by Pastor Mike Wilde
Why we look to Jesus?
We are Curious
We are Committed
We are Conspirators
We are Concerned
The Son of Man came for you that you would come to Him
You must die to self so you can have life in Him
Your decision will determine your destiny
Questions to Consider
- What are the things that typically keep people from following Christ? Which area do you struggle with the most?
- Read vs.1-23. How do the responses of Mary and Judas to Jesus compare with the responses of those in Jerusalem when Jesus came to town?
- Read Psalm 118 and note the references to Jesus as the Messiah. How might that encourage you today as you face the current uncertainties of life?
- Despite what Jesus was saying and doing, many were not believing in Him. Why? Vs.37,38 What keeps people from believing in Jesus today? What are some of the ways in which we can help people know Christ personally?