Don’t Hold Yourself Back
Numbers 14:19-24
Proverbs 23:7 As a man thinketh in his heart so is he
Understanding the Power and Purpose of the Kingdom, and the work of the prince of the air.
Defy your own experience. We define our dream or limit it by our experience.
- There is nothing on earth as powerful as the human will. SO powerful that God himself doesn’t even control it. One thing God does not control Why? The very nature of will implies Self Control. God gave you the power of will
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- What you think is more important than what you do
- The will controls the destiny of man.
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- (Your will is the agency of God’s kingdom administration) the problem is your will is yours.
- The most dangerous gift God gave man was a will, and the most precious gift is a will its precious because God gave you the same power that He possesses,
- its dangerous because you also have the ability to chooses against God. God intended to use the will of man to fulfill his will on earth. God wanted you to use your will for His will. The problem is God gave you the power to choose.
- The Blessing of Destiny is not things, the blessing is the person God created inside of you
- The mind is more important than anything else
- Nothing changes until your mind changes
- The seat of the will is the conscious and subconscious mind. That’s where the will lives. It lives in the heart. The heart is the subconscious mind, and the subconscious mind is the seat of control for your life
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- You have two minds: Conscious mind and Subconscious mind- sub means below.
- You have a mind that is always conscious and then you have a mind that is deeper below. Conscious feeds subconscious information. The more your conscious hears the more it feeds subconscious.
- Repetition is dangerous because it is constantly going through your conscious mind. The more your CM hears something it downloads it to your SC
- You are safe as long as its just in your CM because you can forget what’s in your CM, but the key is if it can get to your SC then you’re in trouble. Why? The mind is the center of thought, and it holds the key to life.
- Proverbs 23:7 As a man thinketh (where) in his heart. (2 Thinking)
- There’s a Think
- There’s a Heart Think: Subconscious mind (Solomon says you are what you think
Whoever controls your heart, controls your life. Whoever can get enough information in your SC can control you. If you want to control a person, get into their heart.
- This why many are in battles with change and even when you try you cant
- Old habits you’ve had over 20 years and you’ve tried to change but its tough to change.
- Young people this is why God says to stay away from evil things (if yo keep watching perversion, bad media, and negative things. Ist time you see it it doesn’t bother you if you keep seeing it it becomes downloaded
- Ex. Hard drive (when stuff is downloaded you cant see it but its running in background)
- Take heed what you hear because it will take over your mind then it infiltrates your heart. Out of the heart flows the issues of life
- The mind is defined as the heart
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- It determines the future and destiny of a man. You are sum of your choices everyday. You become what you continue think, You do what you continually hear
- I’ve been saved for over twenty years but yet I’m still struggling. You’ve downloaded some stuff that’s still there from years ago
- So how do you clean a hard drive?
- Sometimes you have to buy a brand new one (be born again)
- Sometimes you have to get new software to clean the old out (holy ghost software cleans the heart with the word) keep hearing and hearing until it cleans out what was there
- It’s All about the soul
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- The mind is the center of the soul. Made of 3 parts. What is your soul? Say it
- The Mind 2. Will 3. Emotions
- Your feelings are in your soul. Your decision-making power is in your soul. Your mind your thinking bank is in your soul. That makes your soul the most important part of your life
- The Bible says he that win souls are wise. Why did Jesus say that, because winning a body is no problem, even winning a spirit can be easy, you can be born again at any second, but winning a soul is a tough job.
- The soul is the mediator between the spirit and the body
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- It’s the most dangerous part of your life. Spirit doesn’t belong to you (that belongs to God). Your body doesn’t belong to you (it’s just dirt) but your soul can dictate to both because it belongs to you.
- This is where the devil is the most busy. Here’s the key to your warfare. He knows he can manipulate it.
- The soul receives from the senses and deposits into the spirit.
- Hearing, seeing, sensing, tasting, touching, feeling go to the soul
- If your soul deposits into your spirit you have to make sure its clean. Take head to what you hear and regulate what you hearing because it will leaven the whole lump (mess up your whole life)
- The spirit reveals through the soul to the body
- Visual: 3 People- Body_Soul_Spirit
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- This is the battle you’re facing every day. The body gets information and takes it and transmits it to the soul, the soul gives it to the spirit when the spirit receives it and then has to deal with information. The problem is once the spirit gets when it wants the body to do something the spirit tells the soul, but the body doesn’t want to do so the soul is in a battle (mental Battle) soul cannot give the spirit what the body didn’t receive. Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. If the Spirit has God in it, it will convict and tell a soul that is not righteousness, the body says no I like how it feels, the soul starts receiving (see the battle) if you walk in the flesh you will do the things of the flesh and now junk is coming in and spirit is being worn down.
- Soul receives, feeds, and rejects. The body can only do what the soul tells it to do, the soul can only do what the spirit tells it to do.
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- Be careful what you listen to, look at, and entertain. Your soul is recording
- There is some stuff stuck in us right now because we haven’t put in new information
4. There is a Purpose with God in all of this.
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- Man is a Spirit that lives in a body that possesses a soul
- Whoever rules the soul, rules the man
- God wants to rule the world through you. You hold the key
- The soul is God’s media for the kingdom/
- I wish above all things that you prosper even as your soul prospers.
- God places the key to prosperity on your soul
- If you’re not prospering in your soul, you are poor in every other area.
- Poor (talk about money) Rich (talk about things), Wealthy (ideas)
- If you’re not gaining the right information you are actually destroying your life
- The Kingdom of God is implanted in the Kingdom of Your Soul. If the Kingdom doesn’t get in your soul, the kingdom can’t enter into the earth. If it never gets into your heart the earth will never see the rulership of God in it. Why things are the way they are?
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- Jesus says repent for the Kingdom is at hand
- The Kingdom of Darkness is part of the soul also
- God is Battling for Your Soul but So is Satan
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- God & Satan is not after your body they are after your soul
- Whoever controls your soul, controls you. We become so religious, so spiritually spooky that weve forgotten where the real battle is. We create demons that don’t even exist. Ex. We speak stuff into existence, We create things in our minds and the real battle is missing. Jesus says my word is spirit, let this mind be in you.
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- 2 kingdoms after your soul: mind, will, and emotions
- What keeps causing you to act the way you do?
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Pulling up old behavior, going back to bad times, Satan has a chain on you. The moment you entertain the thought and the holy ghost is saying no but something keeps pulling you. It’s the enemy of your soul
- Media (medium) is key to the rest of our years (attack through media. Use to be tv now it is Radio, Facebook, Youtube (its not entertainment it’s containment) media means to stand between. Its what stands between the source and the object. It’s the one that decides which receives what. Media means to mediate (Christ is the mediator between God and man) which means If you get information from anywhere else about your life, you don’t have the right message (distorted information)
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- Look at What God said about Caleb and his heart vs. 24
- Don’t back out get in the middle of it. Don’t be of it but you have to get in it.
- God got in it by the word.
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- Created the idea, desire, foundation, creation
- Gen 1 And God Said 3,6,9,11,14,20,24,27
- John 1:3 In the beginning was the word
Notice word is God. Logos: Expression of a thought. In the beginning, was the expression of God’s thoughts, God’s thoughts was God, all things that were made were made by the thoughts of God.
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