Matthew 5:16
in the Lord no matter what
Luke 9:23
in the Lord no matter what and the results with Him
Hebrews 11:35-40
Questions To Consider
1. Has your faith in God ever put you in a “no win” situation? What did you end up doing?
2. Read Daniel 6:1-5
- How does the “Cancel Culture” try to depict the “extraordinary spirit” that followers of Christ display today?
- What are the stereotypes the media depicts of Christians that may be truer than we care to admit?
3. Read Daniel 6:25-28 and Luke 9:23
- What are some practical ways we should live out our faith while we trust God with the results?
- What is one way you can take what you learned from this passage to apply to your life? Who will you tell to help you follow through? When?