender and submission to God. Faith is the correct response (subjective) to the (objective) reality of who he is. What’s the Big Idea? The engine of faith runs on the fuel of love, tu …
Every church rises and falls on doctrine and leadership. In the letter to the Roman church we are not only exploring the doctrines but also the author of this letter. Today we look at the distinguishing characteristics of a Gospel minister and compare that with what we commonly see today in the mini …
Romans 1:2-6 The word Christology comes from two Greek words meaning “Christ” and “word” – which combined mean “the study of Christ.” Christology is the study of the Person and work of Jesus Christ. The Unique Promise of Jesus (v 2)(MULTILINE) The Unique Person of Jesus v (3-4a)(MULTILINE) Th …
Small Groups exists to shepherd the whole flock of God through mutual ministry and multiplied leadership. Today we are going to look at what a Small Group is by teaching about what it does. 4 Elements of a Healthy Small Group Intentional Fellowship Intensive Bible Study Involved Prayer Invested Rel …
Church is not an event to attend or an organization to belong to. It is a community to participate in. I am hopeful that by recapturing the idea of a distinctively New Testament culture in our church, you will experience all that the New Testament promises those who participate in the local church c …
The unique privilege of every child of God is that the head filled with truth gives its hand to the heart full of passion, and they two walk together in truth and spirit. Psalm 100 is a perfect specimen to examine that illustrates this point. Here, the heights of knowledge and the depth of devotion …
Friendship with God is the highest and most valuable honor given to the redeemed. It is through friendship that all the blessings which are promised become alive and are experienced. There is no divine blessing granted that is ever divorced from the divine person. No blessing is dispensed any other …
Today we explore the book of Psalms within the Book of Psalms. 15 Psalms comprise what is known as the Psalms of Ascent. Psalms 120-134 act as the national handbook of worship for the ancient Jews. These were sung and recited on the holy holy feast days. Today we will explore what they meant then fo …
All the universe sings the praise of God. Do you? I. The Command and Invitation (MULTILINE) 2. The Character of True Worship (MULTILINE) 3. The Chord That Harmonizes Everything (MULTILINE) 4. The Church The Great and Growing Choir Until all that is on earth sings, we sing.
God doesn’t stop being sovereign when trouble comes. In fact, the conviction that God is sovereign even over the troubles of life has been a comforting and strengthening conviction for believers across the ages. Today we listen to the language of a faithful follower of God who finds himself in deep …